the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal announced today that more than 200 Deputy Attorneys General (DAsG) will be assigned throughout the state on Election Day, November 6, to help ensure a fair election, and to assist county election officials in resolving any voting-related legal issues that may arise.
According to Attorney General Grewal, DAsG from the Division of Law will be stationed in each of the state’s 21 counties to handle any court applications, and to provide timely legal advice to County Superintendents of Election and Boards of Election. The DAsG will be on duty from the time the polls open until they close.
“Voting is one of the linchpins of our democracy, and we take seriously our role in making sure the rights of those eligible to vote are protected,” said Attorney General Grewal. “As our office has done in the past, we will be stationing attorneys throughout the state to ensure the integrity of our election. Our attorneys will be on hand to help resolve any voting-related legal issues that might arise, and to ensure these issues are resolved promptly and fairly.”
The Attorney General explained that it is a criminal offense to solicit or electioneer voters within a “protective zone” as they enter or exit a polling location. The “protective zone” extends 100 feet from the outside entrance of any polling site. Attempts to interfere with voters within this zone are usually handled by law enforcement officers from the appropriate agency.
Any person who believes his or her right to vote has been interfered with, or who wishes to report other voting-related problems or concerns, can call the state’s Voter Information and Assistance line toll-free at 1-877-NJVOTER. Members of the public also can direct election-related questions to their County Superintendent of Elections and county Board of Elections. A list of county-level election office contacts, as well as other useful elections-related information, can be found on the New Jersey Division of Elections Web site at www.NJElections.org.