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Football under the lights at the new Hudson Street Athletic Field in Ridgewood ?

Municipal Parking Structure

by the staff of The Ridgewood Blog

Ridgewood NJ, several Ridgewood police cars were observed rushing into the Hudson Street Parking Garage shortly before 10 PM on Wednesday night, and heading up the ramps to the top floor.  Bystanders looking on from the sidewalk in front of Mt. Carmel wondered if there was a serious crime in progress, or worse yet, a distraught person threatening a jump from somewhere on the top floor.

Fortunately, there was no crime to speak of happening, nor was there a mentally imbalanced person threatening to harm themselves.  There was, however, a pick-up football game taking place under the lights on the top floor.

The RHS Stadium, Stevens Field, Vets Field, and Maple Park are often illuminated in the evening, but flood waters from Hurricane Ida have rendered all of those fields unusable.  So, what better place to play a quick pick-up game than the well illuminated and totally empty top floor of the Hudson Street Parking Garage.  An ingenious idea for sure, with plenty of on-site parking available to boot!

The responding Ridgewood Police  officers quickly and safely dispersed all football players and their fans.

We can all rest in peace now that the top floor of the parking garage is empty once again.  But, just maybe, football and other sports might be played there for real in the not-too-distant future – can’t let that space sit idle forever, can we?

19 thoughts on “Football under the lights at the new Hudson Street Athletic Field in Ridgewood ?

  1. It gets better and better with each passing day. And that asshole Vagianos wants even more parking built. Crazy!

  2. Effen hilarious !

  3. I actually think this is fantastic.
    Put up the damn safety railings and let’s find alternate use of the space.

  4. Why hasn’t anyone yet suggested a driving range? OK, maybe just a mini-golf course…
    BUT – why not big nets and a few tees? And for the really long ball hitters, maybe Village Hall could put a green on its roof!

  5. What was the score ?
    lower then the cost of the garage
    Let’s go football 🏈

  6. What was the score ?
    At least it went into some kind of use
    Imagine if it was a real game
    The parking spaces would fill up. !
    Imagine that ! 🏈

  7. RHS lays down a new ‘maintenance free’ carpet and the football teams barely use it before it floods again and we’re stuck with a 150k cleaning bill. Brilliantly stupid.

  8. I LOVE miniature golf! That would be the only conceivable reason I would enter that building. Except to throw things on people, of course…just kidding.

  9. Sounds good multi sports and maybe even a hockey rink. Let’s use it.

  10. Vagianos wants more parking because it’s good his HIS own business interests. Not yours. However, you pay for it, not him. Talk about a case of OPM (other people’s money).

  11. Once again Ridgewood is the laughingstock not being able to have any home games for any of their sports teams at any age level! Surprised Chuck Johnson walking on water didn’t fix the fields!

  12. Oh what a mess.

  13. At last, some form of flood planning for our athletes.

  14. “Once again Ridgewood is the laughingstock ”

    Glen Rock isn’t far behind, but they don’t have a great blog like this one.

    Oh, but they have a smoke shop……………….

  15. Where is there smoke shop located.

  16. “Where is there smoke shop located.”

    On the west side of Rock about 50 yards from the Main Line train tracks. I think where the burger joint used to be.

    Opened by a 24 YO who made money on crypto, so they say.

  17. This is got to be the biggest and worst investment the village ever done in 100 years. Has it ever been filled up yet. They should try giving out free parking for one weekend and see how that works. Just for the sack of it.

  18. I wish the garage was the biggest and worst investment the Village ever made. But, no, in a act of incredible stupidity, they will go ahead the buy the Town Garage and assume any and all environmental liability that comes along with it. Could be millions of dollars in soil remediation and many millions more if they find a plume in the groundwater beneath and/or downstream of the garage. Now THAT would be the worst investment over made! Most expensive park ever.

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