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Reader says Ridgewood News only covers one Council member, Jeff Voight


Ridgewood News only covers one Council member, Jeff Voight. That ought to tell you something. JV is front and center in every video, photo and news story. It’s very apparent that they are no longer a newspaper. The Ridgewood News is a public relations platform catering to a select group who share the same personal agendas. The same applies to the highly censored Facebook page, Ridgewood Mom and Dads. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- Thank Good for this blog and two worthy community Facebook pages, It takes a Ridgewood Village and Ridgewood Moms and Dads with FREE SPEECH.

6 thoughts on “Reader says Ridgewood News only covers one Council member, Jeff Voight

  1. If it weren’t for the relatively uncontrolled social media outlets in Ridgewood there would be no ready way to get important, truthful information about the village that certain people, some of whom would number themselves among the elite, would just as soon be kept under wraps (because the truth is not pretty for them). Just as the house organ local rag The Ridgewood News is publicly dissolving into nothingness like the Wicked Witch of the West did at the end of the Wizard of Oz, we are fortunate to have more realistic and reliable sources like beginning to mature. As erstwhile felon Martha Stewart would say, that’s a good thing!

  2. Here fixed thet fer ya:
    “Ridgewood News only covers for one Council member, Jeff Voight.”

  3. Agree 1000%. RW News and Kim’s Facebook page should be boycotted.

  4. 12:35 pm “the grammar police’ who get very frustrated if posts have a spelling or grammar error. They can only focus on the mistake and miss the whole point. Lighten up, times are changing, get with the times. It’s social media, not a legal brief.

  5. Hey 1:15pm…
    12:35 was not making a grammar correction.
    12:35 was pointing out how the RW News does not just report on (cover) Voight, but runs supportive biased articles to promote and defend (cover for) him..
    Sounds like you are the one hung up on grammar and pettiness and are frustrated and “making the mistake and missing the whole point”.
    I’d advise you to brush up in the subtleties of the English langue before responding to posts on the blog in the future.

  6. Voigt is always kanoodling with the reporter for The Ridgewood News and The Record. It is pitiful. Guess what, Voigt, no one likes you, regardless of how much you get your name in the paper. Get it? Got it. Done.

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