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6 Ways to Resolve Legal Issues During a Global Pandemic

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These are unusual times where your personal and business matters have all taken a hit as a result of the events occurring globally. Your legal case and issues are no different and in most scenarios have been affected in terms of postponement to indefinite times. If you are caught in a legal situation that you are unsure of how to resolve, there are a few things that you should learn about and consider in order to explore all the options you have. It is in your best interest to take your time and develop your understanding to best suit your needs.


There are many methods to resolve legal issues during a global pandemic. A lot of these methods involve some form of settlement to agree upon so that your dispute is resolved outside of court. The first method of settlement involves negotiation. Negotiations can take place anywhere outside a court and before a case trial between two parties that have a dispute with each other. The goal is to arrive at a settlement agreement that is accepted by both parties. These negotiations can be done where each party speaks on their own behalf or has legal representation to do their talking and negotiating. It is highly advisable that prior to sitting down for these negotiations that you seek legal advice and the services of lawyers. The experts at Fighter Law recommend that you properly assess your case and your needs for representation. In most cases, you can get a free consultation prior to help determine your needs. Once a settlement has been reached, you will need to understand the settlement agreements, which again is where a legal representative would be beneficial for their counsel or guidance.


Mediation is another form of resolution of legal issues that will result in settlement similar to negotiation. Like negotiations, both parties with an argument or dispute will try to come to a resolution. Unlike negotiations, it requires that the presence of a third party be unbiased. These meetings involve the two disputing parties and an impartial third party is prioritized to come to a mutual agreement, with the mediator playing a role that doesn’t benefit either side over the other, but equally. They will meet the parties separately to discuss their desired outcomes and their respective arguments and will try to help them find a solution collectively. Lawyers or attorneys are permitted for advice but are not needed in such meetings.


Arbitration is a legal process done similarly to settlements as it is resolved in private. However, there is an impartial party played by an individual or group that will unbiasedly listen to them and learn the arguments of both parties and come to a conclusion for the settlement. Unlike a court case where the judging party must be a law practitioner or selected with the oversight of a judge, arbitrators do not have to be a judge or a lawyer for that matter. Acting arbitrators may be selected under agreed-upon requirements by both parties that fulfill certain criteria such as education, profession, legal understanding, and experience. Of course, these are not set requirements and those that are selected as acting arbitrators can do so with other qualities such as character and reputation.

Collaborative Law

Collaborative Law involves measures taken from previous methods of settlement and arbitration and combines them. Within this realm of law, representatives, and lawyers for their respective parties will take their client’s arguments and try to find a solution that is agreeable to all parties. This method uses the representation common in negotiations, but instead of using techniques and strategies to come to an outcome that is absolutely beneficial for your party, the approach is more similar to that of the mediation strategy. A mediator may still be implemented in these proceedings, but not always necessary if the process or outcome is truly collaborative.

Video Hearings and Trials

During a global pandemic, certain practices need to change and adjust. This is true for many aspects of society and the legal system is no different. With everything that is going on, legal proceedings and court cases have been put on pause or had to deal with many delays. In order to address the current situation within the legal system, many have taken to making changes and adjustments with some cases being overheard through video conferencing technology. If your local court has made these adjustments, and you are looking to expedite the process of your case, it is worth looking into to have trials performed through this method. Similar to the practices within the court, the steps will occur similarly in how you present your case and information. You will still have lawyers representing you, but everything will be done in a social distancing manner for the safety of all parties.


Of course, regardless of how practices can adapt, it is not always feasible for everyone to make these adjustments. In most cases, if you are looking to resolve your legal issues, it will require certain practices that cannot be replicated or made to be flexible. In such circumstances, you have to be patient, along with others whose cases have been put on hold. In these events, you can take the time to go over the information and be better equipped and prepared to represent your side of the argument. Utilizing the time you have to better strengthen your arguments or find new perspectives and approaches can help develop an increased chance of success.

With a global crisis, it will take some time to get things back to normal. However, with governments slowly opening up and lifting restrictions, you will be able to address matters that need your attention. It will take time as you shift through the different phases, but you can choose to use that time wisely. Whether by educating yourself on different options or trying to ensure that you have all the information you need for your success, you play an active role in helping resolve your legal cases through this trying time.

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