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Co-Founder of Wikipedia says , “Wikipedia has become an opponent of vigorous democracy”

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staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Co-Founder calls out Wikipedia as “Hopelessly Biased”, Larry Sanger, a philosopher who co-founded Wikipedia in 2001, has sadly concluded that the free online encyclopedia is “more one-sided than ever” and so dominated by liberal sources that it is now “an opponent of vigorous democracy.” And freedom for that matter.

“Wikipedia openly repudiates neutrality, and therefore it is shamelessly hypocritical in how it continues to pay lip service to its ‘neutral point of view’ policy,’” Sanger wrote on his website last week.

He notes that Fox News, the Daily Mail, and the New York Post— are “banned from use as sources by Wikipedia…With few exceptions, only globalist, progressive mainstream sources — and sources friendly to globalist progressivism — are permitted,” he continued.

On the Trump impeachments:  “The articles are so biased, in fact, that it is fair to call them ‘propaganda.’”

On Hunter Biden scandals:  “Wikipedia’s main article begins, ‘The Biden–Ukraine conspiracy theory is a series of unevidenced claims centered on the false allegation that while Joe Biden was vice president of the United States, he engaged in corrupt activities relating to the employment of his son Hunter Biden by the Ukrainian gas company Burisma.”

Black Lives Matter:  “Criticism of Black Lives Matter cannot be found in any form” with respect to last Summer’s riots.

2020 Election Claims:  “Wikipedia’s articles on the 2020 election read like party propaganda.”

Sanger’s conclusion: “I maintain that Wikipedia has become an opponent of vigorous democracy.”

One thought on “Co-Founder of Wikipedia says , “Wikipedia has become an opponent of vigorous democracy”

  1. Yes.
    This is true,

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