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Insurance Company Challenges $30 Million Sexual Abuse Settlement Linked to Waldwick Ballet School

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Waldwick NJ, an insurance company is seeking to avoid paying a $30 million settlement related to allegations of sexual abuse at the now-shuttered Petrov Ballet School in Waldwick. Markel Insurance Co. has filed a lawsuit claiming it is not obligated to cover the settlement based on specific exclusions in its policy.

Continue reading Insurance Company Challenges $30 Million Sexual Abuse Settlement Linked to Waldwick Ballet School

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Calling on Gov. Murphy to allow in person graduation ceremonies

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Waldwick NJ, With graduation season only a few weeks away, the Waldwick Board of Education took matters into its own hands Monday night when it approved a measure to file litigation for in-person graduation ceremony if Gov. Phil Murphy doesn’t make a decision regarding in-person graduations by June 1.

Continue reading Calling on Gov. Murphy to allow in person graduation ceremonies

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Ridgewood Village Council Regular Public Meeting





JANUARY 16, 2019

                                                                                                                      8:00 P.M.

  1. Call to Order – Mayor
  2. Statement of Compliance with the Open Public       Meetings Act
  3. Roll Call – Village Clerk
  4. Flag Salute and Moment of Silence
  5. Acceptance of Financial Reports
  6. Approval of Minutes
  7. Proclamations

     Jamboree Days

  1. Swearing-in of Police Officer Patrick Daly
  1. Comments from the Public (Not to exceed 3            minutes per person – 40 minutes in total)
  2. Village Manager’s Report
  3. Village Council Reports


19-02          Authorize Temporary Capital Budget – Approves           a temporary Capital Budget to appropriate              money for the down payment for the general             capital bond ordinance for the 2019 road               paving and streetscape program and the                 purchase of the Senior Bus







19-03          Title 59 Approval – Landscaping Services –             Approves the plans and specifications for              Landscaping Services prepared by Ridgewood             Water, pursuant to Title 59

19-04          Award Contract – Landscaping Services

          (NTE $61,000) – Awards the second year of a            two-year contract to the lowest responsible            bidder, LTI, Inc., 122 Main Road, Montville,                NJ

19-05          Title 59 Approval – Line Stop and Valve                     Insertion Services – Approves the plans and           specifications for Line Stop and Valve                 Insertion Services prepared by the Ridgewood                Water Department, pursuant to Title 59

19-06          Award Contract – Line Stop and Valve                   Insertion Services (NTE $100,000) – Awards             the second year of a two-year contract to the          lowest responsible bidder, Carner Brothers,            10 Steel Court, Roseland, NJ

19-07          Title 59 Approval – Servicing and Repair of           Electric Source – Approves the plans and               specifications for Servicing and Repairing of          Electric Source prepared by the Village of             Ridgewood Water Department, pursuant to Title          59

19-08          Award Contract – Servicing and Repair of               Electric Source (NTE $250,000) – Awards the            second year of a two-year contract to the              lowest responsible bidder, Vanore Electric,            145 Lexington Avenue, Hackensack, NJ

19-09          Title 59 Approval – Furnishing and Delivering           Sodium Hypochlorite Solution – Approves the            plans and specifications for Furnishing and            Delivering of Sodium Hypochlorite Solution             prepared by the Ridgewood Water Department,            pursuant to Title 59

19-10          Award Contract – Furnishing and Delivering             Sodium Hypochlorite Solution (NTE $135,000) –          Awards the second year of a two-year contract          to the lowest responsible bidder, Miracle            Chemical Company, 1151B Highway 33,                   Farmingdale, NJ

19-11          Title 59 Approval – Laboratory Analysis                     Services – Approves the plans and                      specifications for Laboratory Analysis                 Services, prepared by the Ridgewood Water              Department, pursuant to Title 59

19-12          Award Contract – Laboratory Analysis Services           (NTE $128,460) – Awards the second year of a                two-year contract to the lowest responsible            bidder, Aqua Pro-Tech Labs, 1275 Bloomfield            Avenue, Bldg. 6, Fairfield, NJ

19-13          Title 59 Approval – Water Billing and Data             Collection Services – Approves the plans and                specifications for Water Billing and Data              Collection Services prepared by the Ridgewood          Water Department, pursuant to Title 59

19-14          Award Contract – Water Billing and Data                     Collection Services (NTE $237,395) – Awards           the second year of a two-year contract to the          sole responsible bidder, Computil, Inc., 30            Controls Drive, Shelton, CT

19-15          Title 59 Approval – Servicing and Repair of           Potable Water Pumping Facilities – Approves            the plans and specifications for Servicing             and Repair of Potable Water Storage Tanks,             prepared by Ridgewood Water, pursuant to               Title 59

19-16          Award Contract – Servicing and Repair of               Potable Water Pumping Facilities (NTE                  $250,000) – Awards a contract to the sole              responsible bidder, William Stothoff Company,          Inc., 110 River Road, Flemington, NJ

19-17          Award Contract – Eastside Reservoir                    Improvements (NTE $246,600) – Awards a                 contract to the lowest responsible bidder,             Ray Palmer Associates, 95 King Street, Dover,          NJ

19-18          Award Professional Services Contract – Per-           and Poly-Fluoroalkyl Substances Planning and                Treatment      Study (NTE $168,600) – Awards a              Professional Services Contract to Mott                 MacDonald, 111 Wood Avenue South, Iselin, NJ.          The required Pay to Play forms have been               filed with the Village Clerk’s Office.

19-19          Award Emergency Contract – Boiler Replacement           – Glen Avenue Water Facility (NTE $33,800) –                Awards an Emergency Contract to Generation             III Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning,            30 West Prospect Street, Waldwick, NJ


3698 – Bond Ordinance – Street Paving and Streetscape,             Purchase of Senior Bus ($2,137,000) –                         Appropriates this money for the 2019 road paving      and streetscape program and for purchasing a bus  for the Senior Citizen transportation services       provided by the Village

3699 – Amend Chapter 265 – Vehicles and Traffic –                    Parking at Train Station Lot after 6:00 p.m. –         Amends this chapter to allow all vehicles to be         parked at the Ridgewood train station after 6:00  p.m., without the necessity of having a             Ridgewood resident sticker and/or a Ridgewood           Parking Permit

3700 – Amend Chapter 156 – Food and Food Handling                    Establishments – Outdoor Café Regulations –            Amends this chapter for new regulations for      outdoor cafes, including specifying particular      types, heights, and locations of barriers,              establishing dates when outdoor cafes may             operate, and

3701 – Amend Chapter 145 – Fees – Outdoor Cafes –                    Amends the fees to be charged for outdoor cafes,      based on the number of benches or tables and           chairs used by each business

3702 – Amend Chapter 265 – Vehicles and Traffic –                    Ridgewood Premium Parking Permit for Hudson            Street Parking Lot and Use of Rideshare                  Arrangement – Establishes the Hudson Street      Parking Lot permit, which permits resident                commuters to park only in this lot with this           particular permit, and guarantees these             commuters a parking space in the Hudson Street         Parking Lot. It also establishes the fact that           those who purchase the Hudson Street Parking Lot      permit will participate in a rideshare program,        at no additional cost, once the Hudson Street        parking lot is closed for the construction of           the Hudson Street parking garage. It also              requires those who have a 2019 Hudson Street          Parking Lot permit to purchase a 2020 Hudson            Street Parking Lot permit in order to continue       with the rideshare program until the Hudson           Street parking garage is completed.

3703 – Amend Chapter 145 – Fees – Ridgewood Parking           Permit for Hudson Street Lot – Establishes the          fee for the parking permit for the Hudson Street       lot only at $1,300


3694 – Amend Chapter 145 Fees – Adopt a Tree and              Memorial Benches

3695 – Amend Chapter 190 – Land Use and Development –        Establish Regulations for Temporary Storage        Containers

3696 – Amend Chapter 145 – Fees – Fees for Temporary          Storage Containers

3697 – Amend Chapter 145 – Fees – Graydon Pool                Membership Fees


3688 – Amend Chapter 145 – Fees – Graydon Pool                Membership Fees and Tennis Membership Fees



19-20          Authorize Tax Assessor/Tax Collector to File           Appeals and/or Settlement Stipulations –               Authorizes the Tax Assessor and/or Tax                 Collector to file tax appeals and/or                   settlement stipulations with the Bergen                County Board of Taxation for the purpose of            correcting assessment errors for the year              2018. This resolution also authorizes the             Assessor, in conjunction with the Village              Attorney, to conduct settlement negotiations           in matters pending before the Tax Court of                New Jersey in 2019.

19-21     Title 59 Approval – Landfill Disposal of               Solid Waste – Approves the plans and                   specifications for Landfill Disposal of Solid          Waste, prepared by the Ridgewood Water                 Department, pursuant to Title 59

19-22          Award Contract – Landfill Disposal of Solid           Waste (NT# $66.95/ton) – Awards the second             year of a two-year contract to the lowest              responsible bidder, IWS Transfer Systems of            NJ, Inc., 375 Routes 1 & 9, Jersey City, NJ

19-23          Title 59 Approval – 2019 Recreational Program           Instruction – Approves the plans and                   specifications for Recreational Program                     Instruction with the Department of Parks and                Recreation, Contract Year 2019, prepared by            the Ridgewood Recreation Department, pursuant          to Title 59

19-24          Award Contracts – 2019 Recreational Program           Instruction – Awards contracts to various              vendors for 2019 recreation programs offered                by the Village of Ridgewood’s Department of            Parks and Recreation. These contracts are              paid through user fees.

19-25          Approve Shared Services Agreement – School             Resource Officer (Ridgewood Board of                   Education – NTE $100,000) – Approves a Shared          Services Agreement with the Ridgewood Board            of Education, whereby the Village and the            Board of Education will each pay                      $100,000/year for funding a School Resource               Officer

19-26          Approve Shared Services Agreement – Bergen             County Police Chiefs Association Mutual Aid            Plan and Rapid Deployment Force – Authorizes                the Ridgewood Police Department to                          participate in a County-wide Mutual Aid Plan                and Rapid Deployment Force to be used in               times of emergency

19-27          Declare Property Surplus – Parks Department           Logs – Declares the stockpile of uncut                 lengths of logs, which are remnants from tree          work performed by the Parks Department, as             surplus property and authorizes the Village            Manager to dispose of this property

19-28          Declare Property Surplus – Various Vehicles –           Declares vehicles from various departments,            which are no longer viable for the Village’s                use, and authorizes the Village Manager to             dispose of this property

19-29          Certify Compliance with Federal Civil Rights                Requirements – Certifies that the Village of                Ridgewood’s hiring practices comply with the                U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity                      Commission’s “Enforcement Guidance on the              Consideration of Arrest and Conviction                 Records in Employment Decisions Under Title            VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964”, as               amended, pertaining to the consideration of            an individual’s criminal history. This is            required under P.L. 2017, c. 183 which                     requires that this be certified prior to the               Village submitting its approved annual budget        to the NJ Division of Local Government                 Services.

19-30          Authorize Release of Escrow Funds – 143 & 147           West      Glen Avenue – Authorizes the release of                the remaining escrow funds for this project,                in the amount of $12,348, since the Village           Engineer has deemed the project complete

19-31          Endorse Application for Community Development           Block Grant – Care Plus, NJ, Inc. – Client             Transportation Assistance – Confirms                   endorsement of a $43,680 CDB grant. This               resolution does not obligate the financial             resources of the Village but will expedite             the expenditure of Community Development               funds.

19-32          Approve Place to Place Transfer of Liquor              License – 54 East Ridgewood Landmark, LLC –            Expansion of Licensed Premises – Approves a            place to place transfer for 54 East Ridgewood          Landmark, LLC t/a Filena Restaurant to expand          their licensed premises to include all floors          within the building, as well as the rooftop

19-33          Authorize Bond Sale for Funding Hudson Street           Parking Garage – Authorizes the form and               requirements for the bond sale for the Hudson          Street parking garage

19-34          Appoint Member to Zoning Board of Adjustment                – Appoints Matthew Bandelt as Alternate #2             on the Zoning Board of Adjustment, which term          shall begin immediately and expire on                  6/30/2020

19-35          Appoint Members to Library Board – Appoints           Janis Fuhrman, Rocco Orlando, and Rei                  Shinozuka to terms that shall begin                    immediately and expire on 12/31/2023

19-36          Appoint Members to Community Center Advisory                Board     – Updates the appointment of members of        the Community Center Advisory Board as                 follows, effective immediately and ending on                6/30/2019: Donald Liebreich and Bill Carbone                – Senior Citizen Residents; Helen Leonard and          Beth Abbott – Adult Residents; Nancy Friedman          – Adult Resident (children in Ridgewood             school system); Tom Lillis – Ridgewood Highs        School Student; Emily Schmitt – George                  Washington Middle School Student; Chief              Jacqueline Luthcke or designee – Ridgewood               Police Dept. Liaison; Deanna Schablik – Parks       & Recreation Dept. Representative; Sheila             Brogan – Ridgewood Board of Education Liaison

  1. Comments from the Public (Not to Exceed 5 minutes per person)
  2. Resolution to go into Closed Session
  3. Closed Session

     Personnel/Contract Negotiations – PBA

  1. Adjournment
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Waldwick Police are Investigating A Series of Motor Vehicle Thefts

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Waldwick NJ, The Waldwick Police Department is investigating several motor vehicle burglaries that occurred this morning between 2AM and 3AM on the west side of town. As a result three motor vehicles with key fobs left in the vehicles were stolen. All vehicles that were entered were left unlocked. Once again we would like to remind everyone that simply removing your key fob from the car and locking the door will deter criminals from coming to our boro to commit crimes. If you have surveillance video or information that could assist the investigation please contact Det. Palaia of the Waldwick Police Detective Bureau at 201-652-5623.

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Two Alarm Fire Leaves Beauty Salon Heavily Damaged

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photo courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Midland Park NJ,  A 2-alarm Tuesday afternoon, 12/18, fire heavily damaged a building housing a first floor beauty salon in the 200 block of Godwin Avenue, Midland Park. Midland Park Fire Department was assisted by Ho-Ho-Kus Fire Department, Waldwick Fire Department, and Wyckoff Fire Department at the scene. No injuries were reported in the blaze. Mildand Park Police and Midland Park EMS also responded. Wyckoff Police assisted with traffic control

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3-alarm Fire on Franklin Turnpike Sends Waldwick Firefighter to Valley Hospital

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photo courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Waldwick NJ, Waldwick Fire department battled at 3-alarm structure fire at 96 Franklin Turnpike, Waldwick on Tuesday afternoon, 10/30. Mutual aid fire, police and EMS services responded from several neighboring communities to assist Waldwick Fire, Waldwick Police, and Waldwick EMS. One (1) firefighter was transported by ambulance to The Valley Hospital with a non life threatening injury. Traffic on busy Franklin Turnpike in Waldwick was detoured while emergency crews worked at the scene.

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Women Assulted at Ridgewood Business


file photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Police report that on October 22nd, Patrol units responded to North Broad Street on a report of an assault. Upon arrival the victim reported she was attempting to secure the front door of the business at 1930hrs. When a male approached her and assaulted her. The victim provided a description and patrol began to check the area. A male party was located matching the description and identified as the actor by the victim. Patrol then arrested the 25 year-old male from Waldwick, N.J. The arrestee was transported to Ridgewood Police headquarters, where he was served with a criminal complaint for simple assault and advised of his court date. He then was transported to New Bridge Hospital and admitted into the emergency room under A.T.R.A.
All actors are presumed innocent unless proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

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Van Slams into Auto Repair Facility on Crescent Avenue in Waldwick

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photo courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Waldwick NJ, A work van owned by a heating/air conditioning contractor slammed into a gas station/auto repair facility located at 11 Crescent Avenue, Waldwick on Monday morning, 10/15. Waldwick Fire Department and Wyckoff Fire Department personnel worked to stabilize the building after the vehicle was removed by a flatbed tow truck. The extent of injuries to the van’s occupants and/or employees of the facility was unknown. Waldwick Police officers detoured northbound traffic on Crescent Avenue away from the scene while emergency crews worked.

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Social Service Association fall kick off event!

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the staff of the Ridgeood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Social Service Association fall kick off event!  A casual, fun party to benefit Social Service Association featuring the Declan Power band.

SSA is a Ridgewood based organization that currently assists approx 125 families in Glen Rock, HoHoKus, Midland Park, Ridgewood, Waldwick and Wyckoff with food vouchers, small financial help, weekly pantry visits, Thanksgiving meals, Holiday gifts, camperships and much more!  #neighborshelpingneighbors

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NJ Transit : Beginning Sunday, October 14th, select trains will be temporarily discontinued or have changes of origin/destination.


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,  Progress continues on the installation of Positive Train Control (PTC) equipment on NJ TRANSIT’s rail fleet to meet federal year-end milestones, requiring NJ TRANSIT to make a final set of rail service adjustments. The temporary discontinuation of some trains and modified times and origin/destination points are necessary to accommodate installation of PTC hardware on additional locomotives and cab control cars.

“Our customers will always be our first priority, and their experience must be safe and consistent. We thoughtfully reviewed all trains that are part of this adjustment and found the most reasonable alternatives,” said NJ TRANSIT Executive Director Kevin Corbett.

To proactively address the potential service adjustment impacts, NJ TRANSIT will offer a 10-percent discount on all NJ TRANSIT rail tickets and passes for travel in November, December and January while the mandated hardware installation is completed.

Continue reading NJ Transit : Beginning Sunday, October 14th, select trains will be temporarily discontinued or have changes of origin/destination.

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Waldwick Man Charged with Sexual Assault on an Underaged Girl

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August 3,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Waldwick NJ, Acting Bergen County Prosecutor Dennis Calo announced the arrest of JOSE A. PALACIOS RIVAS, (DOB: 12/02/1992; Single; and employed as restaurant food runner) of 32 West Prospect Street, Waldwick, New Jersey, on charges of Sexual Assault and Endangering the Welfare of a Child. The arrest is the result of an investigation conducted by the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office under the direction of Chief Robert Anzilotti and the Waldwick Police Department under the direction of Chief Mark Messner.

On Thursday, June 21, 2018, the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office Special Victims Unit (“BCPOSVU”) received a report that Jose A. PALACIOS RIVAS, who was then twenty-years-old, had sexual intercourse on multiple occasions with a female who was under the age of sixteen. An investigation by the BCPOSVU and the Waldwick Police Department resulted in the arrest of PALACIOS RIVAS on Tuesday, July 31, 2018. PALACIOS RIVAS was charged with one count of Sexual Assault, N.J.S.A. 2C:14-2C(4), a crime of the 2nd degree and one count of Endangering The Welfare Of A Child, N.J.S.A. 2C:24-4(a), a crime of the 3rd degree. PALACIOS RIVAS is scheduled for a first appearance in Central Judicial Processing Court in Hackensack on Wednesday, August 1, 2018 at 1:30 PM.

Acting Prosecutor Calo states that the charges are merely accusations and that the defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, and would like to thank the Waldwick Police Department for its assistance in this investigation.

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Lightning Strikes Home on Hillcrest Road in Ridgewood

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook

July 4,2018

the staff of  the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Lightning struck a 3-story single family home on Hillcrest Road in Ridgewood during a late Tuesday afternoon, 07/03, thunderstorm, igniting an intense fire inside of the structure’s third floor. Ridgewood firefighters extinguished the blaze within 50 minutes of arriving on location. Firefighters from Waldwick Fire Department , Glen Rock Fire Department , and Ho-Ho-Kus Fire Department assisted Ridgewood Fire Department  at the scene. Ridgewood Police, Ridgewood EMS, and Ridgewood Emergency Services personnel also responded to the incident. Three (3) dogs were reported to have been inside of the residence when the fire started; their current location/condition is unknown. A team of commercial house painters working at the home when the lightning bolt struck escaped injury.

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Bathroom Fire Causes Ho-Ho-Kus Public School Evacuation

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photos courtesy of Boyd Lovings Facebook

May 30,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ho Ho Kus NJ, A smokey fire that began in a bathroom forced the complete evacuation of the Ho-Ho-Kus Public School on Tuesday afternoon, 05/29. Ho-Ho-Kus Police officers used hand held extinguishers and contained the fire prior to the arrival of Ho-Ho-Kus Fire Department and Waldwick Fire Department firefighters. Due to high heat conditions, two (2) ambulances were dispatched to the scene as firefighters worked to ventilate the structure. No injuries were reported in the incident and some students were observed re-entering the building within 30 minutes of the fire alarms sounding. The fire’s cause remains under investigation.

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Bear Chased Through Dozens of Yards by Ridgewood ,Midland Park and Waldwick Police

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

May 25,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Waldwick NJ, Police from Midland Park, Ridgewood, and Waldwick chased a young black bear through dozens of yards on Thursday morning, 05/24. The bear was finally treed behind home on Evergreen Street in Waldwick where it was last seen by this photographer perched there awaiting the arrival of NJDEP Fish and Wildlife Division personnel.

The bear was resting in a tree near Evergreen and Hemlock in Midland Park. Animal Control arrived at the scene to monitor the situation….

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BREAKING: Ridgewood Police Department is currently monitoring a bear in the area of North Monroe Street and Fairmount Road

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photo by Ridgewood Police

May 24,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood Police Department is currently monitoring a bear in the area of North Monroe Street and Fairmount Road. Willard and Ridge students have been advised to stay in the building. Please use caution and notify the Police Department if you observe the bear as it travels through the area. 201-652-3900 . UPDATE: 11:50pm The bear has moved into Waldwick