photo by Boyd Loving
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, just in time for spring ,local beekeeper Frank Mortimer ( Frank the Beeman ) has released a new book called Bee People and the Bugs They Love . The book is an inspiring combination of humorous and feel-good stories about beekeepers intertwined with fascinating, up-to-date, and easy-to-understand information about honeybees. The first book to answer the question: What type of person keeps bees? . The First book to spotlight the quirky, offbeat, and eccentric people that are passionately obsessed with the honey-loving bug. It is NOT a “how to” book.
Available at Barnes and Noble March 31st 2021
Bee People And The Bugs They Love – Official Book Trailer
Swarm of Honey Bees Forced the Temporary Suspension of Outdoor Dining at Raymond’s Restaurant
Ridgewood Public Library presents Ridgewood’s bee man, Frank Mortimer
Ridgewood Parks & Recreation : An Introduction to Beekeeping!
I hope Frank runs for Village Council. He’ll certainly get my vote!
I love Frank