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Allendale Police Officers Save Choking Victim

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photo courtesy of Allendale Police Departement

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Allendale NJ, Allendale Mayor Ari Bernstein ,”So proud to be standing with Officers Helmer and Hubbard in front of Mezzaluna Bistro tonight. Our hometown heroes saved a life this evening. A patron from Park Ridge was choking and our officers sprang into action, performing CPR to revive her. Thank you to Allendale Police for everything you do!”

3 thoughts on “Allendale Police Officers Save Choking Victim

  1. A huge BRAVO to these heroes! There is nothing more precious than a human life.

  2. Great job boys.

  3. If you are choking at a restaurant do not hide in the bathroom where no one can see you!

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