November 7,2017
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Bloomfield NJ, in what can only be termed as a very disturbing turn of events, at around 4 AM EST, Monday, 11/6, an unknown group hacked the web sites of a number of companies nationwide, including the one that hosts the District’s and schools’ web sites. For about two hours, our web sites displayed an ISIS-sponsored YouTube video. Around 6 AM, the hacked page was brought down and by about 7 AM full functionality and control were restored.
The FBI and investigative agencies are looking into the matter. The District reports that at no time was confidential student or staff data compromised. The internal computer and data systems within the District were completely unaffected. Everything that happened occurred at the web host’s companies server farms in Atlanta, Georgia and Florida. We are awaiting a formal press release from SchoolDesk, our web host company, and will publish it as soon as it is released.