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78-year old Driver and a 10-year old Passenger Injured in a Late Sunday afternoon Crash on Paramus Road

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook Page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ, the 78-year old driver of a Honda SUV and a 10-year old passenger were injured in a late Sunday afternoon, 07/02 crash on Paramus Road near Alpine Drive in Paramus. The driver lost control of the vehicle while heading southbound on Paramus Road and struck a utility pole head on. The child’s mother was also a passenger in the vehicle; she was uninjured. A Paramus EMS ambulance transported the 78-year old to a local hospital. The child was treated on scene and released. A Chevy Equinox was also involved in the crash. Both occupants of that vehicle were uninjured. The Honda and Chevy were both removed from the scene by a flatbed tow truck. One (1) summons was issued to the Honda driver for careless driving.

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4 thoughts on “78-year old Driver and a 10-year old Passenger Injured in a Late Sunday afternoon Crash on Paramus Road

  1. Careless Driving with a 10 year old in the car ?

  2. At 78 years old, pretty much any driving is careless driving.

    1. If you look at the actual data, the much higher accident rates are the people in their first 1-3 years of driving. This is why their insurance rates are higher.

      1. It’s seemingly a good point, however, people in their first “1-3 years of driving” represent a far larger percentage of the population than those who still insist on driving well into their dotage. It’s obvious to everyone that as people age their sight, hearing, and reflexes are far, far less acute, and that operating dangerous machinery under unpredictable circumstances is tremendously problematic at best, and potentially life-threatening at … well, you get the point. And if you really, really want to dig into the data, the demographic likely to be involved in crashes more than any other age group (including young drivers) is 70-plus. The driver in the present case is 78.

        So, nice try, pawpaw. Stay off the damn road, OK?

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