file photo by Anne LaGrange Loving
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, we started a bit of a hub bub over ice cream , so we took a break from the blog yesterday to hit up Van Dyk’s in Ridgewood . Van Dyk’s has been around for ages and is one of those places that makes Ridgewood , Ridgewood.
Considered by many to be the “best ice cream” in Bergen County if not all of the Northern New Jersey area. they literally make the perfect homemade ice cream: not too sweet, not too rich, and the texture is the perfect balance between soft cream and hardness. and you can’t beat their prices!! roughly $4-$5 for a double scoop and the portions are extremely generous.
Van Dyks is an institution around here . If you have never been the place looks like a house from the outside so it’d be easy to miss if there wasn’t a huge line on warm summer nights. They have a good mix of traditional and more creative flavors.
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Yeah! The best ice cream ever and in all of Bergen county. Ridgewood ‘s gem!!!
that is some happy news!
Finally something in Ridgewood to feel good about. So many people feel very cheated out of the pleasure to enjoy our wonderful downtown and activities because of the mayor and majority council trying to ruin things and bankrupt the village, but this is something really nice and who doesn’t love an old fashioned ice cream cone and just enjoy walking around the village without the pedestrian plaza, which was an epic fail.
LOL, way to pack a ton of negativity into a “love an old fashioned ice cream” comment.
You sound so miserable that you cannot just like Van Dykes without thinking of a ton of other negative things.
Too bad you still found a way to put a negative spin on something positive you moronic jack ass.
You have to make everything into a negative attack. Just eat your damn ice cream.
We all scream for ice cream! So nice that our favorite ice cream shop will be open soon. A nice moment for us villagers! God knows we need something positive
The best ice cream by far
That cone. Right there. PEPPERMINT STICK. With chocolate sprinkles. YES!!!!