file photo by Boyd Loving
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, The Ridgewood Department of Parks and Recreation is currently accepting applications for seasonal part-time positions with the Summer Day Camp as well as Graydon Pool.
The Summer Day Camp program will be held from June 26th through August 4th. Available positions include: Head Counselor and Assistant Counselors. All applicants must commit to the full six weeks of the entire camp program as well as pre-camp training dates.
The Graydon Pool season will operate daily this summer from June 3rd to September 4th. Seasonal full-time and part-time positions to be filled: Lifeguards, Maintenance Attendants, Security and Badge Attendants and Concession Counter help.
Concession Attendant applications will be forwarded to the Water’s Edge Café concessionaire for consideration. Lifeguards must provide certification with their application. Interested candidates without certification may still apply but must have a basic lifeguarding certification (and receive waterfront training on site)
Mandatory staff meetings will be required along with Bloodborne Pathogen training for all seasonal hires. CPR/AED certification may also apply.
Applicants must be at least 16 years of age and will be considered for experience, interests, and accomplishments. Working papers are required for those under the age of 18 and may be obtained in the main office of all local high schools.
Pay rates vary based on positions and years of service
Lifeguards start at $19/hr
Day Camp Counselors start at $13/hr
Pool Maintenance starts at $14/hr
Parks Laborers start at $14/hr
Swim Lesson Instructors and Swim Teach Coaches start at $100/week
Those interested in applying are asked to complete a seasonal application with the Parks and Recreation Department. An electronic application is available on the Recreation homepage at www.ridgewoodnj.net/recreation or www.ridgewoodnj.net/graydon. Individuals seeking administrative/managerial positions are required to submit a resume and letter.
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How about yard waste workers.
Hopefully they have enough staffing this year
They usually hire six employees for yard waste . Does anyone know when yard waste starts.
read your calender
How much is the pay for yard waste
Did you put the supervisors on the back of these trucks? Give them some exercise, because boy or boy some of them aren’t bad shape. Some of them will never ever pass a fit for duty test. You know who, they will be sucking wind.
They should rotate every employee.
The pay ? Call them up.
What’s the number to call for yard waste job.
I never received my calendar. And then again last year‘s calendar was all screwed up once again. So sometimes don’t even bother. I’ll just look out the window and see what my neighbors doing. I’ll just throw it in the street.
Hopefully they have full staffing, because we don’t need any more $13 million lawsuit at the pool. Right.
They should put that fat ass on the back of the truck, so just maybe he can burn off some hotdogs.