the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, In an effort to create a balanced, stable, and cost-effective energy mix in New Jersey, today Affordable Energy for New Jersey (AENJ) released its energy policy whitepaper, Energizing Our Economy. The whitepaper aims to create a productive dialogue with state leaders to discuss how New Jersey can use energy infrastructure investment to kickstart our economic recovery from the COVID-19 recession and keep energy costs manageable for residents in the long term.
With environmental groups advocating for policy that would completely do away with affordable energy sources, such as clean natural gas, AENJ is aiming to debunk the myths and show state leaders and residents that we cannot rely solely on sources like solar and wind, and clean natural gas must be a part of our energy mix in the future.
“Affordable, reliable energy investments are essential for New Jersey’s economic recovery plan, and right now state policy misses the mark,” said AENJ Executive Director Ron Morano. “This document is meant to be a roadmap for policymakers, highlighting that investing in our energy infrastructure gives our economy the boost it needs, while keeping energy costs affordable for all.”
Energizing Our Economy evaluates the current energy policy based on the administration’s proposals made before the impacts of COVID-19; it also highlights changes that need to be made post-COVID-19 to keep our economy afloat. As it stands, the administration’s energy policies – including the Energy Master Plan – will result in higher costs for residents and businesses and worse reliability. Throughout its analysis, the whitepaper takes a deep dive into the cost debate taking place throughout our state as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and outlines the steps and policy changes we must make to avoid high energy costs becoming a large part of the problem.
“Now more than ever it is critical to invest in our energy systems to create jobs and spur our economy,” Morano added. “Ensuring we have a diverse energy portfolio will decrease volatility and increase supply, both of which lower costs for all of us.”
The key to economic recovery is letting businesses open.
Also try cutting taxes and lifting opressive regulations…
If you want affordable energy make sure it’s only natural gas and oil. Solar energy will increase your costs by 30% and it DOESNT WORK. Look at California. They have intentional blackouts becuase the nuts went solar. AND IT”S ALWAYS SUNNY THERE!!!!
And while you’re at it, watch Michael Moore-produced new film The Planet Human on his youtube channel.
It basically refutes everything he ever said about going green. He admits none of it is viable.