January 6, 2017
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Newark NJ,His Eminence, Joseph William Cardinal Tobin, C.Ss.R., was installed as the Sixth Archbishop of Newark this afternoon before an overflow crowd at Newark’s Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart, at a Mass attended by six Roman Catholic cardinals and some 60 archbishops and bishops from throughout the country. Some 500 priests and deacons from the Archdiocese, neighboring New Jersey and New York dioceses, and the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, as well as civic leaders and representatives of New Jersey’s Jewish, Protestant and Orthodox communities, were in attendance. Some 2,000 people attended the standing-room-only service.
Also in attendance at the Installation were members of Cardinal Tobin’s family and guests from the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, where he had served previously as Archbishop.
The Most Reverend John J. Myers, Archbishop Emeritus of the Archdiocese of Newark, welcomed all guests to the liturgy on behalf of the priests, religious and laity of the Archdiocese. Immediately following the welcome, the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, The Most Reverend Christophe Pierre, read the mandate of His Holiness, Pope Francis, authorizing Cardinal Tobin to take canonical possession of the Archdiocese of Newark, a faith community of some 1.5 million Catholics in Bergen, Essex, Hudson and Union counties.
Reverend Monsignor Michael A. Andreano, KCHS, Chancellor of the Archdiocese, presented the mandate to the College of Consultors of the Archdiocese of Newark, who examined it and affixed the archdiocesan seal. Cardinal Tobin then was led to the cathedra, the throne of the bishop of the diocese, and presented with the staff, the sign of his pastoral office.
Those in attendance greeted him with thunderous applause after the formal seating, and representatives of diocesan groups, leaders of religious communities, and government officials extended personal greetings to Archbishop Myers.
Those not able to be present at the installation were able to view the ceremony via a live broadcast of the entire liturgy provided by NetTV, the media arm of the Diocese of Brooklyn, and aired on EWTN and other Catholic television networks, as well as streamed live by News12.com.
Pope Francis named Cardinal Tobin to lead the Archdiocese of Newark, one of the largest archdioceses in terms of population in the United States, on November 7, 2016. The Archdiocese extends over 511 square miles, and is geographically the smallest archdiocese in the United States. Some 877 priests serve in the various parishes and other ministries in this local Church of Newark. Permanent deacons, religious Sisters and Brothers total 1035. The Archdiocese of Newark encompasses 214 parishes, 96 private Catholic and parochial schools, four Catholic universities colleges, three Catholic hospitals, and almost 40 health care, ancillary care and medical centers, sanatoriums and hospices, homes for the invalid and aged, and centers for other human services. Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese is considered the largest non-governmental social service agency in the state of New Jersey.
NYT did a nice piece on Father Tobin about 2 weeks ago.
The Record (USA Today) gave Tobin a few paragraphs.
anti catholic sentiment in the main stream media who would have thunk it