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Brian Aitken – NJ 2nd Amendment Advocate to Speak at Teaneck American Legion


Brian Aitken – NJ 2nd Amendment Advocate to Speak at Teaneck American Legion
Tuesday, November 18 @ 7PM
American Legion, Teaneck NJ

Brian Aitken will make his first appearance in NJ on Tuesday, November 18 @ 7PM as guest speaker for NJTPC meeting at Teaneck American Legion, Teaneck NJ.

NJTPC : We’d like to thank our friends at the NJ 2nd Amendment Society for publicizing the event to their members and helping us recruit Brian to be our guest speaker.

You don’t want to miss this very special event. Brian will tell his harrowing story of being swept up in NJ draconian gun laws and will be selling signed copies of his memoir, “The Blue Tent Sky – How the Left’s War on Guns Cost Me My Son & My Freedom.”

NRA News Ginny Simone Reporting | Accidental Criminals: Brian Aitken Is Living The Nightmare

Conservative Book of the Month: Brian Aitken Names Names in New Memoir:

The Blue Tent Sky is the true story of the events that led to Brian’s arrest and the years that followed. Aitken refused to change the names of the officers, prosecutor, and judges involved in his case, writing, “far too often those in power are immune from repercussions or accountability. Their transgressions are not only permitted, but are almost universally ignored, because they are members of the political ruling class and are, by default, above the law… since no one else will hold certain people accountable for their actions, I have held them accountable within these pages.”

4 thoughts on “Brian Aitken – NJ 2nd Amendment Advocate to Speak at Teaneck American Legion

  1. Not sure how the “left’s war on guns” cost him his son. If you read a little bit about the timeline of events, he was divorced and having custody issues before the incident where the cops found the guns and apparently railroaded him.

    Then again, it would not be unheard of for a divorced father to become unhinged and blow a few holes in his wife, child and then himself. It’s happened.

    Maybe it turned out for the best. Glad he’s out of jail and hope he can come to a mutually agreeable arrangement with his ex regarding access to his kid. I’m a dad too and I’d go nuts if I couldn’t see my kid. That’s why I learned “Yes, dear!” early on and use it often.

  2. Anonymous:

    Not sure how the “left’s war on guns” cost him his son. If you read a little bit about the timeline of events, he was divorced and having custody issues before the incident where the cops found the guns and apparently railroaded him.
    Then again, it would not be unheard of for a divorced father to become unhinged and blow a few holes in his wife, child and then himself. It’s happened.
    Maybe it turned out for the best. Glad he’s out of jail and hope he can come to a mutually agreeable arrangement with his ex regarding access to his kid. I’m a dad too and I’d go nuts if I couldn’t see my kid. That’s why I learned “Yes, dear!” early on and use it often.

    It shows

  3. I bow before your macho toughness! I bet you have lots of guns, you tough guy!

  4. See here’s the thing, unless you hear him talk about the issue and how it transpired you’ll just not understand or grasp the issue of a law abiding gun owner put in the position of having their rights violated without having any previous issues with the law or in the home. Picture the estranged wife with a son who wants to block the visitation of the father simply perhaps of words said between the husband and the wife. The wife becomes vindictive and uses ANYTHING to put the wedge between the father and the child. And the liberal forces decide they’ll make an example of one person simply to make a ‘name’ for themselves in progressive circles. Happens all the time. Each issue should be decided individually and upon its merits and in family court. Picture yourself with now a record because your wife got twisted.

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