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Bergen County Historical Society: Paterson – NJ, The First Planned Industrial City in the USA

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

River Edge NJ, The PowerPoint presentation focuses on Paterson as the First Planned Industrial City in the United States founded in 1792 by Alexander Hamilton and the Society for Useful Manufactures. We will explore the City’s history from the creation of the land, approximately 250 million years ago, the first inhabitants (Paleo-Indians through Lenape), the Early European Settlements, the Revolution War, the establishment of the S.U.M., and the major industries that made Paterson world renowned, Silk, Locomotives and Airplane Engine production. An examination of the technologies and people behind these great industries will be highlighted. The talk will conclude with the designation of the National Historical Park and the current developments.

Giacomo DeStefano has been directing the operations of the Paterson Museum since April 14, 1989. He began his public service as a page at the Paterson Free Public Library on June 9, 1980. He left the Library in 1985, to work as the weekend attendant at the Paterson Museum. Upon graduation from William Paterson College with a B.A in History, in 1987, he was appointed the Curator of History.

His appointment as Director coincided with the rebuilding of the Museum after a fire destroyed the office and storage areas. He reopened the Museum to the public after a two-month period of relocating the archives and collections to the main galleries.

Please join us for refreshments at the conclusion. The free lecture takes place in the 1752 Steuben House, 1209 Main St, River Edge, NJ. Free parking along Main Street or the Tide Mill Parking lot.

Oct 26, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM

River Edge, 1209 Main St, River Edge, NJ 07661, USA

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5 thoughts on “Bergen County Historical Society: Paterson – NJ, The First Planned Industrial City in the USA

  1. So the first planned industrial city – now a colossal failure and a major hub of drug and crime. It would be interesting to do a deep and honest historical review of what went wrong to make Paterson to become such a horrible city and place of failure and crime.

    1. Its called ‘white flight’.. Its the story in every s-hole city.
      Passaic, newark, paterson.. etc
      all blame lies with the current residents who accept the drugs, violence, and crime
      Its speaks volumes when a location such as Paterson adjacent to the most expensive real estate in NJ has such a low value.

  2. The city of Madison should really bring in the military and clean up. This bullshit it’s been going on way too long.

    1. you get what you vote for and it Hamilton

      1. You are right James, and that is actually very disconcerting given the mostly beautiful places in Bergen County continuously voting the direction that destroyed Paterson.

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