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Reader says Hillary Clinton and Lester Holt came at Donald Trump last night as a “Tag Team.”

Lester Holt

Hillary Clinton and Lester Holt came at Donald Trump last night as a “Tag Team.” Neither felt bound by the need to tell the truth. Their attacks were self-indulgent and brazen. Holt was supposed to be neutral. Instead, he willingly prostituted himself, probably because he fears being removed from the DC/NY Dem/RINO cocktail party list. Holt saw up close what happened to Matt Lauer’s reputation after Lauer was deemed insufficiently antagonistic toward Trump during the Commander in Chief event a week or so ago, and Holt had no intention of suffering the same fate. Meanwhile, Clinton was a busy beaver, slapping down lie after lie and calmly luxuriating in her “safe space”, confident that Lester Holt would leave unmolested her deceitful edifice. Holt faithfully played the part of the Palace Guard, brazenly challenging Trump for every inch of land he tried to claim. Trump has only just started laying seige to Fort Hillary. He will sharpen his strategy and improve his performance as the debates proceed. Eventually, queen Hillary will be defeated and forced to submit to Trump’s terms. And what a great day that will be.

14 thoughts on “Reader says Hillary Clinton and Lester Holt came at Donald Trump last night as a “Tag Team.”

  1. I did not see it that way at all. Holt tried to get trump to stop talking when it wasn’t his turn. Apparently this is an impossible task for trump. He can’s shut up. Poor debating skills – to go along with poor debate prep.

  2. The questions Holt put to Hillary were total meatballs.

  3. Tuesday, 27 September 2016
    1st Debate: Clinton-Holt Tag Team vs. Trump
    Written by William F. Jasper
    1st Debate: Clinton-Holt Tag Team vs. Trump

    The question in the minds of many critics was whether Holt’s partiality would result in a reprise of the infamous episode of the 2012 presidential debate cycle, in which CNN’s Candy Crowley stepped out of her official moderator role to help President Obama against his debate opponent, Governor Mitt Romney, on the issue of Benghazi and terrorism.
    Lester Holt comes across as a much cooler, calmer, less jarringly partisan moderator than Candy Crowley, which lends an air of legitimacy to claims that he is objective and fair. However, after viewing the debate and reviewing the transcript, it is clear that Holt favored Clinton and leaned on Trump. He stepped over the line into the Clinton camp to challenge Trump on releasing his income taxes, on the issue of stop-and-frisk policing, on race relations, on his opposition to the Iraq War, and on Barack Obama’s birth certificate.
    He did not show any similar interest in asking Hillary Clinton about any of the many issues that are important to millions of American voters: her colossal Benghazi failure and coverup; the millions of dollars, scandalous deals, and conflicts of interest involved with the Clinton Foundation; the national security perils from her “lost” e-mails; her bailouts and sellout to Wall Street; her role (with husband Bill) in selling off America’s uranium to Russia; the cover-up of her medical problems; and much more. Holt’s adversarial probing of Trump would have been legitimate if he had shown a balanced inclination to do the same with Clinton. As it was, his one-sided hammering seemed to throw Trump off balance and help Hillary keep him on the defensive.
    The next debate, to be held at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri on October 9, will be co-hosted by CNN’s Anderson Cooper and ABC’s Martha Raddatz, both of whom are at least as liberal-left and pro-Clinton as Lester Holt. Judging from the just-concluded debate, as well as the history of recent political debates, we can expect that the next matchup will be a three-against-one tag team affair.

  4. I don’t care what Holt did. Truth is Trump is a galactic idiot who will fall for the slightest provocation.. His mouth goes perfectly with his ugly head. Clinton is disgusting too but smarter than this clown. She has the presidency in her pocket. I know I am not voting for either of these bastards.

  5. “Hillary Clinton and Lester Holt came at Donald Trump last night as a “Tag Team.””
    This is how it plays out….
    1. Each candidate declares victory in the debates
    2. Press lauds Clinton (presidential, heroic, prepared, ad nauseum) and eviscerates Trump (idiot, unprepared, out of control, unfit to be president, ad nauseum)
    3. Trump gets a bump in the immediate post debate polls
    4. Media and pundits discount these polls and point out how they are inaccurate and flawed.
    5. More polls from “respected sources” over the next few weeks still show a Trump bump
    6. Much hand wringing, panic and threats to leave the country amongst the liberal elite if Trump becomes president .
    7. Increase in anti-Trump reporting in the media.
    8. Trump ultimately prevails in November.
    9. Obama pardons a record number of criminals and signs a record number of executive orders before January 20th.
    10. Liberals break promises to leave the country.
    11. The really vicious Trump attacks start and last for 8 years.

  6. Al questions for trump were difficult. He proudly did not prep for the biggest job interview. Maybe because he never had to apply for a job.

    Monday night after the debate he said it went well. As reality began creeping in on Tuesday he became angrier. He had no idea how bad he did till he saw the reviews. In show biz you always check the reviews.

    He Tried to continue the debate on fox news in the morning. Adding more crazy to his answers from the night before. INDEPENDENTpolls gave the win to Hillary.

    I will be surprised if he shows up at the next debate. HE MAY TAKE HIS MARBLES AND GO HOME.

  7. Trump came to the debate totally unprepared and it showed.

  8. 5:53am, you are experiencing cognitive dissonance. Go back to bed, clear your mind, and get some more sleep. When you get up, go into the kitchen and pour yourself a big bowl of….LIVE FROM NEW YORK, IT’S PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP!!!

    1. First inauguration of George Washington. The first inauguration of George Washington as the first President of the United States took place on April 30, 1789.On this day in 1789, George Washington is sworn in as the first American president and delivers the first inaugural speech at Federal Hall in New York City

  9. 8:04. If you disagree with something then say why. Your response had no purpose.

  10. Just ask yourself what a Supreme Court appointed by Trump would look like and whether you would want them making federal law for 40 years. That’s all anyone has to ask.

    1. so its OK to cheat and lie ?

  11. STABLER: shit
    BENSON: what is it elliot
    STABLER: we’re gonna lose this case
    BENSON: why?
    STABLER: it’s judge Very Against Police

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