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>Reader wonders, "Why does the Ridgewood district fear success so thoroughly?"

>The Ridgewood district could literally flip a switch and begin providing a math curriculum of a quality comparable to that of the private and catholic schools mentioned above.

What are they so afraid of?

The Ridgewood district is blatantly giving the cold shoulder to math talented kids. But if the same child was as talented with the violin, we would see nothing but encouragement for the child to develop mastery at the earliest age possible. What gives? What’s so acceptable about bad math versus bad music?

With all due respect to the virtuoso instrumentalists among us, exactly who is landing high-paying jobs with great benefits and fat annual bonuses these days based on their musical talent?

Why does the Ridgewood district fear success so thoroughly? What motivates them to identify that which is the polar opposite of what is in its non-remedial math students’ best interests, implement that lousy option, and then stick with its crummy decision so assiduously, come hell or high water?


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