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Cyberbullying has been Major Problem at Ridgewood Schools for almost a Decade

tradition of excellence

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Cyberbullying has been major problem at Ridgewood Schools for almost a Decade . In 2009 News 4 New York reported that a 16 year old student who was outed by a teacher for being gay,  was then bullied ,became so depressed he had to finish his freshman year at home .

In 2010 the New York Times reported that Benjamin Franklin Middle school was rocked ,when sexually explicit threats were sent to a 6th grade girl by a 6th grade boy.

In the 2011/2012 school year the Ridgewood Board of Education passed a resolution criticizing and contesting the new HIB , Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying law . Dr Fishbien was quoted in Education News in December of 2011 claimed the Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying law was too expensive and just another ,” unfunded mandate  “.

In 2013 police investigated nude photos of a female Ridgewood High School student that had been posted over the internet . That same year the New Jersey Education Commissioner  upheld a bullying charge ruling against  Ridgewood over a name calling event.

Between 2014-2017 at lest on lawsuit alleged  that  some male students bullied  and harassed female students to collect sexually explicit photos of them to share with other students with full knowledge of the Ridgewood High School Administration .

Then of course in 2017 Ridgewood High School  had the social media fight which has led to another lawsuit against the school and written about extensively on this blog .


4 thoughts on “Cyberbullying has been Major Problem at Ridgewood Schools for almost a Decade

  1. No surprise, there are many adults that practice bullying in a variety of ways. Kids mimic what they see. We need to be better parents

  2. Welcome to Ridgewood

  3. I love when people make excuses

  4. The Ridgewood School “leadership” and the parents of these bullies are to blame. The same school leaders for the whole time. A decade of children being hurt in our schools is unacceptable. Lawsuits and pain for children. Very sad for our village.

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