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5 Reasons Your Business Needs an IT Administrator

network solutions

There are all kinds of things an IT administrator, sometimes shortened as admin, can do for a business entity. You might have an IT staff if you have many IT resources, but an admin has a particular job. They maintain and configure a business’s enterprise software, security systems, networks, servers, and computers.

If that is not quite enough to convince you that your company needs an admin, we have several more reasons why you should consider creating a permanent IT administrator position for your business. Let’s dive into those right now.

They Optimize Your IT Infrastructure for Greater Productivity

In a survey back in April of last year, 66% of IT professionals said they felt overwhelmed at work. That is not surprising. The pandemic has caused all kinds of additional stress for IT pros who work for a single company.

Having an admin in charge of your IT who can relegate assignments and oversee what your company does with its information technology can definitely come in handy. The proper admin can optimize your IT infrastructure so that you’ll take some of the stress off of the rest of the staff. They can also set up all your IT resources so that your employees can easily get as much work done as possible every day.

They Can Prevent Technical Issues

An IT admin can come in and look over all your IT systems to see if they notice any obvious vulnerabilities, redundancies, and so forth. Your admin should be up to date on any new IT best practices. They can fix any obvious problems with your IT resources and hopefully make it easier for you to conduct your day-to-day operations.

Your admin can talk to your IT department and encourage them to get out ahead of any problems they foresee on the horizon. They can mobilize your team to avoid IT issues before they become too serious, instead of waiting to see whether they will fix themselves.

They Will Make Your System More Reliable

Virtually every business needs some IT help from time to time. The problem with how some companies approach their IT is that they wait until there is a serious IT-related breakdown before they try to fix it.

The reason so many individuals in the IT industry feel overworked or overloaded is that they’re always scrambling to put out fires when something goes wrong with a software suite or one of your servers. It’s far better to put an admin in charge who can identify problems before they escalate.

You can discuss long-term goals with your admin. They can try to set up your systems not just so they work well today but so you can move into new stages for your company when you feel the time is right.

Cyberthreat Protection

Cyberthreats are out there, waiting. Hackers are always coming up with new and more creative ways to try and penetrate your company’s defenses. It’s an admin’s job to know about the latest techniques that hackers use and to take concrete steps to block these attacks.

Your admin can arrange for your company to do data penetration testing every few months. They can either do it themselves, or they can hire a company to run some simulations where they try and hack into your system.

This is a way you can tell how well your admin and the IT team behind them have set up your IT systems to repel brute-force attacks and more subtle hacking methods. They can look at the test’s results and patch any system weaknesses.

Hiring an Admin is Cost-Effective

If you decide not to hire an admin, there is no one officially in charge of your whole IT department. That lack of a command chain can lead to some general confusion when certain situations materialize.

You might have to bring in outside, specialized IT help if the individuals you have on staff face an IT crisis they don’t know how to handle. Getting someone in IT to come in and put out a fire when something goes wrong enables this individual to charge you top dollar. You can easily blow your whole IT budget for the month or quarter this way.

Hiring an admin who can handle these flare-ups or prevent them before they happen will often save you money. A freelancer might feel like they can overcharge you if they see you’re dealing with a frozen network or a data breach in progress.


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