the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, The Village Council created the Central Business District Advisory Committee (CBDAC) in 2016 to work with the Village Council, business owners and residents to evaluate and initiate enhancements to the CBD. This includes improvements to traffic flow and patterns, parking, pedestrian safety and the balance of commercial uses, while maintaining historic and aesthetic elements to create a more desirable, vibrant and memorable destination for all visitors.
The CBDAC is composed of thirteen members: a Village Council liaison; a Chamber of Commerce representative; a Ridgewood Guild representative; three business owners; five residents (one of whom is a member of the Citizens Safety Advisory Committee); the Chief of Police or designee; and the Village Engineer or designee. Resident and business members serve for renewable two-year terms.
Pamela R. Perron is the Councilmember liaison for the Central Business District Advisory Committee yet the councilmember continues to play dumb as the internal survey of Ridgewood Chamber of Commerce menders by the welcome back ridgewood committee on pedestrian plazas in Ridgewood . Ridgewood Chamber of Commerce President Gary Kolesaire said his internal surveys of members indicated that “at least half” did not want the plazas to continue. The councilmember is conveniently ignoring the president of Ridgewood Chamber of Commerce? What happens when businesses are jeopardized? What good does that do for the village? The councilmember either clearly has no clue as to what is going on in the central business district or she is working against the wishes of the members of the central business district in either case she should be removed immediately committee.
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As a council and chamber of commerce member, she supported the opening of Tide Cleaners, a corp franchise, right next door to a dry cleaner and directly across the street from a woman owned dry cleaner.
Well, we do not want to impact any business owned by a woman.
That is a fact .
Women need assistance and protection to succeed.
That is the message that is being sent.
Fraud alert !
Perhaps if Mr. Kolasaire was transparent and, as he as been asked many times, to share the names of the business owners who oppose the plaza, there would be no issue. While he refuses, there is a cloud of question surrounding his comments. I, too, want to know the name of those who are for and against the plaza. Don’t we have a right to know, and to test the legitimacy of his statements.
Maybe start with the businesses that are excluded by location outside of the designated pedestrian area. They are at a huge disadvantage to compete for customers
If the President of the Chamber gave a petition to the VC it is public information. This hiding it from the people and from colleagues by Susan Knudsen should be reported. He did not give it to one council person, as I understand it Susan was to share it with her council colleagues and didn’t. Another sham and indicative of why she should no longer be in office.
Remind me who elects the council? Businesses or residents?
Probably not a big mystery who favors and who opposes in the CBD. A small number of restaurants score a big win. Other merchants probably lose by the impact to parking and traffic flow.
My personal view is that temporary closing of the street on weekend evenings may be okay, but permanent closure would be a traffic nightmare.
So the reason for having a diverse cast of people on the committee is to have different viewpoints. And then you want to kick out someone because they don’t agree with some other member? If you want the chamber to have veto power, then just have chamber people on the council..no discord then.
I don’t care what anybody says the sneaky shit is going on. Nothing new in the village, dirty politics
Keep the low income housing in Paterson. We dont need the crime laden interlopers here