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Congressional Candidate Pallotta Blasts Anti-Hindu Resolution by Teaneck Democrat Municipal Committee

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Ramsey NJ, Frank Pallotta, candidate for Congress in New Jersey’s fifth Congressional district issued the following statement regarding the Teaneck Democrat Municipal Committee’s anti-Hindu resolution.

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I stand resolutely with the Hindu American community in condemning the recent resolution by the Teaneck Democratic Municipal Committee (TDMC) of Teaneck, NJ which maliciously labels almost every major Hindu American organization in the United States as an extremist organization which promotes hate and terrorism.
The Hindu American community is a peaceful, law-abiding minority community in the United States that has always been known to contribute positively to our country in many respects. I have the highest admiration and respect for this community and to label them as terrorists or extremists is incomprehensible.  This resolution is dangerous and should be opposed by responsible lawmakers everywhere. I stand firmly with the Hindu American community in condemning this anti-Hindu resolution and call for its immediate rescission.
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