To the members of CRR and friends:
Two seats on the Village Council will be filled in the general election on Tuesday, November 8.
We endorse the reelection of Susan Knudsen for a third 4-year term and retired fire chief Jim Van Goor for his first such term.
The main issue, which will sound familiar, is the threat of over-development.
Under Susan’s leadership, the Village Council withstood a powerful push for proposed high-density housing that would have overburdened our town’s infrastructure, school system, and more, increasing our property tax burden.
The other two candidates, without having held elective office, have demonstrated that they favor increased development in our relatively small town.
In contrast, Susan and Jim have both local land use and municipal government experience. They know the methods that developers used to navigate the system and enact favorable high-density zoning. Electing the wrong candidates would put the Village at risk again.
Local control of significant issues means a lot. But we lost an important right when our Board of Education election, to which the school budget vote was attached, was moved from the spring to the fall. That’s too late for the Board to plan effectively for the school year. Thus, the budget was removed from the ballot and residents no longer have a say. This change was due largely to the efforts of one of the candidates running against Knudsen and Van Goor. That candidate did not make clear to voters that this would happen if the election were moved.
We believe that this person cannot have our best interests at heart and that placing her on the Council would be a regrettable mistake.
The Council already contains two members who favor increased development. Electing even one more such person would throw the majority vote their way.
On November 8, please vote for both Susan Knudsen and Jim Van Goor. We trust only in them to ensure a rational approach to development in Ridgewood and provide good governance for the Village.
Their websites can tell you more:
Please share this message with your friends and neighbors. And please vote on or before November 8.
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No mention of the underused garage in the above list of accolades. Wasn’t Susan on board when that vote occurred? And the extremely expensive, unnecessary re-construction of the Shedler house? And the costly change to a new fireman and removal of the volunteers? And the problems the Village is having in trying to get their Ambulance into legal, rather than illegal operations? Absolute refusal in allowing anyone who cannot be physically present being involved in any Council discussion? And the Shedler Park being delayed for years–and now suddenly important–as all the available money was put into the house for which we have absolutely no use? There are tons of expensive skeletons buried in Susan’s closet. Is the Blog in collusion with Susan’s forces? All negatives are being printed about her opponents while Susan is being presented as a wonderful person who cannot make mistakes. Admittedly, Susan is a wonderful person. Her main problem is her determination to get her projects, and only her projects, accomplished. Is this really what we want in our Representatives?
Without Susan, we would have a much larger garage with even more empty spaces. Many of the delays and expensive costs associated with Schedler have been beyond the Village’s control. I don’t know anything about an “illegal” ambulance but if you are referring to the EMT vs. Firefighter decision, Susan’s decision was the correct one (Sorry, Linda S. you are wrong and should stop spewing misinformation).
Here is story about Susan that most don’t know . . . years ago, no one at Somerville School stepped up to host a graduation party for ALL of the kids. There were 3 separate parties where the exact same 60 kids were invited and the exact same 20 kids were excluded from all parties. Ridgewood cruelty at its finest. Susan’s reaction was “No, that’s not the way we do things” and in 24 hours, she organized (along with another parent) what became known to the parent’s as the “Everyone’s Invited Party.” Managed to get a DJ, food, decoration, etc. And she never took credit for the party of the saving the dignity of dozens of kids.
-when you all stayed home and hid in your home during COVID(now called remote work) , that killed the garage , Susuan helped reduce the size from the 3 amigo disinformation campaign garage
-no one removed volunteers , the per-diem EMT program was ended after repeated failures
– all council meetings are available on Youtube and Swagit , how did you get to the meeting 3 years ago
– Shedler Park Delaped by the Village engineer going rogue, is no different than other large projects in Ridgewood , Irene Habernickel Family Park cost far more and was a mess till susan renegotiated the rent with health barn
– as for collusion stop lying and you’ll get better coverage
Se fought it Sparky. Weitz is trying to buy the election with ads running on youtube every ten seconds. And Sioban is lawsuit crazy
And what about the problems in the other departments. Or they just look in the other way again.
Problems in the d p w.
1- inexperienced supervision.
2-staffing issues .
3-lowest ( moral ) in history.
4- all new employees are from the same town, what’s up with that. Very fishy,
5- sneaky daily dealings .
6- trouble makers,
7- not following civil service laws.
8-favoritism with certain employees.
Ridgewood would get more rent from the gate house if it was residential rent coming into the town and less use of Ridgewood village amenities. They are constantly repairing, working and cleaning up around the gate house. Plus the expensive handicap ramp. We the tax payers are picking up the slack to keep that business there. If it remained a family home as it should be the tax payers would not be paying for all the work there. . Susan tried and I guess succeeded at a small rent increase but in reality a business should not be in a public park. But I agree she is the ONLY one who truly knows how to be a leader for the people not for business only
People are watching. It’s amazing how many two legged rats around.