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Demarest Board of Health: helping the bees during the summer months

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Demarest NJ, by way of Assemblyman Bob Auth ,according to the Demarest Board of Health in order to help the bees during the summer months there are fewer flowers and other food sources for bees.

Water is so rare and so many bees are drowning while trying to drink in the pools.
Grate an apple and add some water to a bowl. Bees will be able to get the sugars from the fruit and drink the water and not drown as they can stand on the pieces of fruit.

Our bee populations are under threat, let’s give them all the support we can.

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2 thoughts on “Demarest Board of Health: helping the bees during the summer months

  1. If we do not have bees to pollinate our vegetables its all over.
    Guaranteed china is looking at this

    1. This is a classic case of taking a scientific fact and exaggerating it into a crisis in order to promote and advance an unrelated liberal agenda item.

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