Herminio Mendoza, President of the Hispanic Republicans of North Jersey
Joshua Sotomayor Einstein
Attempting to take advantage of the mental health crisis and the rise in crime they created, the Democrat gun control lobby has once again decided to warp the facts around legal firearm ownership. Democrats have attempted to rebrand their policies to be about “safety” rather than what they are truly about – control. The policies Democrats have pursued, such as bail reform for violent criminals and defunding the police, have increased violence and crime particularly in working class neighborhoods.
Now these same Democrats have renewed their crusade to disarm law abiding working class Americans seeking to defend themselves from the same violent criminals the Democrats have released into their neighborhoods. They throw out “ideas” like 8 round magazine limits as if the most recent mass shooter didn’t fire more than 8 rounds from multiple magazines. They label every long barrel firearm an assault weapon as if there is any mechanical difference between a modern firearm with a pistol grip and one without. They pretend rounds often not allowed for hunting deer, such as popular home defense rounds like the 9mm (common in handguns) and .223 (the most common Armalite style rifle caliber), are especially destructive bullets that if banned would lead to safety. Yet they ignore the fact that tens of millions, including millions in Democrat states (and hundreds of thousands in NJ), concealed carry firearms because under Democrats crime has gone up and neighborhoods have been made more dangerous.
The Democrat gun control movement is not interested in solutions, they are about control and view working class people as dangerous in and of themselves. The proof is in the pudding – all their policies make owning firearms for self-defense more unaffordable for working class people. For example, under NJ’s “AR ban” (the Armalite style rifle, which Democrats call weapons of war), “AR’s” are not in fact banned but must be cosmetically altered to not have an adjustable stock and a removable muzzle break to be legally sold in the state. These cosmetic changes do nothing to protect NJ residents from violent criminals, but this and other regulations do make the price of firearms more expensive, putting securing home protection through legal means out of the hands of more and more of working class New Jerseyans.
The solution to school shootings and illegal violence in general is (not exclusively, but) simply more firearms. More firearms in the hands of law abiding citizens, and armed guards at schools (as well as bullet proof glass on doors) – making soft targets hard. Every large NYC financial institution and every city hall in NJ is protected by firearms. In Hoboken’s Steven Institute of Technology (and many other colleges) students are protected with armed campus police, and it is how many neighborhood bank branches are protected (though often with plainclothes security officers concealed carrying). It is also how our society protects the cash in armored cars.
Working class people and children in school deserve the same protection as the ruling class, money, politicians, and Wall Street financial institutions – protection provided by people with firearms. If Democrats were serious about saving lives, they would stop making firearms more unaffordable for working class law abiding citizens, focus on making schools less of a soft target, and stop releasing violent criminals onto the streets.
Democrats will never admit it
Criminals do not obey laws
Why won’t they enforce the current laws? (Like Hunter Biden lying on firearm app??)
The only thing criminals don’t want to face is an armed honest citizen
After the tragedy of 9-11 qualified airline pilots were permitted to have concealed carry, as well as undercover armed air marshals…
How many flights have been hijacked since that policy was implemented? ZERO
It PROVES how armed citizens are a deterrent
Not all armed individuals should own guns. Look at the innocent people shot for just entering the wrong driveway or knocking on the wrong house door. We’re a little too trigger happy. Why didn’t the homeowners call the police first rather than pulling the trigger? Arming everyone is not the answer.
how are those ‘gun free school zones’ working out
Yes lets ban all guns. Criminals will find guns regardless of ban leaving citizens with nothing to defend their homes. Just ridiculous
Fentanyl is banned yet we have a fentanyl epidemic…how can that be if its banned?
Fentanyl is coming into this country due to open orders.
We have an immigration policy that is not enforced by the current administration
These same Democrats have been telling us for years that drug laws don’t work, but they somehow think gun laws will.
12 percent of the population commits 80 percent of the violent crimes.
Criminals don’t obey laws
Its a culture problem.
Dad isnt at home to discipline the baby mommas 6 kids
So the Democrats blame the gun instead of the hand pulling the trigger
It’s easy to blame an inanimate object and it gets clicks and eyeballs.
Discussing empirical causes is BORING.
And discussing the root causes will lead you to……………………..
DEMOCRAT policies over the past 60 years.
The Democrats are OWNED by their supporters as much as they think LBJ was right about them owning their supporters for the next 200 years………