the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Zoning Board of Adjustments Meeting tomorrow night February 27th @ 7:30 PM. Critics feel this sign will negatively impact the quality of life in the area . many neighbors feel they should have a say about a very large digital messaging double sided billboard descending on Ridgewood. If one is approved,there is no turning back and it will make it easier to install more at other locations.
An application for preliminary and final major site plan approval for the construction and operation of a single pole, double faced, digital multimessage advertising sign which is a prohibited use and will result in a second principal use; expansion of an existing non-conforming use and bulk variance relief at 500 Route 17 South, Block 4703, Lot 10, in the OB-2 Zone. (Continued from November 28, 2023 without further notice)
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Can’t wait to see this on route 17. This is going to be beautiful. come to the village and enjoy our restaurants. I can imagine all the ass kisses and put political figures that will be advertising on this, especially the contractors that work on the Christmas tree.
Me like it too. Downes will get special pricing for this.
And who exactly is paying for the construction of this is any money coming from Village funds? Any money coming from donations, or is the taxpayer funding this. And what would be the charge to advertise
Its a private billboard being constructed on private property with private funds. If anything, it will probably result in higher valuation for that particular lot (while ruining the neighborhood surrounding it). CBD business will be able to advertise a a rate set by the owner.
Vote NO!! on this puppy.
Wonder if Gail Price will be dialing in. After all she is the named partner of the law firm pushing this thing hard to get this passed in the village. Friend of Paulie V and recipient of allegedy received $47,000.00 mortgage loan from the mayor as well confirmed by public documents. One could speculate a lot of things with this scenario to increase business for certain business owners in the cbd.
Ridgewood is open for business….!
Lady plowed through the light pole knocking it down right past where this sign will be. Distracted driving, you betcha with a baby in the front seat no less. She could have killed people waiting at the bus stop and this TWO SIDED billboard will be yet another uneeded distraction for drivers on an already dangerous state highway. There will be nothing positive to gain by allowing this except for the property owners getting a big payday. Say NO!
This thing is beyond unsafe given a school next door where children wait for their parents in the parking lot. Not to mention the questionable advertisements that we do not need to distract drivers. This should be a hard NO.
Vote no, this is going through. Who is voting on this?
Zoning Board will vote on April 23rd. Now Crest View residents may be impacted as the billboard may be able to be seen from up above. It is a 2 sided light emitting diode (LED) construction that will be very brightly lit. One speaker said that she can see the one in Oakland from 10 miles away driving on Rt 208. If people do not come out to object, it is likely that this will be passed. So for all of those people who think it isn’t in their backyard, guess again. This company will also probably apply for more in other areas of Ridgewood (LED or “old fashioned”). Does Ridgewood want this? Your vote counts-show up and speak.
I hope it’s nonstop ads for this year’s Pedestrian Plaza and It’s Greek to Me.
You must be friends with Paul Vagianos?
I don’t trust anyone who doesn’t understand sarcasm.
This town is turning into a total dump.
but we have designer garbage cans in the CBD and a triple AAA rating.
CREST VIEW RESIDENTS-your homes may be impacted by the double LED billboard that is up for application with a final vote on April 23rd. Please do your due diligence and find out if this may have an impact and whether you will be able to see the bright lights from up above. I can only assume this will bring property values way down low and the only people benefitting are the media company and property owner-funds do not go to Ridgewood. Although they did say that aside from advertisements, they can put town events on there like hours of oepration for Graydon Pool, etc.
Shitshow shangrila. One zoning member, Gary, knew next to nothing about anything going on in the village. Maybe he was tired and wanted to go hone. Called the Schedler property, Schindler and said he heard they were going to build a berm. Hate to break it ro him, this was built a few years ago. Also he heard the house was still being moved. It’s always great when someone with the power to levy a vote is do uninformed. Good job, Ridgewood.