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Controversial Historic Preservation Consultant Paid Over $30,000 by Village of Ridgewood

Injured Peter Primavera

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, in June of 2023 a Ridgewood blog reader commented on the return of Ā the controversial historic preservation consultant Peter Primavera and nicely sums up whatā€™s next for the Village of Ridgewood.

Reader says, ā€œThe property is on the national register of historic places. Thatā€™s it. This shady character has zero ability to change the fact, but just because youā€™re shady doesnā€™t necessarily mean youā€™re stupid. Heā€™s probably feeding the brain dead morons in the new council majority a line about how he can change the historic status while knowing full well he canā€™t. He then will proceed to draw this thing out for months, if not years. Of course he will be billing, charging fees and paying his buddy ā€œexpertsā€ for assistance. At the end of the day he wonā€™t be able to change the historic status, and therefore no field will exist at this site. Sucks for the Village tax donkeys, but itā€™s a nice payday for our shady pal.
But wait thereā€™s more! In this instance you might think that Pee Wee and the gang would lose the support of the sports people. Donations thin out as promises are broken. That and a 6 percent tax hikeā€”you would thinkā€” might make Pee Wee and Pamy vulnerable in next yearā€™s election. You know that horrible buzzer sound you hear when the contestant gets the question wrong. Think of it right about here. Youā€™re wrong. Because they will blame Susan for it, keep the support of the sports group with other promises and the majority of the tax donkeys will re-elect the lot of them. Following that, expect your 10 percent tax hike, pet projects and more dough for Pee Weeā€™s playhouses down town. Enjoy.ā€

According to an OPRA request, Ā that payday has come . Historic Consultant Pete Primavera was paid so far over $30,000 for his Ā ā€œdue diligenceā€ work in the Village of Ridgewood’s failed attempt to over turn historic restrictions on the Schedler property.


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29 thoughts on “Controversial Historic Preservation Consultant Paid Over $30,000 by Village of Ridgewood

  1. Why oh why doesn’t this council want to listen to the voters.
    Primavera over people
    Plastic over people
    Politics over people
    Enough… Vote in November

    1. You are ONLY a VOTER and TAXPAYER

      Your job is to PAY and SHUT UP

  2. Primavera came to Ridgewood by way of Gail Price who introduced him to her very good pal Mayor Paul Vagianos. When the Mayor questioned Mr. Primavera about past judgements or lawsuits that would put his reputation into question, he replied “I am not here to talk about my personal life”. As stated on the dais as well, was that Mr. Primavera had many people to whom he owed monies. People who worked for him and did not get paid. Then there was the lawsuit where he was sueing the YMCA for falling off of a bunk bed and then his latest arrest most recently. Paying this guy to come up with ridiculous schemes using hard earned tax dollars is an insult but as Deputy Mayor Perron said, He had presented ideas that no council had devised before, so I guess it was worth $30K, right Pam. On top of that, he called Siobahn Whinograd his informant, whatever that means. Shady is just about right.

    1. informant

      Use the accurate word: SNITCH

      1. Winograd I believe picked him up at the train station and drove him around reciting the history of the village, thus she because his “informant” about that and perhaps other matters concerning her agenda. How many other consultants, shady or otherwise, do you think get this kind of special treatment? The field is THAT important!

  3. 30k to Pasta Primavera.
    Who are the fuc%&#g tools running this town?

    1. 350,000 pavillionnto Habernickel for a business. Who is running this town?

      1. Waste of money but it is for Vagiano’s FTFL friends!!

        1. Maybe they will take pix of feed the frontline millions under the new pavilion

  4. ā€œdue diligenceā€

    That’s pronounced “doo-doo diligence.”

  5. -Gail Price-introduces Primavera to Paul Vagianos while he is a council person. Her husband is the chair of Parks & Recreation and conservation committee in Ridgewood;
    -Vagianos-brings Primavera in to meet Engineer and Manager before becoming mayor;
    -Vagianos gets Weitz/Whinograd to promote his agenda on council and vote him in as mayor
    -Primavera’s checkered past is not an issue for this mayor and majority council. He assures council that he knows how to navigate state application;
    -Primavera works with Vagianos/Whinograd to submit the rejected SHPO application deemed “technically and professionally incomplete” with random details provided not related to the project. Bee Man Mortimer, in with this group of bad actors, states that the application was “thorough” with fully verifiable “facts”. (sorry Frank that was fluff not facts but good try anyway);
    -Village of Ridgewood pays Suburban Engineering over $10,500.00 to resubmit state application including BOE statistics details not verified or confirmed by BOE in writing or verbally.
    -NJDEP mandates that Ridgewood must test soil for contamination;
    -Toxic contamination discovered on berm and additional soil testing is mandated;

    Stay tuned for tomorrow’s Village Council meeting to get the latest details on the toxic soil to find out if any more toxic chemicals have been discovered on the historic property and any remediation plan that will be required to fix these issues.

    Get your popcorn ready and plan to vote these jokers out of office in November.


    1. Tomorrow’s episode of “Here come the sludge” will feature more thrilling information that will be transparently communicated to the residents of Ridgewood about the soil testing activities->

      The outcome of the new soil testing will most likely yield some results, otherwise, why make it an agenda item when it could just be part of the Manager’s report? So, let’s put our thinking caps on and just guess:
      Yes, there is additional contamination or compounds that were found on the property, but the village is going to tell everyone that is is safe enough for your kids to roll around in it and do not worry, we are taking good care of it, don’t worry at all. ->

      Did Matrix call 911 to report this?

      Will Matrix be questioned in an interrogation like fashion?

      Will additional money be requested from Ridgewood residents to pay for the contaminated soil removal or the plan to remediate?

      Will Ridgewood get a package deal for soil clean up at Schedler and over at the Town Garage?

      Will Ridgewood receive an award for their efforts to clean up the contaminated soil?

      1. Will they clean up Habernickle too. Kids play and eat from that dirt

      2. They found Mercury and 2 other toxic chemicals.

        1. And in the end, long after this clown show has moved on, Schedler will revert to the 2018 plan everyone but these lunatics was happy was.

          But the VOR taxpayer will take the hit for this 3rd rate grifter, the remediation, and the class action lawsuits that are coming.

          And that’s what you get for not voting.

          1. Conversely, that’s also what you get for voting.

  6. The special interests “in club” that join the bandwagon and play the game for their own self important ego trips. Lots in the self appointed volunteer committees.

  7. When a member of the public referred to primavera as a SHYSTER, Pam Perron got her panties in a twist and said that was defamation. Nope Pam, it was accurate

    1. My goodness, what a weird CAPITALIZATION in your sentence….

      1. Contextually, it’s less weird than your choice to type the word “capitalization” in all-caps.

    2. Only an attorney can be a shyster and only a physician can be a quack.

      I learned this from the Robert Preston character, a doctor, in the movie “S.O.B.”

      Someone calls him a shyster and he corrects them.

      This guy may simply be a con man. You don’t need an advanced degree for that.

  8. The bottom line is letā€™s clean up all these locations so we donā€™t have to deal with it anymore. Yes itā€™s going to cost a lot of money, but it has to be done. You canā€™t just put fake plastic grass on top of it and think itā€™s going to go away. Remove it all

  9. Vote Vag in November. He promises he will get that stadium build after the next election. Shady Peter needs to bilk residents another $42k. The show must go on! Bring your own popcorn it goes nicely with the Kool-Aid they serve at the meeting.

  10. My first question would be did Ridgewood say they were done with Primavera, you know because they are always so transparent, you know. so the residents should have been notified.

    Question number two would be, if they are still planning to engage with him, despite his legal issues,in what capacity do they plan to utilize his services.

    1. Should our village attorney have checked into his credentials as they were brought up by the public? What does he do?

      1. I think members of the public brought up some issues on more than one occassion. What did Matt Rogers do? Absolutely nothing which is exactly what Vagianos and his merry band of morons, Perron, Weitz and Whino wanted. Clearly if they had wanted someone who wasn’t part of the puppet show, they would have chosen another individual.

        Just goes to show you what kind of governing body these guys are, so please remember to VOTE NO to Vagianos, Perron, Mortimer and vote for someone who can put the important matters in the village of Ridgewood at the top of the list.

      2. Nothing !!!!

        1. Matt is probably paid to make sure the council doesn’t get sued. That is why swino spends the whole meeting looking at him, nervous nellie and as an informant for PeePee not PeeWee it is anyone’s guess as to what is really going on in that bobble head.

  11. Lord only knows how much wining, dining and pocket lining has been going on with this crew. They are dirty, dirty, dirty birds of a feather, right from day 1 and seems the pot they are stirring is more contaminated than the soil at Schedler. Those poor neighbors to have to deal with all of the village bullshit and the idiot crew right down from the mayor, majority morons engineering, the new VM and I am sure a few others. Who else is in cuhoots, how many fake awards can they stand and smile for all the while it is a hotbet of toxicity. This bunch of ass clowns made big promises to all of their sports pals who supported them and voted them into office. There hasn’t been one honest attempt at doing anything during the whole ordeal which started when Paul met with the shady consultant all the while knowing that the guy had issues but he would make a great puppet for the puppetmaster. Later he glommed on to his informant swino and tooled around The very thought of them not delivering the field, especially in a re-election year for Vagianos and puppet Perron is not even an option. So many people long for the day when they pass the sandwich king of con on the street as the former failed mayor that almost bankrupt his village and sent all of the villagers into a doom spiral because of his selfish ways . But in the meantime, this merry band of bad actors will enlist more puppets into the production of “Stranger Things-A midsummer’s nightmare” while they scoop up the dirt with their shit shovels.

    it is time to vote no to the most toxic people who will run Ridgewood into the ground.

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