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Reader says ,”The library and High School are grabbing for the brass ring”


“The library and High School are grabbing for the brass ring. They have big ideas and big money wish lists. Why does the library “need” this “Reimagine” project? Why does the high school “need” a 1,000 seat Performing Art Center? I know that the developers are selling the downtown as a city with all the amenities.

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Reader says, “if you PC schmucks think you’re going to change this tradition you are sorely mistaken”

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“Your all a bunch of tree-hugging assholes who haven’t a clue as to how this process works. Downes Tree Service donates their services as others donate their trees. Some were planted and grown specifically for this annual event. Hundreds of people come to the CBD and have a grand evening. And if you PC schmucks think you’re going to change this tradition you are sorely mistaken.
And try checking the facts first before you get your Birkenstock’s all wadded up in a ball.

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The Ridgewood Art Institute’s Annual Members’ Holiday Show and Sale


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The Ridgewood Art Institute is home to many talented artists. We welcome you to visit us and view our Annual Members’ Holiday Show and Sale, usually featuring over 150 pieces of beautiful artwork. Portraits, Landscapes, Seascapes and Still Lifes are all represented in this exhibition executed in watercolor, pastels and oils. Among our membership there are artists who have made the study of Art their lifetime ambition as well as those who are just beginning their Art journey. Art Enthusiasts will have the opportunity to see the quality of work available for sale at our many events and Artists can explore the options of starting a new class or medium. A portion of all proceeds benefit The Ridgewood Art Institute. Also, this year we are also including a special Small Works Fundraising Exhibition, featuring framed 8″x10″ paintings donated by our member artists. The cost for each of these small jewels is $150, and ALL proceeds for these sales go directly to The Art Institute.

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Holiday Movie Trivia Night

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The best way to spread holiday cheer, is to test your holiday movie knowledge. We welcome you to our next trivia, Holiday Movies, at Park West Tavern on Monday December 2nd at 8pm. Register at For directions, you’ll pass through the seven levels of the candy cane forest, through the sea of swirly-twirly gum drops, and then walk down Oak Street in Ridgewood. Contact 201-670-5600 x130 or with any questions.

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The offices of the Village of Ridgewood will be closed on Monday, in observance of Veteran’s Day


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The offices of the Village of Ridgewood will be closed on Monday, November 11th in observance of Veteran’s Day.  There will be no garbage or recycling collection.  The Recycling Center will also be closed that day..   All municipal offices and services will return to their normal schedule on November 12th.

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Ridgewood Signal Department Discovers Graffitied Grass


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Police report that on October 22nd a Ridgewood Signal Department employee discovered criminal mischief damage to the grass in a Village of Ridgewood Park. A grass area was sprayed painted without authorization sometime in the past. The incident was documented and the damage did not appear to be permanent.

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Questions Arise on Ridgewood Library “Donations”

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by Steve Kim

My questions to the Library:

Who requested and who authorized the use of reserves to be marked as a donation? What was the amount? What meetings and discussions took place to determine this course of action, and who were the participants of that meeting?

Who proposed and who authorized the donation from Friends? What allows Friends to use donated funds in ways other than what is indicated on the webpage?

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Age-Friendly Ridgewood Fudges the Numbers

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Age-Friendly Ridgewood made a presentation at the Council meeting last night.  After with their usual condescending drivel about the old people needing transportation and housing, some of the council members voiced great appreciation for all their hard work.  Then Susan Knudsen nailed them to the wall.  It seems they have been playing with their data in order to get the results they want. 

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Reader Suggests the State Name a Rest Stop After Jim McGreevey


“Perhaps the state will name a rest stop on the highway for him. After all it was reported that was one of his proudest accomplishments, servicing random men at these places.
Didn’t the DMV rename a particular auto accident scenario as a “MCGreeevy”?
I think it used to be referred to as a “rear ender”…. But hey that’s political correctness these days! “

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The Ridgewood Police Department will be taking back unwanted prescription


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, On Saturday, October 26, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. the Ridgewood Police and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration will give the public its 18th opportunity in nine years to prevent pill abuse and theft by ridding their homes of potentially dangerous expired, unused and unwanted prescription drugs. Bring your pills for disposal to the Ridgewood police station at 131 North Maple Ave. (Sites cannot accept liquids, needles or sharps, only pills or patches.) The service is free and anonymous, no questions asked.

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Police Find Uninvited Guest in Ridgewood Basement


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Police report that on October 10, 2019, patrol units responded to 7 Godwin Avenue on a report of an unwanted party who was located in the basement. Upon arrival patrol located a male party who had sleeping in the basement. Upon further investigation, a 34-year-old male from Ridgewood, N.J. was arrested and charged with Possession of Marijuana, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Defiant Trespassing, and Possession of Weapon. The arrestee was processed and released with a pending court date.

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Ridgewood Resident Editorial Leads to Stalking Incident

free speech

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Police report a Woodside Avenue resident responded to Ridgewood Police headquarters on October 12, 2019, to report a stalking incident. The victim reported an unknown person contacted him on a published phone line after an editorial of his was published in the Bergen Record. The victim reported the caller has different political beliefs and is concerned for his welfare but no threats have been made. The incident was documented at this time.

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Ridgewood Crew Competes at the Head of the Passaic Regatta

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Sofia Lee, Sara Wong, Serena Corcoran, Olivia Kim, Eva Galbraith,                   Jasmine Parpel, Lilan Reidel, Caroline Villemoes, Victoria Hoy

Take third place in the Womens HS JV 8+. Photo by Mark Reidel

the staff of the Ridgewod blog

Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood Crew participated in a local event this past weekend at the 2019 Head of the Passaic Regatta led by Head Coach Boris Roque-Alvarez and veteran coach Bob O’Connor.  Teams from the Northern New Jersey area took to the water with Ridgewood Crew competing with 17 entries. What makes 2019’s HOPR different from other years? This year The Passaic River Rowing Association has a new dock at their venue. The dock measures in at an impressive 240 feet in length with two piers and accompanying gangways. At that length, PRRA can accommodate up to four 8+’s and many more boats for this year’s race. While the PRRA membership has been enjoying the new update to their facility, they were extremely excited to share it with the community for the Head of the Passaic Regatta.

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Tonight’s Ridgewood Planning Board meeting to Discuss 232 and 250 North Maple


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Tonight’s Planning Board meeting agenda (Tues., Oct. 15) includes the first hearing for the LLC wishing to knock down all structures on two large adjoining properties opposite the Stable and build 8 new ones on a cul-de-sac feeding into North Maple Ave. half a block above the intersection at Linwood Ave.

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Friends of Ridgewood Emergency Services

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Dear Neighbor:

Friends of Ridgewood Emergency Services, (FOREST), conducts one fund drive per year in support of Ridgewood Emergency Services (RES) Volunteer first responders. Ridgewood Emergency Services depends on your generous donation to support its mission to provide the best available emergency medical services and emergency assistance to the residents and guests of the Village of Ridgewood.

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