Bear near Ridge Elementary School in Ridgewood is surrounded
SEPTEMBER 30, 2014, 10:47 AM LAST UPDATED: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2014, 11:31 AM
RIDGEWOOD — A bear has climbed a tree along West Ridgewood Avenue across from the Ridge Elementary School, authorities said.
Dogs are being used to keep the bear in the tree until representatives from the state’s Division of Fish and Wildlife “can come get him,” Mayor Paul Aronsohn said.
There is a significant police presence in the area. Tyco Animal Control was called in to assist, the mayor said.
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what a relief that our mayor is on the scene. maybe he can send us a robocall.
Actually I did receive a robocall from the town advising that a bear was loose and I appreciate it since I have a dog.
And it was not from the mayor.
The Mayor is signing up the bear to vote.
Our Mayor will be on TV and will many photo op for this.
I can hear the Robo Call now. Please stay in the house because of the Bear and don’t forget to tune into 2,4,7 and 12 to see me mug it up for the cameras
Don’t bother the Mayor, North Media writers are send inquires for help to my house.
I may have to charge a special lunch fee.
The bear is upset about the new parking regulations near the school…..those Midland Parkers are always trying to one up the Ridgewood folks.
Is that why there are so many helicopters?
It’s quite a circus
Police blockades with lights-a-flashin’
3 or 4 helicopters and a dozen news trucks in full regalia.
…too bad they couldn’t have applied all this manpower to corner Rica up a tree with all the quarters.
I think that the robo call was appropriate.
After the bear attack last weekend residents would want to know if there was one in their neighborhood. I appreciated the call even though the siting was not near my home.
Oh man….Boyd has to be hyperventilating…
Mayor douchbag…..that is.
Dom you have finally lost your mind.If their getting the news from you then they have lost their mind.