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Black Bear Seen Roaming Near Jefferson Middle School in Hawthorne Monday

Hawthorne bear

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

June 13,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hawthorne NJ, A black bear likely to have been the same one seen early Monday morning, 06/12, roaming around outside of the Jefferson Middle School in Hawthorne, was spotted perched (and eating) in a tree of a Goffle Hill Road, Hawthorne home late Monday afternoon, 06/12. Hawthorne PD units along with a representative of Tyco Animal Control Services responded to assess the situation. It was determined that the bear presented no immediate danger to residents of the home, who were asked to stay inside in the hopes that the animal would come down from the tree and wander off if it did not feel threatened by the presence of a human.

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