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Ridgewood mulls over automated parking garage idea


APRIL 7, 2015    LAST UPDATED: TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 2015, 9:31 AM

With a dearth of places to build parking in downtown Ridgewood, officials may need to look at technological solutions to maximize the remaining space.

One of those solutions could come in the form of an automated parking system, which could potentially house more cars than a standard parking garage in the same amount of space.

Village Engineer Chris Rutishauser and his team gave a presentation on this kind of parking system – in which a patron drives into a stall, exits their vehicle and their car is automatically parked within the structure – at a Village Council meeting last month

Interest in automated parking systems has been spurred in recent weeks by a presentation made by Langan Development in early March, which proposed a type of automated parking as part of its development at North Walnut Street.

The Hudson Street lot, which is another desirable site for a parking structure, is also a candidate to receive automated parking if the village decides to go in that direction. Rutishauser described Hudson Street as a “tight site,” and an automated setup would allow the village to park significantly more cars.

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RCNG invites you to an Open Business Networking Mixer


The Ridgewood Chamber of Commerce Networking Group
Tue, April 21, 2015
Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Location: Park West Tavern – Park West Loft, 38 Oak Street, Ridgewood, NJ 07450

Tuesday, April 21, 2015 – 6:00-8:00pm
Park West Tavern – Park West Loft – (second floor)
38 Oak Street
Ridgewood, NJ 07450

Cash Bar – delicious lite fare food
FREE Valet parking
Put away your scarves and hats-
Let’s do business!

$20 Chamber and ICC members
$30 non-chamber members

Rsvp by April 17, 2015

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Village Council Discusses Automated Parking Systems at March 25th Village Council Meeting



Village Council Discusses Automated Parking Systems at March 25th Village Council Meeting

Ridgewood NJ, As a follow up to the March 25th Village Council Meeting and the Engineering Department’s presentation of automated parking systems. To view the systems discussed at the meeting, please click on the videos below.

Park Plus, Inc

Park Plus, Inc. is the leading provider of Mechanical and Automated Parking garage systems in North America. Originated in 1969 the Company continually provides State of the Art solutions to the parking industry. Our years of experience as Park Plus, Inc. and the professional service through our subsidiary and affiliated companies in Engineering, Material Handling, Construction, Installation and Service keep Park Plus, Inc. the first choice provider for the parking professional.

Park Plus, Inc ‘s Automated Vehicle Storage Systems are designed to store and retrieve vehicles with robotic devices that lift, lower and transfer vehicles from localized transfer stations to unoccupied storage vaults, without the need for human intervention. These systems can be retrofitted into existing buildings, or designed specifically for new building projects to maximize efficiency and space utilization in high density parking.

Porsche-Parking Robot Puts Valets on the Street

Boomerang Systems develops robotic valets that could spell the end of the human parking attendant. They market their parking technology as a cutting edge, space-saving approach to an antiquated system.

The RoboticValet has changed the development game by unlocking valuable air rights previously consumed by parking, and in some cases by making it feasible to develop sites previously thought to be unprofitable due to space required for parking.

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Central Business District Employee Permits – CBDEP


Central Business District Employee Permits – CBDEP

Monthly Central Business District Parking Permits are available for sale at Village Hall and allows parking for employees of Ridgewood businesses at the Ken Smith property or Cottage Place Lot. The fee is $80 per month. Payment may be made by check, cash or credit card.

Further information : 201/670-5500 x203

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Parking fees for Ridgewood’s pay-by-phone service are set



Parking fees for Ridgewood’s pay-by-phone service are set

March 23, 2015    Last updated: Monday, March 23, 2015, 10:14 AM
By Mark Krulish
Staff Writer |
The Ridgewood News

An ordinance establishing fees for paying parking meters through cell phones was adopted unanimously by the Village Council on March 11 after a minor tweak was made to allow for a reduction on the transaction fee.

The new ordinance seemed set for passage as it was, but during the public hearing, a member of the audience noted the language contained in the new mandate could potentially mitigate any discounts that may be offered by ParkMobile.

At metered spots in the village, parkers will continue to pay 50 cents an hour and will have the choice to use quarters or ParkMobile. A 35-cent transaction fee is added for those using the new technology.

In places where meters will not be available, such as the Park & Ride on Route 17, commuters will be able to utilize ParkMobile, Ridgewood Parking Permits (RPP) or daily passes.

Boyd Loving, a South Irving Street resident, said the ordinance up for consideration would not allow for ParkMobile to reduce the transaction fee if they chose to do so in the future.

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Tonight: Forum No. 5 – CBD Panel Discussions



Tonight:  Forum No. 5 – CBD Panel Discussions 

March 18, 2015 at 7:30PM

Deputy Mayor Albert Pucciarelli has scheduled a CBD Panel Discussion for March 18, 2015 from 7:30PM to 9:00PM; with an “open mike” from 7:30 to 8:00PM. It will be held at Christ Episcopal Church located at the corner of Franklin venue and Cottage Place. The discussion will focus on Parking with a panel comprised of Paul Vagianos, Charles Di Marco, Janet Fricke and Paul Aronsohn.

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Taxpayers on hook to fund portion of signs for CBD businesses

street signs


all photos by Boyd Loving

Taxpayers on hook to fund portion of signs for CBD businesses
March 14,2015
Boyd Loving

Ridgewood NJ, As a result of Village Council approval of Resolution 15-90, Village taxpayers are now on the hook to pay a portion of the expenses associated with installing new “Wayfinding” signs in the Village’s Central Business District (CBD).  The “Wayfinding signs are intended to direct pedestrians to businesses located on side streets off of East Ridgewood Avenue in the CBD.


Estimated construction expenses to be paid by taxpayers for additional poles to hold the signs are between $6K – $9K.

Village of Ridgewood employees will also be responsible for the installation of each new sign.  Taxpayers will be reimbursed $25 per installed sign by the Ridgewood Chamber of Commerce (including reimbursement for previously installed signs).  The Chamber collects an annual “maintenance fee” from each sign owner, as well as a fee for the signs themselves.  36 signs have been sold to date, this according to the Chamber’s president, Paul Vagianos.

No explanation was offered to the public as to why taxpayers needed to provide funding if installation and annual maintenance fees are being collected by the Chamber.  Nor was any explanation offered as to why a private contractor could not  be hired to install the signs (as is done in Montclair).


Additionally, no review of the sign project was undertaken by the Historic Preservation Commission nor the Planning Board, and questions regarding ownership of the signs as it pertains to liability insurance coverage in the event of an injury caused by a sign defect were left unanswered (during the Council meeting at which the resolution was passed).

Here’s the full text of Resolution 15-90:

Res. No. 15-90


WHEREAS, the Village of Ridgewood Chamber of Commerce continues to strive to enhance the public’s knowledge of the various stores on the side streets in the Central Business District by means of the installation of”wayfinding” signs at various intersections; and

WHEREAS, each proposed wayfinding sign, identifing the various businesses, would be a plaque no larger than approximately 6 to 8 inches tall and no more than 24 inches in length affixed to a pole at the approved intersection locations, with no more than 8 plaques per designated pole or no more than 4 plaques per PSE&G decorative streetlight pole location, while maintaining a vertical clearance of 84 inches from the sidewalk; and

WHEREAS, the Chamber is seeking approval for additional locations for designated poles for wayfinding signs, in accordance with the location sketch presented to the Village Council.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Village Council of the Village of Ridgewood that it approves the installation of wayfinding signs at the various locations along East Ridgewood Avenue, in the Central Business District, to direct patrons to the various businesses on the listed side streets; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Village Council agrees to install the concrete bases for the new designated poles for no more than 4 locations, have the Village Traffic and Signal Division install the designated poles on the new bases for no more than 4 locations; have the Traffic and Signal Division install new sign plates for a $25.00 per plaque fee paid by the Chamber of Commerce; have the Traffic and Signal Division perform an annual sign plaque maintenance which would remove any invalid sign plaques for a $25.00 per plaque fee to be paid for by the Chamber of Commerce; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Ridgewood Chamber of Commerce agrees that they will purchase the designated poles in the color black, without a globe, matching the existing PSE&G decorative streetlight poles for the wayfinding signs; agrees to have installed no more than 8 sign plaques on designated poles, and no more than 4 sign plaques on PSE&G decorative streetlight poles; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Village Council of the Village of Ridgewood agrees to authorize the Village Manager to approve any subsequent locations for wayfinding signs in the Central Business District, upon review and approval by the Village’s Engineering Division and Public Safety Departments.

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Deputy Mayor Albert Pucciarelli will lead a CBD Panel Discussion on Parking on March 18th



file photo by Boyd Loving

Deputy Mayor Albert Pucciarelli will lead a CBD Panel Discussion on Parking  on March 18th

Forum No. 5 – CBD Panel Discussions – March 18, 2015 at 7:30PM

Deputy Mayor Albert Pucciarelli has scheduled a CBD Panel Discussion for March 18, 2015 from 7:30PM to 9:00PM; with an “open mike” from 7:30 to 8:00PM. It will be held at Christ Episcopal Church located at the corner of Franklin venue and Cottage Place. The discussion will focus on Parking with a panel comprised of Paul Vagianos, Charles Demarco, Janet Fricke and Paul Aronsohn.

Village Council and Village Board Meetings 

03/17/157:30PMPlanning Board Public Meeting
03/24/157:30PMBoard of Adjustment Work Session
03/25/157:30PMVillage Council Public Work Session
03/31/157:30PMBoard of Adjustment Public Meeting

Warm Up Winter with a Smile! Save up to 40% on Flowers & Gifts at
Microsoft Store
Hotwire US

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Village Council formally approved the use of Smartphones as a means of paying for parking



Village Council formally approved the use of Smartphones as a means of paying for parking 

Ridgewood allows use of phones to pay for parking

MARCH 13, 2015    LAST UPDATED: FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 2015, 1:21 AM

RIDGEWOOD — Depending on your technological prowess, paying for parking in the village is about to get either a whole lot easier or much more complicated.

The council formally approved this week an amendment to Ridgewood’s code to include smartphones as a means for paying for time at parking meters downtown.

Ridgewood officials have been mulling a possible contract with Atlanta’s Parkmobile for weeks. Users of the company’s app can pay for spaces with their phones.

Village officials are still in negotiations with Parkmobile, but say that if all goes well, the system could be in place by May.

Officials said stickers with Parkmobile’s information would be affixed to each meter. They will still accept quarters.

The app is already in use in Glen Rock, Fair Lawn and Newark, and links directly to a credit card, debit card or PayPal account.

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Pedestrians must show common sense



Pedestrians must show common sense

Regarding “Pedestrian safety must start from ground up” (Page L-1, March 1):

My route home from work often takes me through Ridgewood, and it is a white-knuckle driving experience after the sun goes down. Pedestrians dart out from between parked cars, cross at unmarked crosswalks and give no indication of planning to cross until a car is practically on top of them.

Many also wear dark clothing that makes them difficult to see. Combine these dark-clad wraithlike figures with the blinding quality of today’s headlights, and it’s a wonder the number of pedestrian deaths isn’t higher.

I’m all for yielding to pedestrians, but one would think that when faced with a multiple-ton vehicle, hedging your bets is just not a great idea. I realize that “look both ways,” as I was taught as a child, no longer works on the congested roads of today. But I would ask that pedestrians please be sensible. Don’t jaywalk. Don’t assume cars will stop. Don’t use your baby in a stroller as a human shield. Verify that drivers can see you before crossing.

A little courtesy both ways could help pedestrians and drivers.

Jill Cozzi

Washington Township, March 2

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kate spade ladies night – 2-26

kate spade ladies night – 2-26

kate spade Ridgewood invites you to

we wanted to personally invite you (plus a friend) to our ladies night out event featuring a preview of our new spring collection.

enjoy sips & snacks (byob) while you shop this special event.
thursday, february 26th
pop by our shop at ridgewood ave. and receive 20% off your entire purchase!

please rsvp 201.689.6204
hope to see you there!
the kate spade ridgewood team
202 e ridgewood ave.
ridgewood, nj 07450

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Ridgewood adjusts parking rates, plans to create spaces



Ridgewood adjusts parking rates, plans to create spaces


RIDGEWOOD — In its effort to improve parking downtown, the council has adjusted prices for some parking permits and expanded spaces in the village.

Part-time employees working at Ridgewood businesses will soon be able to purchase an annual permit for $25 allowing them access to the lot on Cottage Place. Motorists with these permits will still need to feed the meters or use a mobile app in the future to pay for time, though they can repeat park for up to six hours or buy an all-day pass for $7, officials said.

No change was made to the permits for full-time employees, which still cost $80 a month and permit all-day parking.

A vote is set for next week on a resolution to partner with Atlanta-based Parkmobile, the makers of a smartphone app that allows motorists to pay for parking with credit cards.

In addition, those with resident stickers, which can be obtained for free, can also buy same-day passes for $10 using Parkmobile. Non-residents interested in day passes will be charged $20.

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Village Engineer’s Office Proposes 16 Additional Spaces in the CBD



Village Engineer’s Office Proposes 16 Additional Spaces in the CBD
February 6,2015
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,According to a Village Engineer’s office flyer that was distributed to Village Council members at Wednesday night’s meeting.16 additional CBD parking spaces could be created with minimal disruption.

EASTBQUND FRANKLIN AVENUE; South curb between Walnut and Cottage Streets. REMOVE “No Parking”~ADD 7 SPACES. (Same concept as in front of B.O.E. where metered parking already exists).

EAST RIDGEWOOD AVENUE: South curb at traffic light with North Maple Avenue. Reduce bus stop to 60 feet (conform to NJ Transit standard for near-side stop). ADD 2 SPACES.

HUDSON STREET: Add a parking box and ONE parking space.

GODWIN AVENUE: South curb. East of Pomander Walk around strip mall. ADD 3 SPACES

EAST RIDGEWOOD AVENUE: ADD ONE space in front of It’s Greek to Me.

NORTH BROAD STREET; ADD 2 SPACES. Taxi company can park north of the building.

Some readers note : If I recall correctly, the spaces along Franklin Avenue across from the Stop & Shop were previously proposed and ruled out due to safety concerns associated with the number of active driveways along that side of the street.

With respect to the proposed spot in front of It’s Greek to Me, how will a passenger(s) be discharged with those flower boxes sitting there?

Is NJ Transit okay with reducing the length of the bus stop in front of Arthur Groom/Ridgewood Running Company?

Godwin Avenue & Hudson Street – Will the line of sight distance be dangerously reduced for drivers pulling out of the adjacent parking lots?

Has the taxi company been informed about the proposed reduction in their on street parking?


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Bookends is OPEN TODAY from 11:00am – 6:00pm



Bookends is  OPEN TODAY from 11:00am – 6:00pm

Coming to Bookends This Week…

Tomorrow (Wednesday, January 28th) at 7:00pm- Member of The Ramones, MARKY RAMONE, will sign his new book: PUNK ROCK BLITZKRIEG ($28.00).

Thursday, January 29th at 7:00pm- From Little House on the Prairie, MELISSA GILBERT, will sign her new cookbook: MY PRAIRIE COOKBOOK ($24.95).

*All books MUST be purchased at Bookends Bookstore*

Appearing authors will only autograph books purchased at Bookends and must have valid Bookends Receipt.

Availability & pricing for all autographed books subject to change.
First In Line Certificate use is the the discretion of Bookends. Blackout dates may apply.

Bookends cannot guarantee that the books that are Autographed will always be First Printings.

Autographed books purchased at Bookends are non-returnable.

While we try to ensure that all customers coming to Bookends’ signings will meet authors and get their books signed, we cannot guarantee that all attendees will meet the author or that all books will be signed.  We cannot control inclement weather, author travel schedules or authors who leave prematurely.

Bookends, 211 E. Ridgewood Avenue, Ridgewood, NJ   07450   201-445-0726

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Reader disgusted Mr Simoncicini Plays the Race Card

Reader disgusted Mr Simoncicini Plays the Race Card 
I just re-read Mr. Simoncinci’s racial prejudice comment and am thoroughly disgusted.

Is he suggesting that only if we have high density housing will diverse people move into town?? Really?? Why? Is it because that is all they can afford? Because they won’t be comfortable living in houses? Or maybe “luxury” is the ultimate racist code word and he’s trying to say, don’t worry, only wealthy white folks will move into these apartments.

I am really not sure what this miscreant is trying to say, However, I have heard people say that we need density in housing to attract diversity in population and such talk exhibits a reverse prejudice that I really find disturbing. Believe it or not, folks of all colors, religions, sexual preferences, etc., like nice houses in nice neighborhoods. Our role as citizens is to be welcoming, and we have no place in Ridgewood for those who condemn others. But the sweeping generalization that diversity is only achieved through housing density is really, trully disgusting. And to make such an argument in support of pursuing a commercial goal is beyond the lowest level of depravity.

I realize he has to make a buck serving his master, but, at long last, after four years, has Mr. Simoncini no shame?
