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Confusion Over Debit Cards in the Village of Ridgewood

Village Council -Halaby

September 21,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, we have noticed and increase in the velocity of dissent to the lowest common denominator in the Village lately . Is it really the case in the Village that grown adults do not know how a simple debit card works? (REALLY) And these people can afford to pay taxes and live in Ridgewood ? (REALLY) . And some think the new Estate Card will eliminate or should eliminate  all your property taxes? (REALLY).

We know a group of Paul Aronsohn crusaders , who are  simply in love all things Paul Aronsohn and are still alive and active in the village , and we know this self interested group of people are trying to undermine the current mayor , but folks the disrespect and stupidity is getting a bit out of hand .

Its no wonder scammers continue to target Ridgewood  as a place of easy pickings for the latest con job .

The following is a letter we pulled off of Facebook :

An open letter to Matt Rogers and Bob Rooney, respectively General Counsel and CFO of the Village of Ridgewood, concerning the Ridgewood Estate Card:

Dear Mr. Rogers and Mr. Rooney:

I am very concerned about the letter sent out by Mayor Knudsen endorsing the Ridgewood Estate Card. Has the letter been vetted by someone with a financial understanding of the working of credit/debit cards?
The letter is so cheerful, chirpy and positive, it makes it sound like “money for old rope.” Admittedly, the Mayor asks the recipients to read the “Cardholder Agreement and Membership Agreement’” a nice disclaimer, but how understandable are these agreements to the layman? I have three degrees from two top U.S. universities, and I can hardly go past the third line of such agreements. I looked up the website and the fees presented are beyond comprehension or comparison.
Reading comments on FB and trying my best to understand the economics, it appears one has to deposit $800 monthly to start earning the 0.25% offset to real estate taxes. At spending of $10,000 per year, this means a contribution of $25. Is that really worth it? There might be additional savings on purchases but based on what? And what charges are incurred if the card owner does not use $800 in purchases?
For the record, I am not an expert in this field, but I can’t but believe the card is not as good as it appears. If I am wrong, please correct me.
Again, has this been vetted by our CFO or the FAC? Wouldn’t that be something they should have looked at?
I honestly worry that the Village is exposing itself to trouble as I think the letter is not complete in all the information it should provide. Some people will feel misled.
Thank you,
Rurik Halaby

Could someone please inform Mr Halaby that the FAC has been shut down and that the FAC failed to follow even the most traditional and mundane generally accepted financial practice standards ,leaving the Village open to massive liability law suits .The  FAC over time proved to be nothing more than a bunch of political hacks looking to promote the failed agenda of former mayor Paul Aronsohn.

While Mr. Halably claims to have,” three degrees from two top U.S. universities ” I guess none of the degrees involved book keeping , and basic math .By the way in 3rd Grade we all learn (in America) that you should read things before you sign it . If there is something you don’t understand you can “Google” it or even call the toll free number and ask. I know its simply brilliant.

Look we know Mr. Halaby is smarter than this . Our suggestion would be to focus on issues , like Ridgewood Water or the over development of CBD and the lack of infrastructure to support it or even the crazy high taxes , oh but wait those issues are what pushed Aronsohn and his wanabe fan club out of political power to begin .


28 thoughts on “Confusion Over Debit Cards in the Village of Ridgewood

  1. Halaby and Voigt – 2 people I’d like to hear a lot less from during the remaining years of my life.

  2. I’m thinking you meant “descent” not “dissent.” The irony of the staff not being familiar with middle school grammar while trying to call someone else stupid is quite rich.

  3. Halaby, such a smart guy. Just ask him. By the way, Mr. H – Matt Rogers is not “General Counsel.” He is the Village Council Attorney. He works for them.

  4. That idiot Halaby writes to Matt Rogers many times a week. And every time he does so, billable hours are charged by Mr. Rogers for reading his stupid emails (and rightfully so). Halaby is costing the taxpayers a bundle with his nonsensical rants. Please, make him shut up.

  5. The card offers discounts to those who use it at local merchants. how hard of a concept is that to understand? if you don’t want the discount……..don’t use it. If you pre-load the card, then choose to never shop at the local businesses that offer you the discount- you get a barely negligible % and probably lose money. If you were to choose to do that, it is your $$, go for it. it is clear that for many barking here about the card and the small effort to reduce the highest property taxes in the country [however little this card does that], a unicorn could deliver gold bars to your door and you’d complain about the scratch marks on your porch.

  6. I’m no fan of Rurik, but why is ANYONE on the council endorsing a credit card?

  7. Not a fan of Halaby or Voigt (that duplicitous…) , but Halaby;s right about the Real Estate Debit card — you give up a lot to get very little.
    Just another way to gather data on residents – another way RW is selling out its residents – either through ignorance (and being manipulated) or by design.

  8. It is what it is–a VERY modest tool to benefit a very modest number of residents to a very modest degree. I don’t feel sold out, but I am not jumping for joy. I am indifferent and to me the card is not worth the effort .Some may feel differently–good for them. I expect most in Ridgewood will not bother. While I think Susan’s letter was a little too effusive, at least the VC is doing something, however modest, to aid the beleaguered taxpayer.

  9. Just like any other offer you can take it or leave it. Damned if they do damned if they don’t!!! What would Rurik be bitching about if Susan did not let the town know about this offer…he would be crying why didn’t she tell us. He needs a new obsession. Get over, actually get out of Ridgewood and stop cost us money.

    He is so unhappy get out!!! You are not smart…just a smart ass. You must have had a rough childhood to have such a think skin. No one likes you, you are so annoying and you don’t care. Those 3 things mean CRAZY to me!

  10. An Voight is just as bad. What a liar. He must have an equally thick skin. But I guess you need it when you are wrong all the time!

  11. The staff of the Ridgewood blog……what staff? Who and how many ore on this staff?

  12. Halaby and Voigt, perfect together.

  13. How much did the town pay in total expenses to mail this out?

  14. The RW council got duped again and played their roles as useful idiots….

  15. Totally agree with 11AM comment. Usually Rurik turns my stomach but I tend to agree with him on this. In my view this VC is being really naive on this matter especially Susan and seems to have been taken for a ride. I can’t state enough on how disappointed I am the current council. They have done nothing, NOTHING to improve this town.

  16. Anonymous September 22, 2017 at 8:09 am asked……

    The staff of the Ridgewood blog……what staff? James Foytlin.

    Who and how many ore on this staff? James Foytlin, no one else.

    1. wrong but I appreciate the adulation

  17. 7:03 PM – hahaha, you would be surprised, very surprised, at some of the individuals who write for the blog. All sorts of people contribute news and information and write stories for THE BLOG. And commentators – people who HATE the blog contribute anonymously and try to pretend on facebook that they hate the blog. The “haters” posture and preach on Facebook how horrible the blog is, and all the while they are drawing attention to it and hoping everyone will read it so their own nasty posts can be seen and digested. A certain councilman who will not be named (but you all know who he is) checks the blog many times a day and comments on his own behalf. The husband of a former councilwoman abonymously posted slamming lies about another councilman. The blog is an organism, it is alive, it , Who knows, might even be YOU!

  18. The staff of the Ridgewood blog……what staff? James Foytlin.

    Who and how many ore on this staff? James Foytlin, no one else.

    James September 23, 2017 at 6:37 am

    wrong but I appreciate the adulation

    Wrong….ok prove I am wrong. Post the names of the Ridgewood Blog Staff.

    1. lol when you come out of the closet

  19. 9:47 – if you dislike the anonymity, why do you post anonymously? If you hate THE BLOG, why do you read the blog? No one makes you look at the blog. Your pomposity narrows you down to a handful of open blog-haters who read and post regularly. What a two-face. Pitiful.

  20. James said on September 23, 2017 at 2:32 pm

    lol when you come out of the closet.

    Oh what are you trying to hide James?

  21. So James apparently you have something to hide. If you didn’t you would publish the names of your staff.

  22. 4:04 PM – Apparently you do not understand the word ANONYMOUS. The entire success of The Blog is that it enables people (like YOU) to post ANONYMOUSLY. Clearly you do not want to be identified, you just want to send out anonymous snarky comments. But you are reading the blog, you are posting on the blog, so obviously you enjoy the blog. You have heard the old expression that you cannot have your cake and eat it too. Well, you cannot post anonymously and expect everyone else to be identified. There is a word for people like you, In fact there are are a few words for people like you. At the risk of being impolite while I post anonymously, let me just say that you are apparently not a rocket scientist.

  23. Hahahaha, the “pompous anonymous” poster wants everyone else’s anonymity revealed. Maybe old Halaby can coin a phrase for such a person….POMPANYMOUS. Guess what, you can’t know who all the anonymous posters are, even though we have pretty much figured out who YOU are. hahaha

  24. Somebody is trying to bait James Foytlin. Priceless. Why don’t you try to OPRA James’ private emails and his cell phone? Oh, that’s right, you can’t do that because the blog is a private site. And if you hate it so much why do you read it ten times a day???

  25. Hey MORONS at 6:48 pm, 7:28 pm & 7:51 pm,
    There is NO staff at the Ridgewood blog. It’s just James Foytlin, no one else. Only a MORON would think otherwise…which is why I called you all MORONS!.

  26. 8:51 – and you know this. Wow, are you wrong.

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