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Did Candidates Winograd and Weitz Ever Apologize for the Anti Catholic “Hans Lehmann letter ”

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, its amazing we have gone this far in the Village Council Election and no one has mentioned the infamous ,“Hans Lehmann letter ”. For those of you who are new to the Village , the “Hans Lehmann letter ” was an anti Catholic diatribe sent out in support by the Alexandra Harwin for Council campaign in 2018 . The anti Catholic tirade failed, Harwin  spent $40,135  and lost.

The following Ridgewood Residents were supporters of the  ill fated campaign:

Halaby, Rurik – $800

Pollock, Michael – $396

Vagianos, Paul – $500

Weitz, Evan – $500

Wilday, Gabriella – $500

Winograd, Siobhan – $500

“In what can now be only considered pure smear campaign , filled with lies. The letter goes on maligning not only a the mayors character but attacks Catholics from Our Lady of Mount Carmel and our Catholic school and Jamboree as well.

The Harwin campaign with nothing to run on except it lame attempt to slander Mayor Susan Knudsen . This conduct is SO far beyond the pale of good citizenship it bodes like the ruination of our community spirit.

None of the accusations are true. All have already been proven totally 100% false ,for one example, the flyer says that Susan accepted a $25000 prize from an organization with a vested interest in the parking garage. Clearly they were referring to OLMC, yet the raffle was not held by OLMC, but by another church in Glen Rock. Further, at a recent candidate coffee, a Ridgewood resident (who didn’t seem to know Mayor Knudsen) stated that he was the organizer of the raffle and there was no way that it could have been “fixed”.

The letter despicable letter was written by Hans-Jurgen Lehmann, Chairman of the Board of Adjustment and husband of Jan Phillps .

The question arises does Alexandra Harwin have a platform she’s running on or is it solely based on pointing fingers and slander? On the Ridgewood blog they have made attacks claiming ,anti Semitism, sexism, intolerance and nepotism . They have attacked both the Ridgewood Police Department and the Ridgewood Fire department . They have also used children to push they “agenda” at Ridgewood High School.

It’s pathetic and eerily smells like Paul Aronsohn has his hands in this. There is an undeniable connection between Paul Aronsohn, Jan Phillps, Jeff Voigt, Rurik Halaby , Gwenn Hauck ,Al Pucciarelli, Don Delzio, Hans-Jurgen Lehmann and Alexandra Harwin .

Hawin should disavow this mailer and resign from the council election immediately and Hans-Jurgen Lehmann should be terminated as Chairman of the Board of Adjustment .”


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18 thoughts on “Did Candidates Winograd and Weitz Ever Apologize for the Anti Catholic “Hans Lehmann letter ”

  1. Is every supporter of a campaign responsible for the words of every other supporter?

  2. So the three amigos have now become the 11 amigos??? Yikes!!

  3. I remember this well having had a High School student that was wondering why this woman Harwin woman came in to push her agenda. very strange

  4. can we also talk about Winograd’s relationship with Healthbarn? she did a video in the park advertising this one particular business in town, why? is she only supporting one? She mentioned it brought income into the town, I have to disagree, at this point the town would be making more money off of a residential rent. This business is surrounded by homes and in a designated residential area. What is Ms Winograds connection? and why does she support this one business that pays low rent, no town taxes and uses town resources for free?

  5. Knudsen has been in office for 8 years. She is very knowledgeable and very thorough. She is, however, very argumentative and will disagree with anything that certain council colleagues say. She disagrees with them regardless of what makes sense. It is exhausting. She opposed continuing the pedestrian malls because for unexplained reasons she wanted to please the UPS store and Mr. Joe Latona, who sells ridiculously expensive plates and bowls. No one, repeat NO ONE, ever complained about the closed streets, except for these individuals (whose complaints were never heard at a public meeting and are therefore unverifiable). She fought against the pickle ball hours even though MANY residents begged for longer playing times – she seemingly wanted to please ONE resident. She hates the Health Barn and she has messed up the Schedler endeavor. She seemed to scoff at the pandemic – countless citizens begged for the ability to call in from home and she flat refused. She scoffed at Councilwoman Perron for wearing a protective mask at her swearing-in in July of 2020. She did not get vaccinated for a long time, compromising the safety of everyone she met with. Time for a change. But the question is – WHO ? ? ?

    1. lots of errant information in the comment, over 40 merchants objected to the pedestrian mall the issue for the CBD is congestion getting in and out (especially after that stupid and very dangerous suicide bike lane) , the original health barn deal as total giveaway by the Village and many people object to commercial businesses in a park , in typical Ridgewood fashion the feed the frontlines benefits the restaurants enormously, which until recently never even thanked any of the hundreds of volunteers , 2 of the councilmembers are clearly beholden to developers and want to pave over the Village and build hosing projects, at a higher density than NYC leaving taxpayers holding the bag for new schools, additions to public safety , more water, sewage ,and a massive build up to road infrastructure , while they take he loot and retire in Florida , Schedler was messed up by the “town engineer” who messes up anything he touches ( valet parking and suicide bike lanes amongst many other things) ,according to the president the pandemic is over , BTW what’s the last thing you brought in the CBD and when ? Yes pickleball was dumb given the history of the Glen School courts, show up for the Village Council meetings they are often great entertainment, very social and are carried live on Youtube.

      1. yes Healthbarn was the give away of the century and if the mayor hated it so much she had ample opportunity to help those neighbors of the park. Instead, The business now has a new lease under the pretense that feed the front lines and HB foundation are located in that spot which is not true at all. as far as the Mayors hating HB, I truly disagree even though many many neighbors are not happy about a business in a park in a residential zoned area. The real question is did this
        ever go before the zoning board?

      2. I agree with James except, I think closing off Ridgewood Ave from Broad to Oak permanently for a walking mall only would be great.

        1. there is currently discussions in the works as to implementing the walking mall at limited times to attempt to accommodate both the restaurants and the merchants

    2. Ask Keith K to run again….

    3. I may agree on a few points you’re making about Susan, but this one : “She did not get vaccinated for a long time, compromising the safety of everyone she met with.” You must be N.U.TS
      So we should consider vaccination status for electing officials now? Quadruple vaccinated people are getting sick left and right yet you continue with your propaganda. Even vaccine makers are admitting that it doesn’t prevent transmission. Read something outside CNN, it may help you.

  6. why did Winograd choose the one business not in the CBD to advertise for?

  7. Time for new blood. How about thank the sanitation workers. It’s time

  8. Not voting for Knudsen. Time for a change

    1. yes you must support the local bigots

  9. Healthbarn was a Roberta Sonenfeld escapade, a big-bucks gift to her friend. Should never have been there or had its lease extended. Many many reasons for this. Major boondoggle including councilman Vagianos.

    1. And NO transparency back then. Knudsen was the only one who questioned the park give away. Now we are stuck with it


    It’s LEGAL (and encouraged) to be Anti-Christian.

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