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A Small Number of Young People in Ridgewood Suddenly Test Positive for COVID-19


photo courtesy of Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, in the latest E-Notice from the Village Manager Heather Mailander said that a small number of young people in Ridgewood recently tested positive for COVID-19. The close contacts of these individuals will be notified to allow for  self-quarantine and  symptom monitoring for fourteen days.

Although the number of COVID-19 positive cases in Ridgewood, and New Jersey, remains low, we must continue our efforts to mitigate the impact of the  COVID-19 pandemic.We urge everyone to remain vigilant, continue to follow the proper protocols of wearing masks in public and at social gatherings,  practicing social distancing by staying at least 6 feet apart, and washing hands frequently.

A Village-wide community effort will  help to keep our families, friends, and neighbors safe and well.Please help Ridgewood combat Covid19 by sharing this message forward on personal social media pages, via email, text,  and by calling neighbors.

Whats could it possibly be,  perhaps the COVID19 virus can not distinguish between a “protest” and a “social gathering” as we have been lead to believe . The ‘word is however that all RHS sports practices have been cancelled effective tomorrow.

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22 thoughts on “A Small Number of Young People in Ridgewood Suddenly Test Positive for COVID-19

  1. How convenient. The NJEA president probably called an audible. Ordered up three under-eighteen COVID positive tests, over easy.

  2. A little more information would help us to understand how we might be able to protect ourselves. What was the age group, how many new infections, and where might they have contracted the virus. Also some of those table that are set up for outdoor dining are way to close. In some cases if you are trying to walk past them you are no more then 2 to 3 feet away from them. SMH.

  3. Reportedly, an RHS athletic coach and multiple RHS team members tested positive. Nothing to do with the recent BLM rallies.

  4. I think we need more info on this story first

  5. I was told that the infections were traced back to a party. Interestingly, on July 4th we could hear voices from what sounded like a very large group at a nearby home. Add a pool which challenges mask use and alcohol…

  6. Drove by a ton of unmasked teens hanging out after dark on the street that overlooks NYC in ridgewood. Could be why.

  7. word is there are a group of recent graduates connected to this group that are threatening the safety of the 2020 RHS Party/Prom Tuesday night

  8. On a witch hunt? Calling out a specific resident, as if the only one in town that hosted a graduation party? No class.

  9. I’m not trying to scare anyone. But the numbers are climbing again in New Jersey. All the southern states were laughing at us back in April. Now they are shitting in their pants. If those numbers come very high again in New Jersey the shits gonna hit the fan again. Get prepared because I don’t know about you I do not wanna get sick. Wash your hands

  10. I live in Ridgewood and have worked with a mask on for 5 months working around hundred of people I don’t know. When I do pass through town all I see is people without masks, kids on bikes, and parents with their children!!! If you want to stay well wear masks, make your children wear masks and wash your hands. You don’t this virus through osmosis!!!

  11. I live in Ridgewood and have worked with a mask on for 5 months working around hundreds of people I don’t know. When I do pass through town all I see is people without masks, kids on bikes, and parents with their children!!! If you want to stay well wear masks, make your children wear masks and wash your hands. You don’t get this virus through osmosis!!!

  12. Mask up….it’s pretty simple.

  13. Maybe parents should have some accountability and not allow their unmasked preteens/teens to congregate outside Starbucks all day?

    Spreading corona is probably a bigger health safety crisis right now than the homeless guy being homeless

  14. Everyone is afraid to say no to their kids. If some kids are allowed to attend a party, they all want to go. The parents should get together and decide what is safe and stick to it.

  15. The snark in this post about being “lead to believe” something about transmission distinction between protest vs. social gathering seems really unnecessary. Spread is about in/outdoors, masks, distances, and time of exposure. No one said anything about protests.

  16. Gojjng to happen sooner or later. To all that are scared stay home or keep away it’s that simple. Everyone told us masks were useless unless they were n95. When you fast can you still smell it? Equal that to covid . The cheap masks are pointless.

  17. Our school system wants to open and our so called educator had the kids show up for practice knowing well about COVID and we are going to send our kids to school that pledges to keep it safe. We had to sign a waiver for prom….will the school districts mandate us to sign a release to not hold them responsible if our kid gets COVID? Please tell me how this all makes sense? Soccer coach and athletic director….should be held accountable

  18. Sure, let’s completely ignore the numerous July 4th BBQs, parties, and restaurant openings to blame protests for the “small number” of new Covid cases. Fun fact: no one was led to believe protesters are immune to the virus; perhaps protesters believe speaking out against racism and police brutality is worth the risk. And it’s clear that some people are willing to risk their health to attend parties and visit restaurants merely to escape boredom.

  19. Attention Ridgewood and Glen Rock parents of tweens and teens. Lots of kids are congregating at typical hangout spots (CVS, Starbucks, parks) and none are wearing masks. They all have them and use them when they go into a store, but not around their buddies or other people who pass by. It’s on you to know where your kids are and what they’re doing.

  20. Many towns are shutting down sports.

  21. Good try…to associate this with a subliminal message about Black lives matter and no info and no real facts.

  22. Um….let’s think. Maybe the overwhelming number of graduation parties, summer BBQs and restaurant openings. Kids running all over town hanging out without masks. Come on people. The governor relaxes the rules because numbers are down and we all behave like the virus never happened. It seems to me that we’re going to end up right back where we were in April if we don’t smarten up a bit. Wear your masks and say no to your kids.

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