the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Mahwah NJ, the Mahwah Municipal Chair and the GOP Club President are formally calling out Bergen County Republican Organization (BCRO) Chairman Jack Zisa, and his Organization for their controversial and seemingly discriminatory intervention in the candidate selection process for the primary elections this June. In a shocking deviation from established protocol, Chairman Zisa has rejected all 18 contested candidates recommended by the Mahwah Municipal Chair, and nearly 100 across the entire County, prompting serious concerns of a personal vendetta, gender bias, anti-Semitism, and a blatant disregard for the Americans with Disabilities Act.
This unexpected interference has not only undermined the municipal chair’s authority but also the democratic principles that guide our candidate selection. The removal of a blind woman from the county line, who is the chairwoman for Mahwah’s “Access For All” and was recognized by Bergen Elected officials for her work on behalf of the disabled, raises serious questions about the organization’s adherence to the Americans with Disabilities Act and commitment to equal opportunity. Furthermore, Zisa’s decision to support a candidate who made controversial statements against the Jewish community several years ago, while simultaneously denying the organizational line to an active, incumbent Jewish couple in Mahwah, is disgraceful. Finally, ignoring the unanimous decision of the first and only all-female County Committee Executive board in Bergen County, reeks of gender bias and misogyny.
“We are deeply troubled by Chairman Zisa’s actions, which appear to be driven by ulterior motives rather than the best interests of the party and the people of Mahwah,” stated Frank Pallotta, Mahwah Municipal Committee member and former Republican candidate for US Congress in New Jersey’s 5th District. “His decision to retaliate against capable candidates based on discriminatory grounds, is entirely unacceptable and reflects poorly on the values that our Republican party represents.” It also appears that Chairman Zisa has launched similar attacks against more than 100 candidates accross Bergen County. “Having lost every one of his 37 County races during his tenure, and with his failed Chairmanship seemingly coming to an end, the old addage ‘a dying mule kicks the hardest’, certainly feels apropos.” said Frank.
The voters of Mahwah demand a transparent explanation from Chairman Zisa and urges the BCRO to restore fairness and equality to the candidate selection process. The committee stands firmly against this form of discrimination and will continue to fight for the rights of all individuals to be fairly considered for public service.
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Zisa’s don’t fool around…in my opinion…