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A String of Home Break ins Reported in Ridgewood and Neighboring Glen Rock

ridgewood police

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, local residents claim there have been a string of break-ins in the Old Country Club section of Ridgewood in recent months. The latest were 2 burglaries on McKinley Place this past Friday evening around 6pm.

Glen Rock has had a number of burglaries in the area on Lincoln Avenue as well.

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23 thoughts on “A String of Home Break ins Reported in Ridgewood and Neighboring Glen Rock

  1. There also have been home break-ins in the neighborhood near N Monroe just past the Woman’s Club of Ridgewood. 2 neighbors have informed us of the burglaries while they were out of town in recent weeks. My question is why these events are not publicized in the Ridgewood Police Blotter? It would be helpful for residents to know what is going on in their own neighborhoods. I am not asking that they reveal personal details like exact address or what was taken, but some general details and alerting the neighbors, especially the elderly neighbors would be beneficial to all.

    1. I agree that it should be published information
      Also its 2024.
      get cameras and a monitered alarm system (and dont forget to turn it on)

    2. Very disturbing but sadly you’re on your own. The police would rather not publicize these events because these things simply don’t happen in Ridgewood. You’ll be lucky if incidents like these even get officially reported. For years, and not just here, police departments have been incentivized not to take reports for purposes of artificially keeping crime statistics down. It’s been true for minor incidents all the way up to felonies, which are sometimes misclassified as misdemeanors, etc. But don’t forget to salute that thin blue line.

      1. Correct.
        Keep the Ridgewood Lie alive!

      2. source please.

        1. You can start with a NYT’s article titled “Police Tactic: Keeping Crime Reports Off Books”, probably behind a paywall now but just search for the title and I’m sure some other sites have it re-posted.

          For something scholarly see
          Silverman & Eterno (2010). The NYPD’s Compstat: compare statistics
          or compose statistics? International Journal of Police Science & Management, 12 (3).

    3. I live on highland ave, ridgewood NJ and our family had an attempted home invasion. We called 911 and police officer (one) showed up 35 minutes later. They did not ask for my statement, handcuffed the man and took him to Bergen pines. No follow up from officers nor a reason why officers in a small town would not find that to be an emergency response. I wonder if it was filed as criminal activity in ridgewood crime statistics. Two weeks later, our Range Rover was stolen and no one seemed to care. The main point is the police department and the pivotal communication of alarm with the specific neighborhoods where the crimes occurred should have taken place.

      1. Sorry to hear that Eileen. If they didn’t take your statement then only one side of the story ended up in the report if they even made one, and it was the criminal’s.

  2. Its easy to go back to paterson on lincoln ave after collecting reparations so not a surprise that area is vulnerable

  3. As long as pinochijoe is in office, crime will worsen. Vote Trump!

    1. I am sure a vote for Trump will impact burglaries in Ridgewood

      1. It certainly will when he shuts down the border.

  4. I’m voting for Trump.

    1. Me, too. He is clearly going to win if he runs and the Left knows this. They will continue to interfere with the will of the people by politically weaponizing the judicial system with these endless charges. It’s disgraceful and so apparent. The Left is gifting the election to Trump by aggravating the population with such obvious BS. You got that imbecile in last time under the cover of Covid.

      1. Election rules vary by state. Citizens are petitioning their local government. This is America and they have the right.

    2. You didn’t learn your lesson the first time, eh?

      1. What lesson would that be? If you avoided the likes of CNN, then things were great.

    3. Mexico paid for the wall. It just went away. The noise from windmills causes cancer.



  5. Get used to this. Ridgewood as part of B County is transforming into a city and city problems is what we will get. Time to reap what you sow through your voting in the last local and federal election cycles. Say farewell to the suburban life. Don’t think border problems are too far from here.
    Open your eyes and change your voting habits. In RW the “educated” class is so utterly gullible and ignorant. Vote for policies instead of people. Vote for what they do instead of what they say. But I know this is too hard for libs.
    Now they will tell you to install cameras, multiple locks, home alarms as if this is what normal places are like. This is their standard of normalcy.

    1. perpetuating the Ridgewood stereotype I see. Well done sir/madam.

      1. You can call it whatever you want but these are facts. Voting stats don’t lie. It takes a special type of stupid to vote en block, repeatedly for same party and under a very strong herd mentality. Change it for once, you won’t get lost without the herd. Worst that will happen is nothing will change and you can back to voting blue for another couple of generations.

        1. After the election, I learned my mother voted for Biden 2020 in spite of the fact she pasted away in 2010.

          1. Bullshit.

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