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Driver Rushed to HUMC after Head On With Tree in Paramus

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

also follow Boyd on Instagram as well as Facebook.

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ,the driver of a Chevrolet Silverado crew cab pickup truck was pulled unconscious from his vehicle by Paramus Police ESU officers after he crashed head on into a tree in the 100 block of East Midland Avenue, Paramus late Thursday morning, 04/11. CPR was immediately begun by police officers, who were supplemented by arriving EMTs and paramedics. The victim was rushed by ambulance to Hackensack University Medical Center’s main campus. A flatbed tow truck removed the heavily damaged pickup truck from the scene. The single vehicle accident’s cause remains under investigation.

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6 thoughts on “Driver Rushed to HUMC after Head On With Tree in Paramus

  1. The driver’s family has posted on Facebook that he passed away.

  2. This is so sad. Sad for him. Sad for the family. Glad no one else was hurt. It is increasingly dangerous to walk on the sidewalk with cars going every which way. Stay alert

    1. Another argument for why there should be no sidewalks on Clinton Avenue! The minute they install a sidewalk cars will be going every which way and running over the chilluns!

      1. there is nothing special about clinton ave other than you want it as a private street

        1. Looks like that comment hit two dodo birds with one stone, as intended.

  3. Many years ago my wife was driving on Franklin Tpk in front of Don Bosco. A car in the other lane came right at her. When she glanced in the rear view she saw that the car hit the stone wall in front of the school. She turned around and tried CPR but he had already passed. Maybe that’s what happened here ?

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