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Bergen County Sheriff Michael Saudino Top “Double Dipper”

Bergen County Sheriff Michael Saudino

Three-fourths of NJ sheriffs double-dip, led by 25-year ‘retiree’

By Mark Lagerkvist  /   August 30, 2015  /   6 Comments

For the past quarter century, Armando Fontoura has been looting a New Jersey state pension fund. But it won’t do any good to call the cops.

Fontoura is sheriff of Essex County. A dean among double-dippers, he draws $207,289 a year from public coffers – $144,896 in salary plus $62,393 from pension as a retiree of his own office.

Today is the 25th anniversary of Fontoura’s faux retirement. So far, he has collected $1.35 million in retirement cash without ever giving up his full-time county paycheck

On Friday, Aug. 31, 1990, Fontoura retired as county undersheriff at age 47. The following Monday, he returned to work at Essex County with the same salary and duties, but a different title – sheriff’s officer chief. One year later, he took charge as sheriff, a post he’s held ever since.

“Does it look bad? Yes,” admitted Fontoura. “No question about it, it looks bad. Was it legal? Yes.”

Worse for taxpayers, three-fourths of New Jersey’s county sheriffs – plus hundreds of other public officials – are taking advantage of pension loopholes to collect dual incomes.

A continuing New Jersey Watchdog investigation found the sheriffs in 16 of the state’s 21 counties are double-dippers. In addition, the sheriffs also employ 37 undersheriffs who returned to work after retiring as local, county or state law enforcement officials at relatively young ages.

In total, the 53 officers collect nearly $10 million a year from public coffers – $5.7 million in salaries plus $4.1 million in retirement pay – according to payroll and pension records.

By order of annual incomes, the double-dipping posse includes:

Bergen County Sheriff Michael Saudino (R), $267,987 – $138,000 salary + $129,987 pension as an Emerson Borough police retiree
Passaic County Sheriff Richard H. Berdnik (D), $253,957 – $151,887 salary + $102,070 pension as a Clifton police retiree
Ocean County Sheriff Michael Mastronardy (R), $231,315 – $107,250 salary + $124,065 pension as a Toms River Township police retiree
Mercer County Sheriff John Kemler (D), $227,330 – $142,499 salary + $84,831 pension as a Mercer County sheriff’s office retiree
Camden County Sheriff Charles J. Billingham (D), $219,232 – $144,753 salary + $74,479 pension as a Washington Township police retiree
Somerset County Sheriff Frank J. Provenzano (R), $208,576 – $132,555 salary + $76,021 pension as Bridgewater Township police retiree
Warren County Sheriff David P. Gallant (R), $208,432 – $125,945 salary + $82,487 pension as a State Police retiree
Morris County Sheriff Edward V. Rochford (R), $200,838 – $139,203 salary + $61,545 pension as a Morris Township police retiree
Middlesex County Sheriff Mildred S. Scott (D), $200,796 – $139,455 salary + $61,341 pension as a retiree of the Middlesex County sheriff’s office
Hunterdon County Sheriff Frederick W. Brown (R), $197,796 – $115,868 salary + $81,928 pension as a retiree of Raritan Township police
Salem County Sheriff Charles M. Miller, $195,452 (R) – $119,386 salary + $76,066 pension as a retiree of the Salem County prosecutor’s office
Gloucester County Sheriff Carmel M. Morina (D), $191,996 – $128,547 salary + $63,449 pension as a Greenwich Township police retiree
Sussex County Sheriff Michael Strada (R), $170,124 – $121,212 salary + $46,973 pension as Mount Olive Township police retiree
Cumberland County Sheriff Robert Austino (D), $166,938 – $107,250 salary + $59,688 pension as a Vineland police retiree
Cape May County Sheriff Gary Schaffer (R), $161,654 – $107,500 salary + $54,154 pension as an Ocean City police retiree.

Click here for the complete list of sheriffs and undersheriffs who collect pensions plus salaries.

New Jersey Watchdog began tracking double-dipping by sheriffs in 2011. The initial report found 16 sheriffs and 28 undersheriffs collecting a total of $8 million a year – $3.25 million from pensions plus $4.75 million in salaries.

Four years later, the tally has increased by nine undersheriffs and $1.8 million a year in total pay.

The investigative news site has also reported extensively on double-dipping by state legislators, administration officials, school superintendents, state police and the staffs of the attorney general and county prosecutors.

RELATED: ‘Seven deadly sins’ of New Jersey pensions

The millions being drained from retirement funds through double-dipping epitomize the woes of a pension system that faces $170 billion in underfunding – a point noted earlier this year by Gov. Christie’s blue-ribbon, bi-partisan Pension and Health Benefit Study Commission.

“It has great symbolic importance…as the double-dippers have become the ‘face’ of a dysfunctional public pension system,” the study concluded, citing New Jersey Watchdog’s reporting. “For this reason, the task force should consider ways to further limit this practice.”

Yet Gov. Chris Christie and the State Legislature have done little to halt the abuses that have profited well-connected Democrats and Republicans over the years.

One of the bigger beneficiaries is Sen. Fred Madden, D-Washington, a triple-dipper who receives nearly a quarter-million dollars a year – $85,272 from his state police pension, $113,810 as dean of law and justice of Rowan College at Gloucester County and $49,000 as a part-time state legislator.

“Obviously I don’t have a problem with people doing it,” Madden said in an interview with New Jersey Watchdog three years ago. “I’ve accepted that in my own personal life. I don’t have a problem with it at all.”

A bill co-sponsored by Sen. Jennifer Beck, R-Red Bank, would stop most double-dipping. It would suspend pension payments to retirees who return to public jobs paying more than $15,000 a year. The retirement benefits would resume when they permanently leave public employment.

“The pension system is intended to support you at a time you are no longer working,” said Beck. “So when you are an active employee, you should not be able to tap into both.”

The reform proposal has gone nowhere since it was first introduced in 2011 by Beck and Sen. Steven Oroho, R-Sparta. Its current incarnations – S-883 and A-114 – are trapped in legislative committees, unable to get enough support to reach the Senate or Assembly floors for votes.

RELATED: 18 double-dipping lawmakers block pension reform

Meanwhile, Fontoura is a heavy favorite to win re-election as sheriff in a Democratic stronghold that includes Newark. A victory would enable him to continue his double-dipping ways in Essex County for at least three more years.

“I retired, I collect my pension, and I am your sheriff,” Fontoura told NBC 4 New York, which partnered with New Jersey Watchdog for a report in 2012.

County personnel records show the retiring and rehiring of Fontoura had been plotted in advance. Then-sheriff Thomas D’Alessio approved the move on Aug. 7, 1990, more than three weeks before the switch.

“I said, as long as I can do this legally without breaking any law – and I can collect my pension and augment it with a salary — that’s fine, I will do this,” Fontoura recalled.

The sheriff’s office did not respond to a new request from New Jersey Watchdog for additional comment

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Rift over parkland opens old wounds in Ridgewood


AUGUST 24, 2015    LAST UPDATED: MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2015, 8:20 AM

RIDGEWOOD — Recent discussions at Village Council meetings over what should be done with the Schedler property — 7 acres of wooded land the village purchased six years ago — have resurrected age-old allegations in town of political favoritism.

At the council’s work session Aug. 12, a handful of speakers contended that Ridgewood was a divided community where a collective “east versus west” mind-set was pervasive and that village officials had long overlooked their neighborhood on the far east side. They said decisions about the Schedler property reflected bias against residents of their neighborhood.

Generally, the railroad tracks are considered the dividing line. However, Route 17 severs a triangular tract on the east that touches both Washington Township and Ho-Ho-Kus from the larger portion of the village, which is home to the Village Hall, the central business district and all the village’s schools.

That neighborhood runs from Route 17 to just beyond Van Emburgh Avenue, and from Racetrack Road on the north down to Linwood Avenue.

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Village Council Moves to Approve Turf Field for Schedler Property


AUGUST 12, 2015
8:00 P.M.

1.   Call to Order – Mayor

2.   Statement of Compliance with the Open Public       Meetings Act

3.   Roll Call – Village Clerk

4.   Flag Salute and Moment of Silence

5.   Acceptance of Financial Reports

6.   Approval of Minutes

7.   Proclamations

A.              Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over 2015   Statewide Crackdown
B.              Declare September Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
C.              Declare September National Preparedness Month

8.   Comments from the Public (Not to exceed 5 minutes      per person – 30 minutes in total)

9.   Motion to Suspend Regular Public Meeting and           Convene Special Work Session

10.  Special Work Session – See Attached Agenda

11.  Motion to Adjourn Special Work Session and             Reconvene Regular Public Meeting

12.  Manager’s Report

13.  Village Council Reports


3494 – Amend Chapter 265 – Vehicles and Traffic – 15             Minute Parking Meter – Establishes a third
15-minute parking meter on the east side of          North Walnut Street, closest to East Ridgewood            Avenue
3495 – Capital Ordinance – Construction of Handicapped          Ramp at Graydon Pool Parking Lot ($35,000)–          Appropriates this money for the construction of            a handicapped ramp at the Graydon Pool parking          lot. The amount appropriated will be paid back            through a Community Development Block Grant.
3496 – Amend Chapter 249 – Streets and Sidewalks –          Barricades –Establishes the use of Village           barricades in residential areas as well as in           the Central Business District for various events
3497 – Amend Chapter 145 – Fees – Establish Deposit         Fees for Use of Barricades – Establishes a              deposit fee of $125 for the use of barricades in   residential areas and $500 as a one-time fee for     the use of Village barricades by groups,              churches, and non-profits. This deposit will be            returned as long as the barricades are returned        and are not damaged. If the barricades are not             returned or are damaged, the deposit will pay             for the replacement or repair of the barricades.
3498 – Establish Policy for Maintenance of Tree Wells –     Establishes a policy whereby the owner of a           property is responsible for the maintenance of            the interior of the tree wells located in/on the        sidewalk by weeding, removing debris and             maintaining the overall clean appearance of the          tree wells
3499 – Amend Chapter 265 – Vehicles and Traffic –                U-Turn Prohibition and Parking Restrictions at           Willard School –Establishes no U-Turns on               portions of Morningside Road and California           Street; no parking on portions of Morningside              Road and no stopping or standing areas on                 portions of Morningside Road in the area of           Willard School


3485 – Prohibit U-Turns in Various Locations in Central     Business District
3486 – Amend Chapter 265 – Vehicles and Traffic –               Establish Stop Signs at Westbrook Road and             Norgate Drive
3487 – Amend Chapter 265 – Additional Valet Parking         Loading Zone – Chestnut Street
3488 – Lease of 1057 Hillcrest Road



15-228    Title 59 Approval – Snowplowing Services –           Approves the plans and specifications for               Snowplowing Services (November 1, 2015                 through May 1, 2016, inclusive) in the                    Village of Ridgewood, prepared by the                Engineering Division, pursuant to Title 59
15-229    Award Contract – Snowplowing Services –                  Awards a contract to the lowest responsible            bidder, ConQuest Construction, 20 Carver               Avenue, Westwood, NJ
15-230    Award Contract – Snow Removal – Sidewalk and              Deck      Clearing Services – Awards a contract to        the lowest responsible bidder, Downes Tree               Service, Inc., 65 Royal Avenue, Hawthorne, NJ
15-231    Award Contract – Printing Services ($50,000)              –Awards a contract to Ridgewood Press, 609            Franklin Turnpike, Ridgewood, NJ. This is            necessary due to payments exceeding $17,500            with this vendor during the 2015 calendar            year.
15-232    Award Contract – Emergency Repairs of Graydon        Pool      Well (NTE $15,118.75) – Awards an                    emergency contract to Rinbrand Well Drilling              Co., Inc., 14 Waldron Avenue, Glen Rock, NJ
15-233    Award Professional Services Contract –                    Consulting Engineering Services – Ridgewood               Water (NTE $147,300) – Awards a no-bid                professional services contract to Arcadis              U.S., Inc., 17-17 Route 208 North, Fair Lawn,        NJ.  The required Pay to Play forms have been        filed.
15-234    Award Professional Services Contract –                    Emergency     Laboratory Services – Water                Department (NTE $33,865) – Awards a no-bid            professional services contract to Agra                 Environmental Laboratory Services, 90½ West               Blackwell Street, Dover, NJ.  The required           Pay to Play forms have been filed.
15-235    Award Professional Services Contract – Lead               and Copper and Water Quality Parameter                   Testing &      Compliance Services – Ridgewood            Water (NTE $68,100) – Awards a no-bid                   professional services contract to Agra                    Environmental Laboratory Services, 90½ West               Blackwell Street, Dover, NJ.  The required           Pay to Play forms have been filed.
15-236    Award Professional Services Contract –                    Groundwater Under the Direct Influence of            Surface Water – Ridgewood Water (NTE $88,250)         – Awards a no-bid professional services                contract to Leggette, Brashears & Graham,            Inc., 600 East Crescent Avenue, Upper Saddle              River, NJ.  The required Pay to Play forms             have been filed.
15-237    Title 59 Approval – Siding Repairs to Traffic        and Signal Building – Approves the plans and               specifications for Siding Repairs to the               Traffic and Signal Building, 561 Prospect           Street, Glen Rock, NJ prepared by the                Engineering Division, pursuant to Title 59
15-238    Award Partial Contract – Siding Repairs to           Traffic and Signal Building (NTE $33,478.22)           – Awards a partial contract to the lowest              responsible bidder, Stone Creek, Inc., 10            First Street, Lodi, NJ
15-239    Award Professional Services Contract –                    Maintenance Agreement for SCADA System and           Software Support (NTE $15,625) – Water                 Pollution Control Facility –Awards a                  professional services contract to Keystone           Engineering Group, 590 Lancaster Avenue,             Suite 200, Frazer, PA
15-240    Award Contract Under State Contract – Ford
F-150 Pick-up Truck – Parking Utility (NTE           $29,335) – Awards a contract under State              contract to Winner Ford, 250 Berlin Road,            Cherry Hill, NJ
15-241    Award Contract Under State Contract –                Snowplows (NTE $9800) – Awards a contract            under State contract to Van Dine Motors,
135 Railroad Avenue, Hackensack, NJ
15-242    Award Contract Under State Contract –                Bulletproof Vests (NTE $22,800) – Awards a             contract under State contract to Lawmen                    Police Supply – New Jersey, 7115 Airport             Highway, Pennsauken, NJ
15-243    Authorize Change Order – Emergency Service           Repair to Water Pollution Control Facility           SCADA System (NTE $3,824.58) – Authorizes a            change order to Keystone Engineering Group,               590 Lancaster Avenue, Suite 200, Frazer, PA.         This change order is necessary for the labor           effort related to troubleshooting the                   existing Thickener Feed Pump #1 and Wet Well           Pump #3 controls in the WPCF’s SCADA system.
15-244    Rescind Change Order – Benjamin Franklin             Middle School Drop-Off – Rescinds the change           order awarded to J.A. Alexander, Inc., by               Resolution #15-216 on July 15, 2015, due to             the fact that the award was erroneously made,        based on a different contractor’s prices
15-245    Authorize Change Order – Benjamin Franklin           Middle School Drop-Off (NTE $89,000) –                 Authorizes a change order to Rockborn                  Trucking and Excavation, Inc., 12 Taylor             Road, Wharton, NJ.  This change order is             necessary in order to create a drop-off at              the Benjamin Franklin Middle School.
15-246    Authorize Change Order and Approve Agreement              with Washington Township – Paving – Hampshire        Road and Standish Road –Authorizes a change               order to Rockborn Trucking and Excavation,             Inc., 12 Taylor Road, Wharton, NJ.  The                   change order will allow the Village’s                contract to be amended to allow for paving             both the Ridgewood and Washington Township               sides of Hampshire Road and Standish Road.              It is agreed that Washington Township will           pay an amount not to exceed $118,000 for             this change order.
15-247    Approve Shared Services Agreement – Fuel             (Ridgewood Board of Education) – Approves a           Shared Services agreement with the Ridgewood           Board of Education for the remainder of 2015              and the full calendar year of 2016 to provide        designated vehicle fueling to designated              Board of Education vehicles
15-248    Approve Membership in Middlesex Regional             Educational Services Commission Cooperative            Purchasing Program – Approves the Village’s           membership in the Middlesex Regional                 Educational Services Commission Cooperative               Purchasing Program and authorizes the Village         Manager to enter into an agreement with the           Lead Agency for said Cooperative Purchasing               Program
15-249    Establish Green Business Recognition Program              –Establishes a Green Business Program which           will be administered by the Village of                 Ridgewood Green Team and will recognize                    businesses in the Village that practice and               promote sustainable practices
15-250    Approve Renewal of Liquor License – M & C            Drugs, Inc., t/a Harding Pharmacy – Approves            the annual renewal of the liquor license held          by M & C Drugs, Inc., t/a Harding Pharmacy
15-251    Approve Annual Renewal of Liquor Licenses –              Approves the annual renewal of liquor                licenses for Ridgewood Lodge No. 1455 BPOE,             and the Upper Ridgewood Tennis Club
15-252    Approve Person to Person Liquor License                   Transfer – M & C Drugs, Inc. t/a Harding             Pharmacy to Maple Avenue Liquors, LLC –                 Approves the person to person transfer of the         liquor license held by M & C Drugs, Inc., t/a        Harding Pharmacy to Maple Avenue Liquors,            LLC.  The new owner of the liquor license           will retain it in pocket status, with no            licensed premise, until such time that a             suitable location is found to site the                    license.
15-253    Authorize Execution of Settlement Agreement               with NJDEP – Authorizes the execution of the
Stipulation of Settlement and Withdrawal of               Request for a Hearing Agreement and                authorizes the settlement of the matter in           the amount of $55,000.00
15-254    Hire Professional Consultant for COAH
(NTE $2000) – Approves the payment to Dr.            Burchell as the Principal Investigator to              prepare the Burchell Fair Share                         Analysis to establish the Village of                 Ridgewood’s obligation
15-255    Award Emergency Contract – Cleaning of Water              Tanks (NTE $27,000)- Awards a contract for            emergency services to Liquid Engineering           Corporation, 7 East Airpot Road, Billings,           Montana to achieve compliance with the USEPA              and NJDEP regulations
15-256    Award Contract – Leasing and Maintenance of               Police Vehicles (NTE $30,000) – Awards the             second year of a three-year contract to                  Enterprise Fleet Management, 1550 Route 23            North, Suite 101, Wayne, NJ


15-257    Acceptance of Open Space Committee                        Recommendations Concerning the Schedler                   Property
15-258    Apply for Grant – Schedler House
15-259    Award Contract – Financial Feasibility Study             for Hudson Street Parking Lot

17.  Comments from the Public (Not to Exceed 5 minutes    per person)

18.  Resolution to go into Closed Session

19.  Closed Session

20.  Adjournment

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Discussion of Schedler Property and House MUST BE AN ELECTION YEAR COMING UP


AUGUST 5, 2015

1.         7:30 pm – Call to Order – Mayor
2.         Statement of Compliance with Open Public Meeting Act
Mayor:  “Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a posting on the bulletin             board in Village Hall, by mail to the Ridgewood News, The Record, and by submission to all persons entitled to same as provided by law of a schedule including the date and           time of this meeting.”
3.         Roll Call – Village Clerk
4.         Flag Salute/Moment of Silence
5.         Public Comments (Not to Exceed 5 Minutes per Person)
6.         Presentations
a.         Senior Citizen Needs Assessment Survey
b.         June Year-to-Date Financial Review

7.         Discussion
a.         Parking
1.         Hudson Street Parking Garage Update
2.         Proposed 15 Minute Parking Spot

b.         Budget
1.            Capital Ordinance – Funding for Grant – Handicap Ramp at Graydon Pool
2.            Award Contract – F150 Pickup for Parking Enforcement
3.            Award of Contract Under State Contract – Purchase & Servicing of Firefighting            Equipment and Supplies
4.            Award Contract Under State Contract – Snow Plows
5.            Award Partial Contract – Siding Repairs to Traffic and Signal Building
6.            Award Contract – Maintenance Agreement for SCADA System and Software Support
7.            Authorize Change Order – Emergency Service Repair to Water Pollution Control          Facility SCADA System
8.            Authorize Change Order – Benjamin Franklin Middle School Drop-Off
9.            Award Contract – Printing Services – Ridgewood Water
10.        Award Contract – Consulting Engineering Services – Ridgewood Water
11.        Award Contract – Emergency Laboratory Services – Water Department

b.         Budget (continued)

12.        Award Contract – Lead and Copper and Water Quality Parameter Testing &   Compliance Services – Ridgewood Water
13.        Award Contract – Groundwater Under the Direct Influence of Surface Water –             Ridgewood Water
14.        Award Contract – Emergency Repairs of Graydon Pool Well
15.        Approve Agreement with Washington Township – Paving and Curbs – Hampshire Road and Standish Road
16.        Approve Shared Services Agreement – Fuel – Ridgewood Board of Education

c.         Operations

1.                  2016 Village Council Meeting Dates
2.                  Establish Deposit Fees for Use of Village Barricades

d.         Policy
1.         Discussion of Schedler Property and House
2.         Middlesex Regional Education Services Commission Cooperative Pricing                                              Agreement
3.         Green Business Recognition Program

8.         Review of August 12, 2015 Public Meeting Agenda
9.         Manager’s Report
10.       Council Reports
11.       Public Comments (Not to Exceed 5 Minutes per Person)
12.       Resolution to go into Closed Session
13.       Closed Session
A.        Legal – Valley Hospital
B.         Personnel – Human Resources Position
14.       Adjournment

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Washington Twp man fished out of the back yard pool durring cardiac arrest

Washington Twp man , Washington Twp NJ,  back yard pool , cardiac arrest
photo courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

Washington Twp man fished out of the back yard pool durring cardiac arrest

August 2,2015
the staff of the Ridgewood blogWashington Twp NJ, The Washington Township Police Department received a frantic 911 telephone call at approximately 1:50 PM on Saturday, 08/01 from a woman who reported finding her husband on the bottom of their back yard pool.

Local police and ambulance personnel, along with a nearby paramedic unit, responded to the location where they found the victim in full cardiac arrest.. He was transported by an ambulance with a police escort to The Valley Hospital, Ridgewood. Washington Township Police were assisted by the Washington Township Volunteer Ambulance Corps and a paramedic unit from The Valley Hospital.

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Major Water Main Break Soaks Washington Twp Closes Swim Club

photo from Boyd Loving’s Facebook page
Major Water Main Break Soaks Washington Twp Closes Swim Club
July 31,2015
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Washington Twp NJ, A major water main break on Ridgewood Boulevard North in Washington Township affected a wide area of the municipality, reportedly resulting in the temporary closure of the Washington Township Swim Club.
The break occurred sometime around 11 AM on Thursday, 07/30. A portion of Ridgewood Boulevard North in the 400 block was closed to all vehicular traffic as a result of the leak. Crews from United Water arrived at the scene within 30 minutes to assess the situation. A water company worker was overheard telling an area resident that water would be “off” for most of the day Thursday.
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Father in Washington Township tragedy says family was non-traditional but tightknit


photo from facebook

Father in Washington Township tragedy says family was non-traditional but tightknit

Teia and her brother Travis joined the Gallo family separately, a pair of happy accidents. Now they’re forever linked in tragedy. As news spread Friday that Travis allegedly killed Teia by stabbing her with a knife on the day after Christmas, it sent waves of shock and sadness across Bergen County.

It also pulled the sprawling Gallo family together to grieve.

“We’re a very strong family,” said Dr. Robert James Gallo, a prominent doctor in Hackensack and patriarch of a family with 12 children and 14 grandchildren. “There’s a lot of love and a lot of hugging, and we will get through this. We will weather this storm.”

Travis, 17, was charged with murder Friday by authorities who say he stabbed and killed his sister Teia, 20. She died Thursday in the family’s large split-level home at the end of a cul-de-sac in Washington Township.

– See more at:

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Washington Twp. sued over PILOT rejection


Washington Twp. sued over PILOT rejection

The re-developers of the controversial Washington Square Project are suing Washington Township, Democratic Mayor Barbara Wallace and the township council in an effort to overturn the council’s July 10 rejection of a PILOT, or payment in lieu of taxes, deal for a mixed-use residential and commercial development. South Jersey Times

Tiger Team Recommendations : Evaluate “Pay for Service” or “PILOT” Program

New Jersey Hospital Association Expands Bundled Payment Pilot Program


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Six car burglaries reported in Washington Township over last two weeks

Six car burglaries reported in Washington Township over last two weeks
Monday August 5, 2013, 3:25 PM
Pascack Valley Community Life

Two more car burglaries have been reported to Township of Washington police, bringing the number of break-ins over the past two weeks up to six.

Sometime during the overnight hours of Sunday, Aug. 4 into Monday, Aug. 5, an iPod was stolen from an unlocked vehicle parked outside an Elf Hill Court home, according to Detective Sgt. John Calamari.

Fiver days earlier, police were contacted by a Katharina Place resident whose car was entered between the overnight of Wednesday, July 31 into Thursday, Aug. 1, he said. A GPS, iPad and headphones were reported missing from the vehicle, which, Calamari noted, was also unlocked.

Township police are working to determine whether the most recent burglaries are connected to ones that occurred during the past two weeks, the sergeant said.

– See more at:

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Burglaries in Washington township on the Ridgewood border.

Burglaries in Washington township on the Ridgewood border.

Same burglar may be responsible for string of residential break-ins in Washington Township

Friday, July 19, 2013    Last updated: Friday July 19, 2013, 11:32 PM
The Record

WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP — A string of residential break-ins over the past eight months in the same neighborhood, all which took place while the residents slept in their homes, may be the work of the same burglar, police said Friday.

Chief Randy Ciocco of the Washington Township police said there have been five burglaries and one attempted burglary in the western part of the township since Nov. 7. In the most recent burglary, at a house on Andrea Lane on July 12, the burglar took cash from a wallet left on the dresser of the master bedroom where the residents were sleeping several feet away. An attempted burglary was reported two days later on Hemlock Drive after a home alarm went off in the early morning hours, Ciocco said.

“Because it’s the same general neighborhood, at this point we believe it’s the same person or persons involved,” Ciocco said.

– See more at:

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Wednesday, May 15th, East bound Washington Avenue will be closed at Van Emburgh Avenue


Wednesday, May 15th, East bound Washington Avenue will be closed at Van Emburgh Avenue

Traffic Alert From Washington Township

Beginning Wednesday, May 15th, East bound Washington Avenue will be closed at Van Emburgh Avenue as J. Fletcher Creamer and Sons replaces a water meter and installs conduit for United Water on Washington Avenue at Van Emburgh Avenue. This work is scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday with Friday being a possible third day. The work is scheduled to begin each day at 7:00AM and end at 5:00 PM.

During this time there will be no traffic permitted to go East bound on Washington Ave. from the intersection of Washington Avenue at Van Emburgh Avenue traveling towards the Garden State Parkway entrance ramp. North bound Van Emburgh Ave. will have to continue North into Hillsdale and South bound Van Emburgh Ave. will have to continue South heading towards Route 17.

West bound Washington Avenue traffic coming from Pascack Road and Garden State Parkway Exit 168 will be allowed to proceed to the intersection of Washington Avenue at Van Emburgh Avenue. Officers will be stationed at this intersection to assist West bound Washington Avenue traffic through the intersection.

Please plan an alternate route.

If you have any questions please call the Police desk at 201-664-1140.

Traffic Bureau – Township of Washington Police Department

Thank you for your cooperation.

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NJ assemblyman Bob Schroeder from Washington Twp accused of writing bad checks

NJ assemblyman Bob Schroeder

NJ assemblyman Bob Schroeder from Washington Twp accused of writing bad checks
August 3,2012
PJ Blogger

Ridgewood NJ , The state Attorney General’s Office filed charges against NJ assemblyman Robert Schroeder from Washington Twp for knowingly writing bad checks on behalf of his company. Schroeder charged with a second-degree count of passing bad checks.denies the allegations and contends he wrote checks to two suppliers in the assumption that several thousand dollars the U.S. Army owed him for a contract has been wired into the account .

Schroeder was quoted in the Bergen Record , “I made a mistake, I apologize,” he said. “I’m responsible for my actions. It’s a sad day for my family.” ( )

While Schroeder claims he only bounced checks for $100,000 the Attorney General Jeffrey S. Chiesa said at Fridays afternoon news conference that the checks Schroeder bounced were to two investors and totaled just under $400,000.

Those who know Bob would say that he is known more for his personality , sense of humor and his escapades as a firemen than his politics . His political claim to fame is the long battle he waged to change the name of Exit 168 off the Garden State Parkway in Washington Township. Naming the exit correctly speeds up the emergency response time during accidents .

Bob used to say you should always vote for a firemen they run into a fire while others run away .

Bob also made a couple of valiant efforts to run for Governor ,but fell short from getting the nomination .

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Masked bandit breaks into Washington Township home

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Masked bandit breaks into Washington Township home
May 21, 2012
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ , A masked man dressed all in black broke into a Van Emburgh Avenue home in Washington Township early Sunday morning and scuffled with the homeowner before fleeing according to police. The incident was reported near the Glen school area of Ridgewood. There have been a rash of break ins reported in that area in recent months.The burglar is still reported to be at large.

At about 1:50 a.m., Washington Township police were dispatched to the home. The officers were told that the burglar had locked himself in the master bedroom . Two officers from the township and then officers from six surrounding towns, the county police and county sheriff were all dispatched to the scene.

By the time Police from Washington Township and Westwood “made entry” into the master bedroom, the burglar had fled.

Police then set up a perimeter and began a search for the burglar.

Police investigators discovered that the burglar entered the home through a master bedroom window and left the same way. He closed the window to “conceal his point of entry.”

Anyone with information should call township police at 201-664-1140.

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>Washington Township, Chatham, NJ, will pay municipal employees to opt-out of health insurance

>Washington Township, Chatham, NJ, will pay municipal employees to opt-out of health insurance

As towns try to find new ways to save money, a protocol issued by Gov. Chris Christie is outlining ways for municipalities to pay employees to opt-out of a town’s health insurance, provided they have coverage by another means. (Roman, Daily Record)

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