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>Ridgewood High School boys soccer coach steps down

>Craig Mahler, the boys soccer coach at Ridgewood High School, announced his resignation Friday after interim superintendent Paul Arilotta reinstated two players who had been cut from the varsity team.

Arilotta cited the district’s student eligibility and participation policy, which reads in part: “Whenever the ability of facilities, coaching personnel and budget permits, a no-cut policy is desirable.”

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More Vox populi :Ridgewood is starting to look like NYC in the 1970’s

Ridgewood is starting to look like NYC in the 1970’s. Out of control spending, rogue employees and elected officials, failing education system and lack of maintenance in the town.

NYC cut police officers and firefighters also in a effort to cut spending. The results of that remains in the minds of those who had to travel to NYC to work during those frightening years. Crime rose 60% in just 2 years. Burned buildings were everywhere. Even today the city still hasn’t recovered from the population loss from those years. It took a good 15 years and federal help for the city to control its spending. They realized the problem lied in poor spending habits, non-working employees and outside political influences.

Im not saying Ridgewood is going be as bad as NYC was, but it could very well be a smaller version of it. Do the residents a favor, instead of cutting essential services such as Police, Fire, EMS, Sanitation and other quality of life services, look at things that we either don’t need or need to cut back on. Example: Rear yard garbage pickup. We also need to stop several projects that we CANT afford. Example: Parking Garage, Bank Ban. I would much rather have a second firehouse instead, i like my house not charred.

If you look at how the finical collapse of NYC started, you will see a smaller but similar problem that Ridgewood has today. But lets not make the same mistakes they made when stabilizing the budget.

GigaGolf, Inc.

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>Village Council & Village Manager discuss ways to cap the growth of various municipal expenses

>During a recent Long Range Planning Meeting, Village Council members and the Village Manager discussed several ways in which to cap the growth of various municipal expenses. Some options discussed included the closure of one firehouse, disbanding the Fire Prevention Bureau, elimination of rear yard garbage pick up, layoffs in the central garage, and much more.
Full details of this important discussion may be found here:

th creditcardad

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>the Ridgewood Street Festival and a visit form Congressmen Scott Garrett!

So the Ridgewood Blog got a call from Congressmen Scott Garrett’s office asking us to tag along while he visits Ridgewood for our street festival and it being the political season, baby kissing being all the rage and given this Blogs fondness for the Congressmen we thought it was a great idea .Anyone who knows Scott likes him because he is one of few stand up guys in politics . So I met the Congressman around 1 o’clock got my mandatory t shirt. All the photos were taken by Kristine Di Grigoli Paige of ArtChick Photo The festival was filled with many exciting merchants and lots of great food .From every indication it looked to be a very big success. Several people even offered to share some of there lunch to the Congressmen. Incidentally I only know what I ate but the zeppolies, cheese steak were excellent!show?id=mjvuF8ceKoQ&bids=24474&subid=&type=4&gridnum=1

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>Village Council passes new Athletic Field Use Policy

>Despite sharp objections voiced by several residents of the Glen School and Hawes School residential neighborhoods, Village Council members unanimously approved the new Athletic Field Use Policy at their Wednesday evening Public Meeting.

Citing increasing noise, pervasive litter, intrusive field lights, unruly athletes and spectators, and the presence of outsiders on each day of the week during certain months, residents encouraged the Council to reconsider approving a policy that would encourage even greater use of open space in the Village for organized sporting events.

It continues to be a major issue in the village often pitting the needs of the local neighborhoods with the needs of the Ridgewood Sports Council.

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>Members of the RHS Class of 2006 are attending the following colleges and universities: Alfred University, 3; American University, 5; Amherst College, 1; Arizona State University, 1; University of Arizona, 1; University of the Arts, 2; Bard College, 2; Bates College, 1; Bentley College, 2; Bergen Community College, 36; Bloomfield College, 1; Boston College, 3; Boston University, 3; Bowdoin College, 2; Brandeis University, 1; Brown University, 4; Bryant College, 1; Bryn Mawr College, 1; Bucknell University, 3; California State University, 1; Univ. of California – Santa Barbara, 1; Carnegie Mellon University, 3; Case Western Reserve University, 1; Centenary College, 1; Champlain College, 1; College of Charleston, 1; University of Chicago, 2; Christopher Newport University, 1; Clark University, 1; Coastal Carolina University, 1; Colgate University, 2; Univ. of Colorado at Boulder, 3; Columbia University, 4; Connecticut College, 2; University of Connecticut, 1; Cornell University, 4; Curry College, 1; Dartmouth College, 1; Davidson College, 1; University of Delaware, 3; Denison University, 1; DePauw University, 1; Dickinson College, 1; Dominican College of Blau, 2; Drew University, 6; Drexel University, 2; Eckerd College, 1; Elon College, 1; Embry-Riddle Aeronautical, 1; Emory University, 2; Fairfield University, 2; Fairleigh Dickinson, Teaneck, 2; Florida Institute of Tech, 1; Florida State University, 1; University of Florida, 1; Fordham University, 1; Franklin and Marshall College, 2; George Mason University, 1; George Washington University, 5; Georgetown University, 4; Georgia Institute of Tech, 1; Gettysburg College, 4; Goucher College, 2; Grove City College, 1; Guilford College, 1; Hamilton College-NY, 1; Hampden-Sydney College, 1; University of Hartford, 1; Harvard and Radcliffe College, 1; Haverford College, 1; Hobart & William Smith, 1; Hofstra University, 2; Indiana University, 2; Iona College, 1; University of Iowa, 1; Ithaca College, 2; James Madison University, 1; Johns Hopkins University, 2; Johnson & Wales University, 1; Kalamazoo College, 1; Kean University, 1; Lafayette College, 4; Lehigh University, 2; Lewis & Clark College, 1; Loyola College in Maryland, 2; Lynchburg College, 1; Lynn University, 1; Marietta College, 1; Marist College, 1; Univ. of Maryland, College Park, 4; Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2; MIT, 1; McGill University, 3; Methodist College, 1; Miami University, 3; University of Michigan, 1; Middlebury College, 2; Monmouth University, 4; Montclair State University, 4; Moravian College, 1; Mount Saint Mary College, 1; Muhlenberg College, 1; Newmann College, 1; University of New England, 1; New Jersey Institute of Technology, 1; The College of New Jersey, 1; New York University, 5; North Carolina at Greensboro, 1; Northeastern University, 3; University of Northern Colorado, 1; Northwestern University, 2; University of Notre Dame, 2; Nyack College, 1; Oberlin College, 1; Occidental College, 1; Pace University, Pleasantville, 2; Pace University, 3; Parsons School of Design, 3; Pennsylvania State University, 8; University of Pennsylvania, 3; University of Pittsburgh, 1; Plymouth State College, 1; Pratt Institute, 3; Princeton University, 2; Providence College, 1; Purdue University, 1; Quinnipiac College, 2; Ramapo College of NJ, 4; Reed College, 1; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1; Rhode Island School of Design, 3; University of Richmond, 5; Rider University, 2; University of Rochester, 1; Roger Williams University, 1; Rowan University, 1; Rutgers College, 7; Saint Anselm College, 1; Saint Michael’s College, 1; Salve Regina University, 3; University of San Diego, 1; University of San Francisco, 1; Santa Barbara City College, 1; School Abroad, 8; Seton Hall University, 1; Skidmore College, 3; Smith College, 2; Univ. of Southern California, 2; Southern Methodist University, 2; Springfield College, 1; St. John’s University, 5; St. Lawrence University, 1; St. Thomas Aquinas College, 1; State University of New York, 1; Stetson University, 2; Susquehanna University, 1; Swarthmore College, 1; Sweet Briar College, 1; Syracuse University, 2; SUNY at Albany, 2; SUNY at Binghamton, 1; SUNY at Stony Brook, 2; Towson University, 2; Tufts University, 1; Union College – NY, 2; Union College of Syracuse, 1; Vanderbilt University, 1; University of Vermont, 4; Villanova University, 8; Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1; Wake Forest University, 3; Wentworth Institute of Technology, 2; University of West Virginia, 1; Westminster Choir College, 1; William Paterson University, 6; Williams College, 1; Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, 1; Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 1; Yale University, 2.

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>The fly on the wall . .

>Has learned that the Park Wood Deli, 342 Erie Avenue, Midland Park was the business lucky enough to have emergency electric power provided gratis by the Village of Ridgewood on Saturday, September 2. On that day, an emergency generator, owned by Ridgewood taxpayers, was delivered to the Park Wood by a uniformed Ridgewood police officer driving a Ridgewood Emergency Services motor vehicle.

Immediately after being delivered, the generator was connected by a Village of Ridgewood recommended electrician. Confirmation of these occurrences was received today from Ridgewood Village Manager, James M. Ten Hoeve.

What service! Who did the deli owner call to make this all happen so quickly? Is there a personal relationship between the deli owner and any Village of Ridgewood hot shots? Were personal favors of any sort provided by the deli owner in return for this “goodwill gesture?” Were any Ridgewood taxpayers who lost power that day provided with such white glove treatment? Doesn’t the Borough of Midland Park own a generator, paid for by its taxpayers, that could have been used instead? Who paid for the electrician’s services? So many questions and so few answers . . .Hotwire: Save up to 25% on California and Florida Flights

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>I wanted to let you all know that the New York City Fire Department will be displaying The Ridgewood Fourth of July Committees 30 X 50 American Flag


I am sure you all know that the 5th anniversary of the September 11 attacks at the World trade Center, The Pentagon, and the Flight, which crashed in Pennsylvania, will be held on Monday. I wanted to let you all know that the New York City Fire Department will be displaying The Ridgewood Fourth of July Committees 30 X 50 American Flag at Ground Zero.

A little explanation: The New York Fire Department held funeral services on September 1, 2006, in Ramsey N.J. for a 25 Year old member of their department, Michael C. Reilly, who was killed in the line of duty.

At the funeral services Volunteer Fire Captain Richard Scalione arranged to display the Ridgewood Fourth of July Committees 30X 50 American Flag. See attached Photos. The members of the New York City Fire Department Administration were so impressed with the Flag they requested, on Friday, if they could borrow the Flag for their ceremony at Ground Zero. I approved their request. The New York City Fire Department sent two Firefighters to pick up the flag and the rigging for the flag last night.

I thought you all would want to know about this..

James Bombace, Director/Chief
Ridgewood Fire Department

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>The Fly on the Wall has learned….

>that an electric generator owned by the
Village of Ridgewood, and provided by Ridgewood Emergency Services, was used
to power all operations of business located in Midland Park for up to 24
hours beginning sometime on Saturday, September 2nd. This business lost
their primary electric service during the intense storm that ripped through
northwest Bergen that day.

Questions: 1) Was the generator provided gratis? 2) Is there a written
policy permitting such use of equipment paid for by Ridgewood taxpayers? 3)
If not, was this use sanctioned by Ridgewood’s Village Manager? 4) If I
lose power in my house and/or business, can I expect that Emergency Services
will provide a generator for me? 5) Why did we provide power for a business
that isn’t even located in Ridgewood?