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American Legion Post 53 Reconsiders Gold Star Monument Donation to Ridgewood


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,at the December 7th Village Public workshop two members of the Village Council continue to take issue with the Gold Star Monument donated by the American Legion Post 53. Apparently 2 council members Pamela Perron and Paul Vagianos either don’t like veterans or their judgement is clouded by their own agenda .

The pair continue to move the goal posts on the American Legion Post 53 Gold Star donation trying to require ridiculous obstacles . So ridiculous in fact the Ridgewood blog has learned that the Legion is now considering withdrawing   their generous donation .

This comes on the heels of years of the Village making every effort not to publicize both the Veterans day service and the Memorial service hosted by American Legion Post 53.

Pamela Perron Deputy Mayor
Paul Vagianos Councilman


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23 thoughts on “American Legion Post 53 Reconsiders Gold Star Monument Donation to Ridgewood

  1. It’s all about the both of them wanting to have this be approved after Susan Knudsen leaves office so she can’t take any credit for it. How small minded of them both.

  2. Vagianos and Perron are an embarrassment to Ridgewood. So small minded and petty

  3. I would be concerned that the Mayor actually designed the monument and not a professional? Why not have a professionally designed monument to show the level of respect these brave men and women deserve?

    1. please stop the stupid greedy BS , the two council people should not be using the American legion as a personal ATM

    2. The legion spokesperson said it was their design concept. They probably need before signing a contract to build.

      Peron and Vagianos were terrible.

  4. Politics at its worst.

  5. Design was conceptualized by the American Legion vets. Mayor Knudsen simply took their idea and drafted it for them.

    1. SK is unqualified to draft monuments. overstepping as usual.

      1. There are qualifications?

  6. Vagianos and Perron are United in their great dislike of Susan. It is sickening how driven they are to knock down anything – ANYTHING- that she favors. Decisions should not be made based on pettiness. The legion members got caught in this stupid war. We all lose.

  7. These people are disgusting

  8. The American Legion should remember what these 2 elected officials are doing. Come next Veteran Day no councilperson should be allowed to give a speech let alone sit in a place of honor . From now on the Village Council should be seated in the crowed behind the veterans.

  9. Gonna be quite interesting when the wicked witch soccer mom gets on the dais

  10. You know it’s amazing how the dirty politics works in the village. It’s embarrassing. Why is there always some kind of conflict in town. Do you know when you go over the border to neighboring towns they all badmouth us. No one wants to deal with the village in any which way, why is that I’ve been hearing that for 40 years. And I would just listen and keep my mouth shut because I didn’t know or maybe I just didn’t understand. We have a very large family in town and we just never got involved with politics, now that I’m getting older I understand why my family never got involved with politics in town. We just paid our taxes follow the laws and never had a problem. Is it that hard for both sides to come together and straighten out all this nonsense.

  11. Vagianos hates Knudsen. It appears he doesn’t know much.
    Perron’s vandalism comment was dumb.

  12. This new mayor better not sweep shit under the rug in village hall like in past. There was dirty stuff going in with a few top brass in village hall. A few should of been gone.

  13. On one hand I think it’s great that our hardworking Mayor took time out of her busy schedule to create a rendering of the monument design. On the other hand I have to ask myself, is that her expertise? I want to know that this monument will weather the elements, aesthetically fit in the surroundings, and be well designed. Why not have a professional weigh in on this important monument? Also, can we see the design?

  14. You know what’ See ya

  15. Put simply, this is about Gold Star Families, not anyone on the council. The monument should reflect that level of dignity. Susan is not an artist nor an architect. Many communities have similar initiatives that include both artistic input and architectural integrity. Why doesn’t everyone put their money where their mouth is and donate to the cause and erect something in the park worthy of the cause with no argument or dissent!

    1. Yes its only a good idea if certain council members can make money off it

    2. And the monument is designed by the american legion the village just installs it no need for silly BS stories

  16. Baba buoy Baba buoy

  17. Paul Vag…
    That says it all right there.
    This guy is the ultimate Creep.

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