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Cory Booker Convenes Emergency ‘Summit’ for Jews Upset Over Iran Vote


file photo by Boyd Loving

The Question Remains :What did Cory get to Vote for the Iran Nuke Deal ?
PolitickerNJ’s sister site,, is reporting that Sen. Cory Booker will be hosting a pair of meetings designed to shore up support in the Jewish community in the wake of his controversial decision to support the president’s Iran deal. PolitickerNJ Staff, Politickernj Read more

9 thoughts on “Cory Booker Convenes Emergency ‘Summit’ for Jews Upset Over Iran Vote

  1. Instead of the current Iran deal that Obama and Kerry negotiated, and is supported by many countries world-wide ,we should have nuclear war and boots on the ground…. and all those who do not support Pres. Obama must fight the war ,yes, fight , wearing uniforms , with weapons , real fighting, not just shooting off your mouth. Fighting by joining the armed forces, and being shipped to the middle east.

    Who do you want fighting for you, the poor and underprivileged of this country….. no way, you don’t support Obama , you fight.

    Obama and Kerry are soooo brilliant. Unfortunately, the idiots don’t understand brilliance. In any area scientific, medical, artistic.

  2. Thats it

  3. Thats it Corey trying to cover all the bases. We know which way you are going to vote.

  4. Nice picture and I see that the Lap Dog is in the background.

  5. Can someone, anyone, tell me a single accomplishment that this man has made? I don’t care if it’s an accomplishment that doesn’t square with my personal political leanings. Anything will do. You see other than coming across as a charming guy and someone who seems to have a lot of friends in high places, I’m really stumped when I try and look for accomplishments using Google.

  6. Declan – he’s done nothing….but since when does that seem to matter to our neighbors ?

  7. Hey there Paul, where are your eyes looking?

  8. Can someone please tell me one thing this “stealth” senator has accomplished for nj?
    He’s just anothe cog in the wheel of the dumbocrats machine.

  9. Ha! Lap dog! Too funny!

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