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Ridgewood Schools Want to build a 1000 seat Broadway style theater

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Steve Kim

Ridgewood NJ, If Ridgewood wants to build a 1000 seat Broadway style theater (Northwest End), it should examine the operating history of Paper Mill Playhouse, which seats about the same (1200).

Theaters are difficult and costly to operate and maintain. It’s a major ongoing fiscal drain. Only way it can be run sustainability over time is through donations and corporate and municipal involvement with a community buy in. I mean the whole community.

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BOE: Staff is expected to use the only district provided email accounts, and not use their personal email accounts


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, BOE email gate continues according to BOE candidate Saurabh Dani , “Staff is expected to use only district provided email accounts, and not use their personal email accounts, while two of the most senior members on the board almost exclusively use their personal email account for all board business including confidential matters.
Why? Are the board members privileged?”
cc: James A Morgan Sheila Brogan

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BOE Once Again Looks to Bar Taxpayers from Voting in Schools


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Based on a letter Dr. Fishbein received from the Superintendent of Elections voicing concerns about safety at schools that are open on Election Day 2020, the Board discussed the pros and cons of altering the school calendar next year on that date as well as additional security measures that might be implemented that day. The Board consensus was to keep the schools open that day.

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Nobody Loves Bob Menendez

bob menendez rhs

photo courtesy of RHS

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, on September 16th ,US Senator Bob Menendez spoke at RHS to call for stricter measures to stop teenage use of vaping products and e-cigarettes .

Reelected by double digits in 2018 despite alleged issues with underage hookers in Dominican Republic. One of the country’s least popular senators Bob Menendez ,who currently stands at 36% approve and 43% disapprove among all New Jerseyans, and 37% approve and 45% disapprove among registered voters.

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Italian-American civil rights Group Takes on NEA’s Attack on Columbus Day

Christopher Columbus1

Hey, NEA! No way!

by: André DiMino

At its 2019 National Convention, the National Education Association (NEA) passed a resolution to have Columbus Day renamed Indigenous Peoples Day, stating, “As an education association, recognizing, observing, and celebrating factual history is important to maintaining our academic integrity.”

Really? Come on! How hypocritical. The current onslaught of politically correct hysteria foisted upon the Great Discoverer is just plain false. Shame on the NEA for being complicit in this nefarious conspiracy to obfuscate the facts and perpetrate the rewriting of history.

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Ridgewood Board of Education Meeting Tonight 5pm

cottage_place BOE_theridgewioodblog

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The Ridgewood Board of Education will hold its next Regular Public Meeting on Monday, September 9, 2019. The Board meets at the Education Center, 49 Cottage Place, Floor 3 at 5 p.m. 

The public is welcome to attend the meeting, or to watch from home on Fios channel 33 or Optimum channel 77. Meetings are also streamed via the “BOE Webcast” tab on the district website at

Meeting webcasts are immediately available on the district website.
Click here to view the agenda in PDF format.
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NJ State Troopers: Back to School Basics

"security walk through" at Ridgewood Schools

file photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, If you couldn’t tell that many schools in Jersey are back in session by the sudden emergence of yellow buses, crossing guards, and backpack-strapped kiddos making the trek to school on foot, then surely your social media has been flooded with a deluge of back-to-school/first-day-of-school posts.

So, you remembered the trillion things that your kids need for school like backpacks, pens, pencils, folders, lunch boxes, binders, boxes, tissues, glue, water bottles, clothes, popsicle sticks, glitter, etc. But did you remember to talk to your kids about back-to-school safety?

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Pros and Cons of the US Education System

RHS 2017

There was a time when education was considered a luxury. But today, it is one of the essentials every person should benefit from. It not only serves as a way of attaining knowledge but also a path towards success in the current society. 

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As A Frequent Critic of the Ridgewood School Board We Are Forced to Admit the Kids Are Alright


the satff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, as long time readers recognize we are no big fan of the people running the Ridgewood schools but on the other hand our students should be recognized as great students which they are.

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New Jersey Business & Industry Association: Stemming the Flight of Graduates from New Jersey

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the New Jersey Business & Industry Association ( NJBIA) created a Postsecondary Education Task Force after research showed that New Jersey makes a significant investment in public education – $20,000 per student per year in its K-12 schools – yet leads the nation in outmigration rates of recent high school graduates and young adults.

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Reader says the BOE got up night after night and assured us all that we were wrong about increased school enrollment


“Don’t forget Rurik, Jim and company (BOE) who got up night after night and assured us all that we were wrong – – we were volantis – – we were naysayers – – and that he and his wife and other seniors like him would move into these slums and life would be beautiful for us all.

And don’t forget the developers in town who are building these monstrosities and laughing all the way to bank over the ineptitude of the Village.

And don’t forget, while the betrayal started with Arohnson and the Puke, the betrayal continued with the current council when it sold out the Villagers who had used their own resoucres to file a lawsuit and stop these monstrosities, after having run on a platform of saying they would contain these slums from being built.”

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The Ridgewood Board of Education is seeking qualified candidates to fill a seat on the Ridgewood Board of Education


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,BOE vacancy notice: The Ridgewood Board of Education is seeking qualified candidates to fill a seat on the Ridgewood Board of Education that will be vacant as of July 30, 2019. The vacancy was created by the resignation of Board member Christina Krauss.

The Board member term will run from the expected date of appointment in September to the April 21, 2020 Annual School Election.

Interested residents may pick up an application packet in the Office of the Board Secretary at the Education Center, 49 Cottage Place. The application may also be downloaded from the Ridgewood Public Schools website at

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CDC says Study on Safety of “Crumb Rubber” Could Take Two More Years


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

‘Ridgewood NJ, in 2015 and 20016 Three federal agencies are teaming up to investigate the safety of crumb rubber artificial turf used in playing fields and playground all across the country,the investigation was the subject of a series on NBC News .NBC reported that the “The Environmental Protection Agency, the Centers for Disease Control and the Consumer Product Safety Commission announced an “action plan” on Friday to answer questions raised about synthetic turf made from recycled tires and possible risks for young athletes.”

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One Village One Vote Group Looks to Take Away Your Right to Vote on School Budgets

Ridgewood 3 amigos

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, is the group run by the usually suspects looking to take your right to vote on school budget .

The Ridgewood school budget for 5000 plus students and 24,000 residents is nearing $111,000,000 and accounts for 60% of your property taxes .

These are the same people who supported Paul Aronsohn with his destructive high density housing projects , which are destroying the Village of Ridgewood and hurting your property values.

The high density housing will lead to massive increases in all public safety budgets , traffic congestion, parking problems, water shortages, sewage issues and larger school budgets and more school construction.

The facts are the schools spend your money, you own the schools , the administrators and teachers work for you .

Do not let these people with all their ulterior motives take away your right to vote or infringe on your right to vote .

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Schools Development Authority Facing Continued Investigations

Phill Murphy -Sara Medina del Castillo

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, Not since the Jim Mc Greevey era has corruption been so bad  , that the state’s Attorney General and State Commission of Investigation, “a legislative agency focused on taxpayer waste, public corruption and organized crime” have separately launched investigations into corruption at  Governor Phil Murphy’s Schools Development Authority. But the question remains , “Will we get an honest accounting or a political cover-up? “

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