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CDC Recommends Ridgewood Protesters Get Tested For COVID19

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photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Protests across the U.S. including Ridgewood over the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police could be a “seeding event” for more coronavirus outbreaks, CDC Director Robert Redfield warned lawmakers in June.

Redfield told the House Appropriations Committee that he would like to see people who took part in the protests get tested for the virus in the next few days.

“I do think there is a potential, unfortunately, for this to be a seeding event,” he said during the hearing on the U.S. response to the coronavirus. “And the way to minimize that is to have each individual to recognize it is an advantage of them to protect their loved ones, to [say] ‘hey, I was out, I need to go get tested.’”

Redfield also said that he was “very concerned” that the agency’s public health message on the coronavirus isn’t “resonating” with the public as cases continue to rise across the U.S.

CDC Director Robert Redfield recommended, If you’ve marched in any recent protests, you may want to consider getting tested for the coronavirus. That’s the recommendation of the director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, who said during a House Appropriations hearing on Thursday that anyone who participated should “highly consider” getting tested.

“I do think there is a potential, unfortunately, for this to be a seeding event,” Dr. Robert Redfield said during Thursday’s hearing on the coronavirus response. He said the risk of infection is higher in major cities where there’s been significant transmission. To prevent transmission, Redfield suggested people who attend protests tell their loved ones that they were out in public and get tested within 3 to 7 days.

US officials have expressed fear that coronavirus could spread rapidly during protests, which were prompted by George Floyd’s death in police custody. Floyd’s autopsy found that he, too, had tested positive for coronavirus the month before his death.


9 thoughts on “CDC Recommends Ridgewood Protesters Get Tested For COVID19

  1. We call that ‘irony’ …

  2. No. According to the MSM news, there is no “evidence” of increased Covid infections following all these protests. All the new cases are the result of re-opening business. Somehow, there is this magical way in which the virus passes from person to person.

  3. You’re right they all should be tested. And show proof. Before marching together.How is it that they can be that close with no regard.

  4. I still chuckle at white kids from Ridgewood with a sign that says “Pay Reparations”. With so many opportunities to volunteer to help people that need help right now, this is the best they can do?

  5. Yes we paid $115 million in a school budget and this is what we get

  6. COVID- from one Set of commies to another.

  7. We’ve already paid billions in reparations….

    It’s called:
    Affirmative Action,
    Lowered College Admissions Standards,
    Hiring Bias towards Blacks and Minorities for equally qualified candidates,
    Executive Order 13583,

  8. Poster #7 hit the nail on the head…..Victimhood is a real strategy for these folks.

  9. “I still chuckle at white kids from Ridgewood with a sign that says “Pay Reparations”.”

    OK, if the protesters want reparations paid, they can hit up mommy and daddy for a few hundred thousand and that should solve the problem.

    What’s that you say? “Oh, no, we don’t want to *personally* pay the reparations”. We prefer to have the reparations paid by the non-protesting Ridgewood citizens.

    If that’s the case, they FU&K OFF you hypocrites! Get jobs and pay the reparations you demand!

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