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the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, recent posts in Facebook groups on the Knights of Columbus fund raiser for children with disabilities , once again turned into a bigoted diatribe of attacks on the organization , The Knights of Columbus raises thousands from very generous folks driving through town for this “Shake the Can” fundraiser. Of which 100% goes straight to charity.
Ever since the the infamous ,“Hans Lehmann letter ”. For those of you who are new to the Village , the “Hans Lehmann letter ” was an anti Catholic diatribe sent out in support by the Alexandra Harwin for Council campaign in 2018 . The anti Catholic tirade failed, Harwin spent $40,135 and lost.
The despicable letter was written by Hans-Jurgen Lehmann, one time Chairman of the Board of Adjustment and husband of Jan Phillps . “In what can now be only considered pure smear campaign , filled with lies. The letter goes on maligning not only a the mayors character but attacks Catholics from Our Lady of Mount Carmel and our Catholic school and Jamboree as well.
None of the accusations proved true. in one example, the flyer says that former Mayor Susan Knudsen accepted a $25000 prize from an organization with a vested interest in the parking garage. Clearly they were referring to OLMC, yet the raffle was not held by OLMC, but by another church in Glen Rock. Further, at a recent candidate coffee, a Ridgewood resident (who didn’t seem to know former Mayor Knudsen) stated that he was the organizer of the raffle and there was no way that it could have been “fixed”.
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I saw the anonymous Facebook post and was happy to see so many people defending the Knights. I didn’t read it to be anti-Catholic, but it was ignorant. One just needs to do about 2 minutes of research to find out what this Knights Council has done for the disabled and elderly in our community, not to mention scholarships for RHS students. The anonymous poster was schooled for sure!
Facebook is a cancer. It’s best to delete the App.
I read the post and didn’t find it to be anti Catholic. The poster was a little tone deaf but not comparable to Lehman and Phillips.
Public trust in Ridgewood is becoming non-existent. I blame the current Council majority and Village Manger for being the straw that broke the camels back.
I have to agree with you on this point. This current majority council, with the exception of Lorraine Reynolds, is a toxic bunch who make up their own rules as they go along. Bullies get away with assault with no ramifications, I liken it to the Trump administration where bad behavior is ignored when it fits their narrative. They should be ashamed of themselves.
Could you please share exactly what was said in the Facebook Post , and whether it was public or private posts? The article spends more space on what happened 5 years ago rather than detailing what just transpired. Please detail so readers can make their own opinion.
The Ridgewood Moms and Dads facebook page is controlled by Siobahn Winograd and Steve Friedes who can control the narrative and oftentimes shut conversations down if it doesn’t fit their agenda. it is a private, invitation only group.
‘Siobahn’ is a very Irish name…so why is she anti-Catholic ?
She’s protestant? You’ve heard of “The Troubles” have you not?
I am running for Ridgewood Village Council to be an engaged and independent voice for the residents of this great village.
Vote for me — Siobhan Winograd — an independent voice for Ridgewood.
that is in line with the current administration and the entire democratic party
Do you know what this crew doesn’t intimidate me, I just laugh at them all and tell them talk to my attorney.
One would have had to have read this item on Facebook to have any idea what you are talking about. James, you usually do a great job with background. What happened?
Ah Slobagain Box o Wineograd. The ultimate Ridgewood Betty.