April 13,2018
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, according to Councilmen Ramon Hache, “The budget process is never easy, especially in an age of budget caps that are below the rate of inflation. Basically we have to, at a minimum, deliver the same level of services every year with a limited capacity of raising revenues to meet the increased cost of delivering those services.” Hache goes on , “Changes to federal income tax laws at the end of 2017 have adversely impacted many of our residents by sharply reducing the amount of state and local income taxes (“SALT”) they can deduct in determining taxable income. Mindful of this, we worked very hard with our department heads to come up with a budget that would not place an additional undue burden on our residents. On April 11, the Village Council will introduce a municipal budget with a property tax increase of 0.99% over 2017. Please note this is just the municipal budget and does not include the Board of Education or the county.”
Final 2018 Budget Presentation
2018 Final Budget Presentation
Well done Village Council. Roads are getting repaved, Master Plan getting done, open space being preserved, IT improvements, Graydon improvements, and civility restored.
Roads are getting repaired?? In what fairy tale village do you live? Civility restored? Did you watch the village freak show as the mayor came unhinged?
The freak show was voted out in 2016. It’s trying to make a comeback w Harwin/Willet. No thanks.
11:04am is right on the money.
The mayor firmly and quietly defended herself against bizarre accusations swirling from those desperate to regain power. If you want to see a council member become unhinged, videos are available of previous council meetings starring the ravings of Aronsohn, Pucciarelli, Hauck, and more recently, Voigt.
Sell Ridgewood Water. Period. My water costs per quarter are up 12x in 20 years. College costs aren’t even that steep.
I hope I can repay Pleasant Avenue
Lol Valdes, you sound a bit unhinged.
The roads are AWFUL – everytime they rip one up – which is quite often – they just slap some tar on it and move on – They never get repaired properly