the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, the proposed 40 ft Digital LED Billboard in Ridgewood. MEETING MAY 10!!! Village Hall-Zoning Board Tuesday, May 10, 2022 7:30PM If possible, please attend to oppose and share this message with other residents. Details of application and exhibits presented are on the Village website.

Outfront Media LLC, 500 Route 17 South
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Drive by one of these at night and ask yourself if its appropriate for Ridgewood. Beware the slippery slope.
Interesting thought but its useless unless your driving by.
I DO have a suggestion in case anyone is listening. It IS important to rapidly get out information to residents in an emergency such as a lost child, or certain things like street closings on major roads (so we can plan and avoid). The community where i have a summer house does a great job via text messages. You opt-in and get immediate info when necessary. The email blasts we get from Village hall are appropriate for things like the new tree ordinance or xmas tree lighting or parking rules.. but the texts to phones are instant and useful.
Anyone listening?
the bill board is for private advertising it has nothing to do with the Village
This billboard idea is dumb. We don’t need more stuff on Route 17. Again, did local government officials ask for input from residents who reside near the proposed billboard? Is this like the Washington Twp DPW situation? Makes you wonder.
Billboards are a great way to produce revenue. They exist all over the nation because they are effective, don’t make noise, and don’t generate traffic or raise property taxes.
Why are billboards ok in other towns, but not “appropriate in Ridgewood”?
Great, let’s put it in your back yard. Now repeat your question.
It’s like living in a house built on the 50 yard line of a football field and trying to sleep when the stadium lights are on!
I’d love to hear what some of the homeowners nearby are saying.
Why not appropriate here?
The same reason the following are not allowed:
Commercial vehicles in residential areas
Boats in yards
Recreation vehicles in yards
Parking cars on lawns
Turning a garage into a bedroom
Placing trash in the streets
There are a few things that do differentiate it here as well.
If you like billboards Paterson is your place.
They’re terrible everywhere. I don’t have a say in other towns, I live here, so I will speak against them here.
And while they don’t raise property taxes, they DO lower value of land around them…….
If you have to ask the question why a billboard is not OK for Ridgewood, then any explanation will not make any sense to the person asking the question.
If people don’t want a billboard in their town, then they shouldn’t live in a town with an interstate highway running through it, such as Route 17. It’s like moving to the beach and complaining there is sand.
Rt. 17 isnt interstate.
And a highway doesn’t mean you NEED billboards. There are areas, in fact entire states, where they are not allowed.
Route 17 is in fact an interstate, it connects two states, New Jersey and New York.
Who’s property is it going to be on that’s number one,
Is it personal property it’s going to be on, stay property, or the village property, I would assume someone’s going to make a lot of money. Just like when they lease out their property to sell phone antennas.
Distracted driving is a serious problem. Why make it worse?
These should be federally outlawed, period.
Is this sign in a residential area? Isn’t it already just commercial highway?
As per the documents, land is owned by Thomas J. Simpson of TX, acting under a trust from his parents. (A google deep dive into the family is interesting reading.)
So, not a resident, just a developer looking to cash in.
Let’s start a GoFundMe to raise capital to buy property in Texas next to Thomas J Simpson and erect a billboard there!
Adding a billboard along Route 17 would be fine and will have no negative impact on anyone. It’s not going in the middle of the Duck Pond or in front of the Post Office, the proposed location is reasonable.
All of a sudden Ridgewood residents are concerned about safe driving? LOL. Start with coming to a full stop at stop signs, slow down and drive the speed limit, and stop cutting other drivers off. These things effect roadway safety far greater than a billboard on a highway, filled with other existing billboards.