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Congressman Josh Gottheimer Sides with “the Squad” over Public Safety

Josh Gottheimer

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ramsey NJ, Republican Congressional Candidate Frank Pallotta (N.J. – 05) issued the following statement on Congressman Josh Gottheimer’s latest alliance with Washington, D.C. radicals Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and “The Squad” after they voted against increased protections for Supreme Court Justices:

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“Each day, Congressman Gottheimer lets his true colors show. First, he sponsors the bill to defund the police. Today, he fully embraced the radical positions of AOC and her Woke Squad in his vote to deny greater protections for Supreme Court Justices who are receiving death threats.

“Extremists have taken over Washington. And Josh Gottheimer is one of them. He sold out our cops; he sold out our troops in Afghanistan; and now he sold out our Justices.

“Josh Gottheimer is a left-wing extremist. He always has been. His true colors are now showing – and he will be rejected by voters this fall.”

15 thoughts on “Congressman Josh Gottheimer Sides with “the Squad” over Public Safety

  1. Josh is an embarrassment to the state of NJ. Siding with radical weirdo AOC is the worst thing he could’ve done. And he did it. AOC is an outright Marxist who openly hates America. Vote these creeps out of office and save our country.

  2. Shame on Josh. He failed to be his own man on past occasions but his undisciplined political calculus underscores that he is not a problem solver, not a practical strategist, and certainly not my representative. Josh, you have put politics ahead of virtue and commonsense. I too am shamed by association and others (democrats and independents) should feel same. Shame on you Josh!

    1. The Congressman’s vote against providing safety for our Justices of the Supreme Court when it is obvious they are in great danger from the radical left because of possibility of Roe being overturned. So much for his being a “moderate”.

  3. Im tired of false advertising by little Josh.
    “Problem solver caucus, Jersey Values-= pure bullshit
    Hes a Democrat who votes with Pelosi and the radical left.
    Just look at the gas prices thanks for nothing little man

  4. Our district is NOT represented by a congressional representative that shares OUR values. This blowhard is always speaking with forked tongue. He says whatever is convenient when in district but shows his true allegiance to party and NOT THE PEOPLE with his votes in Congress. Josh has got to go.

    1. I congratulate you for using your name in making a comment on the Blog. Most correspondents hide behind the “Anonymous” name. When I make a submission, I am always careful that James uses my name. One of the major things wrong with the public discourse in the Village is that folks are unwilling to be identified with their comments. They hide in the shadows and often engage in personal attacks. To me this is cowardly. If you have something worth sharing, say who you are!

  5. He has to be punished at the voting booth for this gaffe.

  6. He’s not worried.
    Your clueless neighbors will overwhelmingly vote him back into office angainst their own best interests.


  7. Bolsheviks are very disciplined and vote with the Borg every time. Josh = AOC = Fidel Castro.

    1. He opposes medicare for all and the green new deal. He opposed net neutrality. He is widely despised by progressives.

      You’re talking out your ass. Again.

      1. All this coming from someone who refers to Leftist statist authoritarians as “progressives”. I bet you think Mao was progressive. If he will not vote for a bill that allows the SC to be free from intimidation by the Leftists’ paid street muscle, then he’s no moderate, he’s no “problem solver”. He belongs to the Borg. Who is this, his mom?

  8. He, and the others, did not vote against added security for the supreme court justices, they voted against a bill they felt should also have included other judges (federal, etc.) They voted against it because they felt it was too limited. The problem wasn’t the security, it was the bill.
    But let’s not let the truth get in the way of a good partisan attack.

    1. So in other words, he voted AGAINST added security, correct? The spin from the left is simply astounding. Instead of working is steps that move all of us forward, Josh would rather pick up his ball and go home, than move toward a solution. Nice job!

  9. No means no

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