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BREAKING: Ridgewood Voters Say “No” to bonding of Parking Garage

Vote Ridgewood NJ
file photo by Dana Glazer
June 21,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

RIDGEWOOD, NJ,  Ridgewood voters decided today in a special election to repeal an ordinance to bond $11.5 million to construct the Hudson Street parking deck!

Voters turned out to overwhelming say NO in every district in  what can only be called a landslide for the NO votes.

Full results

1425 yes votes 34.8%
86 absentee 
2675 no  votes  65.2%
81  absentee
total turn out 4097  24%
total registered voters 16901 

Proposal – Ordinance No. 3521 for $11,500,000 Bond to Finance Hudson Street Parking Deck


Click Here for District Results.


61 thoughts on “BREAKING: Ridgewood Voters Say “No” to bonding of Parking Garage

  1. 1015, 24% is a good turnout for a municipal election. Additionally, the referendum’s outcome mirrored the schlonging given to the mayor’s handpicked candidates in the May VC election

    I’d assume that the remaining 76% is apathetic or ignorant and didn’t have strong feelings either way. Or they are just lazy. But remember, you can only measure votes and clearly the votes have spoken volumes.


  2. Why do we need a VM? I mean, why can’t the department heads report directly to the council? Why not outsource the HR function to Hewitt or similar?

  3. Another failed and disgraced Aronsohn administration.
    His political “comeback” take another blow and waits for another day…

  4. And adding to my earlier post
    5. Change name of habernickel park to hillcrest park. Why name it after Irene she got 10 mil for it.

  5. Yes, some $600,000 was mostly wasted by those in power. However, throwing another $11.5 million after it wouldn’t have helped. Consider it money lost at the roulette table (although somebody else lost it for us). Why continue gambling?

    “Cut your losses” is a fine motto, and this was a good example. Every study that emerged from this mess should be thrown in the trash–especially the one claiming that increased traffic at that little corner would not be a problem. That would be laughable if it hadn’t had an impact. The consultant and company that issued it should have their license revoked, if they have one.

  6. FYI, Fort Lee NEEDS a parking deck, maybe Ridgewood doesn’t.

  7. 8.39. You speak like most of us feel after getting screwed by the management..they knew better…what a pile of crap..resignations please…paymaster cut them a check and take away their feee passes to our pocketbooks..good luck to the new management..there likely more to be discovered and it won’t be pretty..bring it out into the Lights.

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