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Former NYPD Commissioner Bernard Kerik Calls NJ Gun Mag Law That Disarms Police ,”Insane”

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Trenton NJ, According to, Governor Phil Murphy (D) signed the bill into law in June, which also states that an officer may not be convicted of a criminal offense if he or she voluntarily surrenders a weapon in question.

Former NYPD Commissioner Bernard Kerik said Sunday on Fox & Friends that the law is not only “outrageous,” it also puts officers at risk.”You’re taking the ability away from the cops to possess the rounds they may need in a gun battle. … That’s insane,” he said.

The law applies to New Jersey residents as well as off-duty officers, and Kerik said Murphy has essentially taken guns “away from the people” of the state.”It’s one thing if you violate a rule of a department,” Kerik added. “But this is a law. A criminal law, and it makes you, then, a criminal. So, this is just crazy.”

6 thoughts on “Former NYPD Commissioner Bernard Kerik Calls NJ Gun Mag Law That Disarms Police ,”Insane”

  1. NJ gun mag law that disarms citizens is insane.

  2. our poor children are being turned into useless mush (aka useful tools).

  3. All the law will do is make criminals out of nj gun owners that purchased then legally .
    Most other states will grandfather the ownership if they change the law, but not in nj.
    Do you really think the thugs in Newark Paterson and Camden with their illegal guns from down south will only buy those with 10 round magazines

  4. You mean Kerik the convicted felon?

    1. and Murphy did hire him yet , go figure

  5. James a serious question around holiday times .

    where do you you hide your elves that keep the blog steam engines churning when you are away during holiday and family time.

    serious bloggers really want to know

    seasons greeting Ridgewood Blog community..the top of the peak in relevant issues and events.Keep up the great work James and elves and Company

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