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Coffee and Conversation with the Board of Education and superintendent of Ridgewood Schools October 10th


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Mark your calendar for the first Coffee & Conversation of the school year on October 10. Invitation to meet informally with the Board of Education and superintendent to discuss school-related topics of interest. On Wednesday night, October 10, the coffee will be brewing at the Education Center, 49 Cottage Place, from 7-8:30 p.m. for the first of two Coffee and Conversation nights this school year. Residents are invited to drop by on October 10 with your questions, suggestions and concerns.

school-related topics :suggestions and concerns

!) taking away budget vote

2)$110,000,000 school budget

3) massive debt levels

4) unaudited financials

5) dropping in school rankings

6) fights

7) bullying

8) SRO and school safety


7 thoughts on “Coffee and Conversation with the Board of Education and superintendent of Ridgewood Schools October 10th

  1. Lucky for the board of ed that many interested parties will be at the Council Meeting

  2. A total waste of time except for those who enjoy talking to themselves.

  3. You may talk but they won’t listen.

  4. Many will be at the council meeting. You mean less than 10 out of 8000ish adults/residents. Sounds great

  5. A great photo of the sign their attorney said was okay to erect on public property. NO; that’s not permitted.

  6. That sign!!! Hahaha, that was hilarious. They posted it on PUBLIC property to promote their own agenda. What a despicable bunch.

  7. The coffee isn’t even good.

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